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View Full Version : NASA outreach to muslim/muslim countries

07-06-2010, 05:31 PM
Hi all,
I need some words of encouragement, please, someone. Today I learned that obama has directed the head of NASA (Charlie Bolden) to reach out to muslims/muslim countries.. the purpose? To "help them feel good about their contributions to science, math & engineering." SAY WHAT?!
I wish this was an internet hoax, an urban legend but it's not & I feel like someone dropped a powerful hallucinogen in my iced tea. The president has crossed a line & with every ridiculous, seditious, politically correct policy, he weakens us in the eyes of the entire world, enemies & allies alike. Anyone who didn't recognize obama for what he was during the election can surely see it now, he's certainly not hiding it.
My husband & I have five children, they are all almost out of the house, 3 daughters, 2 sons. Our oldest boy is in the U.S. Air Force, our youngest son is an 18 yr old U.S. Marine. As a woman who loves this country w/o apology, I cannot support this administration. I never thought I'd live to see this kind of enemy-within strategies; appease the enemy & blame America first; it's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Making this terrible situation even worse is the 'lame stream' news media which runs defense for barack hussein obama every chance they get... Does anyone have any words of comfort for me?
"We'll remember in November"