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View Full Version : Jihadi Killer Hour Tonight Guest Michael Yon

Humbled Infidel
11-23-2008, 06:38 PM
:USA: (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stations/HeadingRight/patdollard)

Pat Dollard's Jihadi Killer Hour BTR show:


Michael Yon will be Pat's guest. They will be talking about the Victory in Iraq (that not one of the main stream news orgs reported on...they totally buried this report) which was Nov. 22, 2008. Plus they will be talking about the war in Afghanistan.

Michael Yon just left Iraq and is back in Afghanistan now.

To catch the show, go here (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Default.aspx) to register and to the link below for the show. Heads up, if you come to the show and want to listen - you will need to register, otherwise you will appear as a guest in the chatroom and you will be blocked which will remove you from hearing the show. The blocking is for very good reasons, lets just say internet trolls, that should clear up any questions.

Show time is:

7:00 pm PST
9:00 pm CST
10:00 pm EST

"Obamanomics And Free Speech ... 'Get Some' Before He Takes It" (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stations/HeadingRight/patdollard/2008/11/24/The-Sunday-Night-Jihadi-Killer-Hour-Obamanomics-And-Free-Speech-Get-Some-Before-He-Takes-It)

Humbled Infidel
11-23-2008, 10:11 PM
New topic for tonights show: "Tonight we will be discussing the concept of how Obama’s economic plan really is akin to FDR’s … As a matter of fact, it is being called a “New Deal II” … When, in fact, FDR’s (http://patdollard.com/2008/10/john-kerry-wants-a-new-deal-ii-for-the-country-because-the-first-one-worked-out-so-nicely/) and Adolf Hitler’s (http://patdollard.com/2008/11/dictatorial-obama-says-economic-crisis-makes-his-socialist-government-works-program-of-america-not-negotiable/) socialist party mirrored each other."

11-24-2008, 01:25 AM
This new deal II and job creation will be good for our economy i'm not worried. It's much better than people sitting around helpless and out of work, far better.

Humbled Infidel
11-24-2008, 01:42 AM
This new deal II and job creation will be good for our economy i'm not worried. It's much better than people sitting around helpless and out of work, far better.

What about the people who don't want to work, but want to sit home on their lazy butts all day because they can get the funds needed to live for free from you because you want to work?