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07-14-2010, 09:30 AM
Dutch close to end
14 July 2010

The Netherlands' partnership with Australia in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, will come to an end on August 1.

The Dutch-led Task Force Uruzgan began in 2006 when Dutch forces first arrived in the province.

Dutch and Australian forces have worked together on rebuilding local infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and mosques and improving the local security situation.

Task Force Uruzgan Commander Brigadier-General Kees Van den Heuvel said from August 2006 Dutch forces worked hard with Australian forces under difficult circumstances.

"We originally started working in only the populated centres starting very small and we then expanded into other areas," he explained.

"The first two years were tough times within this province as Uruzgan is one of the poorest of Afghanistan's provinces and it was difficult for government officials to access it, to help the people.

"We have always worked with the population in a three-D approach; defence, diplomacy and development, which was similar to Australia's whole-of-government approach."

From 2007, Task Force Uruzgan's efforts, in cooperation with Australia, saw some major achievements.

"Now there are people working again, children are going to school, people have access to basic medical facilities and hospitals, there is a greater freedom of movement for the people so they can now start businesses and we have, I think, done something for the position of women," he said.

"The most important thing we've achieved is that now people have a future."

Brigadier-General Van den Heuvel said his country and Australia were similar in many ways. "We've worked closely together, we are related to each other as a lot of you originated from Europe and we have the same 'can do' mentality wanting to make things happen.

Former Commanding Officer of Mentoring Task Force 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Jason Blain said Australia's relationship with the Dutch in Uruzgan province was close.

"It was a strong, transparent and open relationship and they did a lot of good work in this province, leaving a great legacy we need to continue," he said.

"They established very strong relationships throughout all the tribes maintaining balance as their focus, which paid dividends for us.
"We will maintain this balance so disputes between tribes don't occur, creating opportunities for insurgents.
"We are close friends and colleagues and we will miss them," he said.


07-14-2010, 04:05 PM
Yeah right, whats a spliff between friends ?

07-15-2010, 12:32 AM
Ahhh the dominoes continue to fall.

Poland, Spain: You're next!

07-15-2010, 04:41 AM
Mick you have forcasted this some time ago, Buddy.
So whats is next Mick ?

07-15-2010, 06:09 AM
I'm guessing Italy, France and Spain will quit by January 2011.

We'll see, but we know they're cowards that don't have the resolve to see the fight through. None of the "Coalition" has the balls to get the job done besides the UK (with those crazy ass Gurkhas, lol) and the US.

07-15-2010, 09:15 AM
Hi Mick,
I speak to many soldiers on this matter and they agree we should not stop or pull out untill the job has been done.
They have lost close close friends. One guy said, I want to finish it so my sons are not back her in 10 to 12 years.
For me it is the cost to the ordinary guy, families and loved ones on both sides of the pond that have lost loved ones US has lost thousands.
All governments need to come out of this smelling of roses if not they will smell of shit and Shit is a long lingering smell that will not wash off so easy.

::My thought for the day::
A politician can broker war or peace with the same hand shake, it doesn't need to have a spine.
Spine is the job of a soldier, courageous, steadfast under fire. A soldier buys time for politicians in blood

07-15-2010, 09:48 AM
^I agree with you.

If we lose this and quit, then it emboldens Al Qaeda and gives them even more motivation to attack us. Actually, it legitimizes them in the eyes of "fence-sitting" muslims that are wary of our actions in the region as is.

We (the US) have an OVERFULL military, across 4 branches. It's time to send more troops over there, and it's time to take a gamble that can be afforded by a surplus military. We don't have endless numbers but we have realistic numbers that can bear this burden. There are enough "lifers" such as myself who are willing to take numerous deployments because we believe in this fight. Those Eurotrash cowards that WILL abandon us don't have the gumption, courage and temerity to suffer losses as we do. Their countries are already moving towards Sharia Law as is. Fuck 'em.

07-15-2010, 10:09 AM
Hi Mick
The boots on the ground echo your thoughts.
one guy said if we leave its our Vietnam and our struggle will not be reconised.
Tiny said we will fight becouse its right and now they are pulling the rug from under our feet
Tell you what Mick i could not give then a reason for other than lack of spine of our Members of Parlement

07-15-2010, 11:01 AM
This IS the make or break conflict that will determine the "English Allies' " (Aus, UK, US, Can) position of power in the world for the future. If we are to be taken seriously, we MUST win in A'stan. It's going to require bodybags, widows and fatherless children, but so did the stopping of the Axis Powers in WWII. We stopped at nothing to achieve that victory, and we must do the same in order for our homelands to remain safe.

07-15-2010, 11:07 AM
This IS the make or break conflict that will determine the "English Allies' " (Aus, UK, US, Can) position of power in the world for the future. If we are to be taken seriously, we MUST win in A'stan. It's going to require bodybags, widows and fatherless children, but so did the stopping of the Axis Powers in WWII. We stopped at nothing to achieve that victory, and we must do the same in order for our homelands to remain safe.

Amen to that man, what you guys have said is 100% true and my thoughts exactly.

Thank you for this discussion, hopefully it will open the eyes up to others.