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08-10-2010, 04:12 PM
Afghan widow given more than 200 lashes before being shot dead by Taliban for adultery was PREGNANT

By Mail Foreign Service (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=y&authornamef=Mail+Foreign+Service)
Last updated at 4:51 PM on 10th August 2010

Comments (97) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1301487/Bibi-Sanubar-Afghan-widow-shot-dead-Taliban-adultery-pregnant.html#comments)

The Afghan woman publicly executed by Taliban militants for alleged adultery was pregnant, it emerged today.
The victim, 48-year-old Bibi Sanubar, was flogged up to 200 times before being shot on Sunday - in the head and chest - in the remote Qades district. Her alleged lover managed to escape.
Abdul Jabbar Khan, security chief in the Taliban-controlled area, said the killing was ordered after the woman allegedly killed her newborn child to conceal illicit sex.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/08/09/article-1301487-0AA9B6D2000005DC-919_468x313.jpg Execution: Afghan women praying at a shrine. Taliban militants killed the widow for allegedly committing adultery

The international coalition in the country issued a slightly different version of the incident, saying Sanubar was a still-pregnant widow who was killed for alleged adultery.
Elders in the village of Quds contacted Taliban commanders after the woman's pregnancy became known. A local official said: 'She had an illegal relationship with a man who was not her husband.'
But he added: ' Her husband died many years before. Then she became pregnant so, according to Islam, we gave her a very strong punishment. It was more than 200 lashes. Then we shot her.'
Afghan police said the body was later dumped in an area under government control.


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Khan told The Times newspaper: 'This was not the way she should have been punished. She should have been arrested and we would have had proof that she had an illegal affair. Then she should come to court and face justice.'
'Justice', Afghan style, is still relatively harsh. Rape victims, for example, are prosecuted for having sex outside of wedlock.
Under Afghan law Sanubar would have been jailed for up to three years if found guilty of adultery, but many women are then returned to their families to face traditional punishments, including so-called honour killings.
Sanubar's execution comes days after an Aghan woman was flown to the U.S. to have reconstructive surgery after the Taliban cut off her nose and ears - after she tried to escape from an abusive husband.

Qades is an isolated area held by Taliban militants in north-western Badghis province.
When in power from 1996 until 2001, the radical Taliban staged public stonings or lashings of those found to have sex outside marriage.

Sunday's execution would be the second of a woman by the Taliban since they were ousted from power nine years ago.

A woman was previously executed for alleged spying for foreign forces.
The judiciary in neighbouring Iran last month suspended a sentence of death by stoning for a woman convicted of adultery after an international outcry over the case.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1301487/Bibi-Sanubar-Afghan-widow-shot-dead-Taliban-adultery-pregnant.html#ixzz0wEg9MuEv

08-10-2010, 05:50 PM
I was talking to a shopkeeper which I buy every morning my coffee from (Spar) he is from Pakistan, and I asked him are any of your relatives affected by the floods and he said no
the floods are in the more nordic region and he said thats were the taliban is.
It was quite interesting because he said they are not the same taliban as in afghanistan but they follow the rule of the afghanistan taliban.
He also said he himself coundn't go in the region without fear being killed and said he has seen videos of them cutting of hands and hanging them on trees and of course the beheading videos (I didn't mentioned
that I have seen most to all of them) he also said - he cannot believe that people still think of them as humans they are technicaly sepaking humans of course but fucking dark and twisted.

08-10-2010, 07:13 PM
Religion is mass produced morals. Unfortunately, in this case, their morals have been
twisted way beyond belief. It's amazing what people will do in the name of god.
This is another sad case that adds to a giant heaping pile of bullshit that comes out of that region.

Motherfuckers need to be dealt with.

08-11-2010, 05:07 AM
You think the Old Testament God that ordered Saul, David, Joshua, etc to eradicate entire "wicked peoples" civilizations wouldn't do the same to the Taliban? A'stan has morphed from a politcial fight (stopping terrorism's breeding ground) to a MORAL fight (stopping the enslavement of region).

This "culture" (as the leftists defend it by labeling as)needs to be erased from the earth. Children shouldn't have to be forced into it.

08-12-2010, 11:03 PM
main moral of this story DONT live in the middleeast

08-14-2010, 11:09 AM
These fucking savages live in the stone age! Kill them all and be done with it!!!

08-14-2010, 05:45 PM
These fucking savages live in the stone age! Kill them all and be done with it!!!

That solves nothing. We need to impose a western- style government there. If they had mobiles, mcdonalds and office work, cities and so on, they'd spend less time on their nutcase religion.

08-16-2010, 09:54 PM
That solves nothing. We need to impose a western- style government there. If they had mobiles, mcdonalds and office work, cities and so on, they'd spend less time on their nutcase religion.

Dont be a head in your ass numbnut all your life there bro. Many countries have all that you listed and still are under Sharia law and have muslim radical scumbags. McDonalds burgers will not all of a sudden cause these jackoffs to change their views. Your entire post reaks of liberal progressive pansy ass peace tree hugger crap.

And sorry bub, wiping them out would work. Not sure what world you live in, but in this world once a person, or in this case a shitload of people, are dead, they tend to not cause anymore issues. Sort of like executing a killer, it may not stop murder, but it sure stops that fool from killing again.

Now do us a favor, pull your head from your ass, face reality, stop repeating regurgitated rhetoric you have seen on the dailykos, and stop the stupidity!

08-16-2010, 09:57 PM
Dont be a head in your ass numbnut all your life there bro. Many countries have all that you listed and still are under Sharia law and have muslim radical scumbags. McDonalds burgers will not all of a sudden cause these jackoffs to change their views. Your entire post reaks of liberal progressive pansy ass peace tree hugger crap.

And sorry bub, wiping them out would work. Not sure what world you live in, but in this world once a person, or in this case a shitload of people, are dead, they tend to not cause anymore issues. Sort of like executing a killer, it may not stop murder, but it sure stops that fool from killing again.

Now do us a favor, pull your head from your ass, face reality, stop repeating regurgitated rhetoric you have seen on the dailykos, and stop the stupidity!

Um... Something tells me you cannot detect sarcasm.