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06-20-2010, 03:46 PM
UK-World Summary

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Reuters - 44 minutes ago

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Komorowski leads race to Polish presidency
WARSAW , according to a poll by TNS OBOP reported on public television.
Kyrgyz forces remove barricades but Uzbeks still wary
OSH, Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz forces started removing barriers dividing the city of Osh on Sunday as the government extended a state of emergency in some regions where up to 2,000 people have been killed in ethnic clashes. But cars, tyres and piles of scrap metal remained in place across alleys in central Osh leading to burnt-out neighbourhoods occupied by ethnic Uzbeks, still fearful of more violence.
Israel unveils procedures to ease Gaza blockade
JERUSALEM - Israel announced new procedures Sunday to ease its land blockade on the Gaza Strip, saying it would start allowing in all goods except for weapons and materials that can be used to make them. A statement from the prime minister's office said Israel would "as quickly as possible" publish a list of banned goods, and that all items not on the list would be allowed into the Palestinian territory, which is run by the Hamas Islamist group.
Suicide blasts kill 26 at Iraqi state-sector bank
BAGHDAD - Two suicide bombers detonated cars laden with explosives outside the Trade Bank of Iraq on Sunday, killing 26 people in the latest attack to raise concerns about the nation's stability after an inconclusive election. Fifty-three people were wounded in the blasts that blew in the windows of the bank, one of the public sector's most active financial institutions and at the forefront of efforts to encourage foreign investment as the sectarian bloodshed set off after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion fades.
Suspect held in Yemen over raid that killed 11
SANAA - Yemeni security forces on Sunday arrested the head of the group suspected of carrying out an attack on a police building in the southern city of Aden which killed 11 people, the Defence Ministry said. Yemen blamed al Qaeda for Saturday's attack in which gunmen wearing military uniforms raided a police headquarters in the port of Aden, killing seven security officers, three women and a 7-year-old boy, and freeing several detainees.
Germany raps Israel for denying minister Gaza entry
BERLIN/JERUSALEM - Germany sharply criticised Israel Sunday for denying its development minister entry to the Gaza Strip to visit a humanitarian project co-funded by Berlin. Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said he regretted Israel's decision, while Development Minister Dirk Niebel -- who is on a four-day trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories -- said it was "a big diplomatic mistake."
Italy corruption scandal spreads to touch Vatican
ROME - One of Italy's most prominent Catholic cardinals and a former minister have been put under investigation as a corruption scandal that has tainted the government spread to touch the Vatican. Magistrates told Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe and Pietro Lunardi, former infrastructure and transport minister in the centre-right government, they were being investigated for aggravated corruption, judicial sources said.
Colombia votes as Santos seen winning presidency
BOGOTA - Colombians voted Sunday in a presidential run-off that former Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos was expected to win after vowing to continue the incumbent president's policies on security and the economy. Santos easily won the first round in May and holds a solid lead in opinion polls over ex-Bogota mayor Antanas Mockus, a former mathematics professor who issued a challenge to traditional parties with a call for cleaner government.
South Sudan militia chief says scores die in battles
KHARTOUM dismissed the comments from militia leader George Athor, saying it had not fought his forces since a previously-reported clash on Tuesday.
Australian mining magnate on missing Africa plane
SYDNEY - Australian mining magnate Ken Talbot and five other senior figures from the iron ore miner Sundance Resources Ltd were aboard a company aircraft that disappeared in Africa, the company said Sunday. The plane carrying Talbot, one of Australia's richest men, disappeared Saturday on a flight from the Cameroon capital Yaounde to Yangadou in neighbouring Congo Republic, the company said in a statement.

06-21-2010, 01:44 AM
busy fucking day if you sit down and think about it

06-21-2010, 05:44 AM
You seen to be chasing your tail a lot lately,
maybe it is time for a day or two my time and chill