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07-08-2010, 11:20 AM
Westboro Says Funeral Protests Protected

July 08, 2010
Associated Press

BALTIMORE -- The fundamentalist church that picketed the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq with anti-gay signs argued Wednesday that its actions were protected by the First Amendment's constitutional protection of political speech and protests.

An attorney for the Westboro Baptist Church submitted a 75-page brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear arguments in a lawsuit against the church this fall. Albert Snyder of York, Pennsylvania, claims that the church's free-speech rights did not trump his First Amendment right to peacefully assemble for his son's funeral.

The Topeka, Kan.-based church believes that U.S. military deaths are God's punishment for tolerance of homosexuality. Founder Fred Phelps and six of his relatives picketed the 2006 funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder in Westminster, Md., carrying signs that read "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "You're Going to Hell," among other statements.

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Attorney Margie Jean Phelps, the church founder's daughter, will argue the case before the Supreme Court. She argued in her brief that Westboro did not disrupt the funeral in part because its protest was 1,000 feet (305 meters) away from the church, on a public street. Snyder did not see the protesters and could not read their signs during the funeral, but was aware of their presence.

"He was able to go to and leave the funeral without any slightest disruption or interference," Phelps wrote. "WBC was out of sight and sound; maintained a very reasonable distance; acted peacefully and engaged in no disruption or intrusion. ... This is the wrong case to decide whether there is a privacy interest in a funeral."

Phelps also argued that the church was engaging in public speech on a matter of public concern; that the funeral was a public event; and that the church did not assert provable facts but instead expressed "hyperbolic, figurative, loose, hysterical opinion."

In 2007, a jury found against Westboro and awarded Snyder nearly $11 million as compensation for emotional distress and invasion of privacy. That award was later reduced and then overturned by a court of appeals.

The Supreme Court agreed in March to take the case, and the justices will hear arguments during the court's next term, which begins in October. Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia submitted a brief in support of Snyder. The states argued they have a compelling interest in protecting the sanctity of funerals.

07-08-2010, 11:26 AM
I believe their right to do it should be protected, BUT they themselves shouldn't be. So in other words do it if your that brave but noone is going to save your sorry ass

07-08-2010, 12:28 PM
WBC is all about pushing the limits of the Constitution and making money off of peoples grief.
Nothing but a shady money racket. They are not really religious like they claim.

Funerals should always be protected. It is a shame that a funeral can be protested and the attendees ridiculed and put through more emotional stress.
I really hope that one day someone will finally snap and kill one of those WBC motherfuckers.

WBC's words and signs hurt just as bad as the bullet or IED that put those Warriors fighting for the freedoms they(WBC) abuse into the ground.
No excuse how this can be legally acceptable.

spend a few hours watching the WBC and how they operate......Watch the tears fall from the eyes of the Mothers of slain service members as these vile excuse for humans taunt them.
No excuse.

All I have to say is that they are lucky they don't come around my neck of the woods.

07-08-2010, 01:13 PM
WBC is all about pushing the limits of the Constitution and making money off of peoples grief.
Nothing but a shady money racket. They are not really religious like they claim.

Funerals should always be protected. It is a shame that a funeral can be protested and the attendees ridiculed and put through more emotional stress.
I really hope that one day someone will finally snap and kill one of those WBC motherfuckers.

WBC's words and signs hurt just as bad as the bullet or IED that put those Warriors fighting for the freedoms they(WBC) abuse into the ground.
No excuse how this can be legally acceptable.

spend a few hours watching the WBC and how they operate......Watch the tears fall from the eyes of the Mothers of slain service members as these vile excuse for humans taunt them.
No excuse.

All I have to say is that they are lucky they don't come around my neck of the woods.

Amen brother, could not have put it better then that if I had tried for weeks. sums up exactly how I feel.

07-08-2010, 11:54 PM
If ever there was a time for the FBI and the BATF to go Waco-Ruby Ridge-apeshit-incendiary-ballistic on some lunatic fringe religious group, why couldn't it have been now and against the WBC?

I'd give them a mulligan on it.

07-09-2010, 12:41 AM
You know how right's work....just because you have a right to free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. You can be ticketed for profanity now in many cities for example. There should be a law on the books for situations like this. Arrest them and fine the shit out of them, technically their right to free speech wouldn't have been infringed if the law is written up like the profanity laws.

07-09-2010, 01:38 AM
i hope the news advertises the funeral of the death of one of the Phelps' when they die. that way thousands and thousands of angry protesters can attend. and with no patriot guard to shield them from it