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View Full Version : Instruction Center Jungle War (CIGS) of the Brazilian Army

08-08-2010, 01:12 PM
Original post: Alexandre Fontoura " Defense & Security"

The Brazilian Army leads the jungle and fighting in the jungle very seriously. After all, the country is possessed of most of the most extensive tropical forest in the world, the Amazon rainforest, which in turn holds the largest biodiversity on the planet. On top of that, besides the wealth that may result from the correct operation of the biodiversity in Amazonian soil are incalculable mineral resources. And the Army demonstrates the importance it attaches to this region located in Manaus, capital of Amazonas state - which, incidentally, holds 95% of its vegetation untouched - the seat of CIGS.

As institution in charge of preparing men and troops to the defense of the Brazilian Amazon, CIGS has the following missions:
- Specialize officers, warrant officers and sergeants in operations in the jungle;
- To advise and train forces in the area of the Amazon and other regions for operations in the jungle;
- Test material for military operations turned to the jungle and to propose new equipment, and
- Establish and validate the doctrine of employment of forces in operations in the jungle.
With the responsibility of promoting and developing the doctrine of war and operations in the jungle, the CIGS maintains in its organizational chart, the Doctrine and Research Division, composed of two sections: Section of the Doctrine and Research Section. And the officers are stationed in these sections are responsible for everything that concerns the improvement of technical and tactical employment of fighters, weapons and war equipment in the jungle.

Being selected for the course of operations in the jungles of CIGS is a goal for many Brazilian and foreign military. Able to graduate and earn the coveted "Short of Oz" is a goal achieved by few: to be exact, are less than four thousand so far. And there is good reason: the jungle environment, which is already extremely hostile to humans, has its physical effects on the body of the fighter enhanced by warm and humid climate. Thus, the physical tests are rigorous, and begin upon arrival of candidates for the Jungle Operations Course (SOC). No man below the required fitness is accepted into the course, since the result would be dangerous both for him and his colleagues.

Courses and stages of CIGS
The Jungle Operations Course (SOC) are three:
A) COS Category "A" - Approximate duration of six weeks, returned to senior officers of all Military Command Area.
2) COS Category "B" - duration of ten weeks and returned to captains and lieutenants of Arms / Frames / Services of the Amazon Military Command, Navy, Air Force and the United Friends.
3) COS Category "C" - Term of ten weeks, for warrant officers and sergeants of arms / Frameworks / Services of the Amazon Military Command, Navy, Air Force and the United Friends.
The internships offered by CIGS are intended to:
- Military Army, other military and police institutions (life in the jungle and operations);
- Organs civilians whose basic knowledge of jungle life are essential to the development of their activities (INPA, Petrobras, IBAMA, University of Amazonas, Fire Brigades etc.).
To provide proper education, CIGS has the following Basis of Instruction (BI)
BI 1 - Marechal Rondon
BI 2 - Placido de Castro
BI 3 - Lobo D'Almada
BI 4 - Pedro Teixeira
BI 5 - Ajuricaba.

10-29-2010, 01:48 AM
would be a good course to take just in case stranded there plus im sure a lot of it translates to other forests as well, how much for civilians??