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View Full Version : Arab Friendship

11-19-2008, 01:24 AM
This is quickly dedicated to a lot of the hate on the main video page. Get an arab friend damnit, you'll learn possibly not to hate the people for their heritage or even their religion. Not all arabs are so extremist, I have four arab friends, 2 from Kuwait, 2 from Saudi Arabia.. the beauty of our universities. It feels good to converse with the people we feel most threatened from.

Humbled Infidel
11-19-2008, 03:16 AM
Ok! I want you to know I do have some Arab friends, female Arab friends. These women are here in our country Travarez, and they are still hostage to islam. They have to pretend they are muslims or they die - even here in our country.

I truly believe muslims that are not radical are not true muslims but muslims in name only so they don't get burned to death, stoned to death or have acid thrown in their faces nor have their heads cut off.

Have you been to those countries? Ask our troops about it. Here is a great article by Sgt. Smith in Iraq. He cares for Iraq and it's people. Well it's probably too long. I'm limited by count of characters here. I'll post it as a new thread.

This is a good conversation thread. This topic needs to be discussed by all of us on AC.

11-19-2008, 06:16 PM
Out of the four friends, only one is a girl from kuwait. She went to an american/international school in kuwait and speaks as if she was born here. She still lives in kuwait but is here to study. She shows no signs of being deeply religious or really hateful to our ways, she even was looking at the aljazeera news channel right next to me and her cell phone has arabic on it.

My friend abdul from Saudi Arabia just shares stories with me, and informs me of what it's like. I asked why there are no female's from saudi arabia at our school, he informed me that his government knows that its oil money will not last forever and thus pays for their tuition at american schools. They all have scholarships to come to american schools, the kuwait students, saudi students, UAE students alike all have scholarships.

There are NO female saudi students because the government does not send women. Abdul and I were speaking once about the Saudi scholarship and a girl next to us goes, "man I wish I lived in Saudi Arabia." Abdul and I laughed because in Saudi arabia women cannot even drive, much less go abroad for a scholarship. They'll all go back to their countries but these people love us here, HELL all these young arabs mix well along with our own student base.

WE laugh together, we joke around together, we study together and we converse about the world together. Abdul told me a story once of when he went to a base in Quatar for his family business. When he got there they had no idea where they supposed to go. He remarks, "Man, the fucking thing came out of the freaking floor." He said two doors literally opened from the ground and the building came up. Of course it's impossible to confirm, but he was speaking of laser tagging and very sci-fi channel esque technology being used for security. The building He said, "Man, if the U.S. want, they could blow us all off this damn planet." He also told me, "My uncle once told me, if it was not for the United States Saudi Arabia would be poor and suffering like many other arab nations."

11-20-2008, 10:53 PM
i'd like to also admit that I have certain dislike for certain kinds of people. I particularly have much distrust in the chinese, when I see a Chinese student or speak to one I get naturally defensive. I have some chinese student friends, but race and politics do play issue even in the 21st century. I do not believe this something to be ashamed of, nor do I plan any actual degrading actions but I have a profound dislike for the Chinese government and much of its actions. Naturally my political dislike turns into a form of paranoia, considering the huge amount of chinese cyber attacks and attempts at espionage. The same thing goes for Arab people, I just never let me guard down folks, don't hate me for it. I feel it's important to talk about this, and i'm glad we have a board where we can freely express our opinion.

Humbled Infidel
11-20-2008, 11:33 PM
No hate here Tavarez. By the way what does Tavarez mean?

11-20-2008, 11:36 PM
No hate here Tavarez. By the way what does Tavarez mean?

It's my last name actually. :P:USA: