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View Full Version : Does preaching democracy actually hurt the U.S.?

11-22-2008, 10:08 PM
I figured i'd just ask this flat out one day so I might as well. Why in the world does the United States continue to spread Democracy to the rest of the world?

What does this do for us in the long run, how does it help? It's like feeding the world in one instant all of your deepest tried and tested secrets of success. While I see how the spread of democracy might be beneficial to the WORLD population in the long run, what does it do to promote American superiority?

Why do we spread capitalism to countries such as Japan or even Germany, so they can compete with us in global markets? Do we want a democratic China competing with us?

The fact of the matter is there's huge American hatred around the world, and many people simply do not appreciate our ideologies and feelings so why the hell do we bother?

Why don't we pull out and care simply for and only for our country. Forget giving billions of dollars of aid to Georgia or Israel, forget helping all these nations compete with us economically. In the promotion of free society and prosperity, we are decreasing the prosperity and overall competitiveness of our country and for what reason?

To sacrifice the factories and jobs that sustain the lives of millions of Americans? To prove to the world that hates us as it is that we're a great nation?

We should defend the helpless, forget the beggars, the users, and those that look to compete with us and oust us from our world position.

I just don't see it folks, why do we help other nations succeed? Why do we help nations who want to take our world position, participate in our success? Why do we let countries such as China get away with economic protectionism and let them into our open markets?

How does it help the United States to teach others its ways of success, how does it help us to help those who want to hurt us?

Humbled Infidel
11-23-2008, 03:32 AM
To see where we've gone wrong today, we need to look back where we came from and where we got off track. Just check out the difference of the education of our country from it's beginnings all the way to the 20th century.

Here's a good video by Historian David Barton that talks about this.


Humbled Infidel
11-23-2008, 03:32 AM
Why when I post a video on here, the video double post?

11-23-2008, 02:03 PM
Why when I post a video on here, the video double post?

I should have just taken care of that issue.