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View Full Version : its open season on cops in chicago

07-18-2010, 06:36 PM

sad news at 2-3 am this morning a 20+ year chicago officer got shot and killed by some scum [police think they were trying to rob him] this is the 3rd officer to get killed by these POS,,its time for the police and regular citizens to make a stand and turn in or just kill these magots,,mayor daleys dad the former mayor wouldn't have let this happen [he would have ordered the police to ''shot to kill every gang banger and scum out there'' tll he retook control of the streets of chicago

07-19-2010, 03:53 AM
And this folks is why "Gun Control" is keeping EVERYONE safe, right Dailey?

The blood is on his hands.

Thank God I don't live around there anymore. I can defend myself and my family in public if the need arises.

07-19-2010, 04:04 AM
And this folks is why "Gun Control" is keeping EVERYONE safe, right Dailey?

The blood is on his hands.

Thank God I don't live around there anymore. I can defend myself and my family in public if the need arises.

You think Richard the Turd cares about anyone in Chicago whose bank balance doesn't consist of whole integers with six or more zeros behind them? Cops? Law Abiding Citizens? Criminal Scum? They're all the same to him and just as expendable.

07-19-2010, 06:01 AM
You can take away the guns but you can not take away the hate in there hearts.