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View Full Version : Muslims hatred of UK Soldiers, yet they take the free money monthly, pigs

06-18-2010, 01:31 PM
Hate for heroes

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00751/SNN1109AA-682_751557a.jpg Great Britons ... well-wishers salute Royal Anglian troops in march through Luton


TV star who reported on
Our Boys in Afghanistan

THESE people are deluded.

Kemp ... support
Sky 1/Tiger Aspect

They wouldn't have the right to demonstrate if it wasn't for the sacrifice of solders like the Anglians.
Instead their banners should have been saying "Thank you".
It's a very sad sight, and shows how little they really understand about what soldiers do out there.

MORE than 300 soldiers march through London streets before going to Afghanistan (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2299635/Soldiers-march-before-heading-to-Afghanistan.html)

<LI class=red-chevron-list sizset="25" sizcache="5">
The Sun Says (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/sun_says/article244723.ece)

<LI class=red-chevron-list sizset="26" sizcache="5">
Rocket attack on Brit base in Iraq (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2309616/Rocket-attack-on-Brit-base-in-Basra.html)

<LI class=red-chevron-list sizset="27" sizcache="5">
'Taliban battle not being won' (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2307789/The-battle-against-the-Taliban-is-not-being-won-says-Army-chief.html)

Hero gets 2nd George Medal (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2294735/Hero-Gary-ODonnell-gets-2nd-George-Medal.html)

BRAVE soldiers back from Iraq were forced to endure a tirade of abuse yesterday - from hate-filled BRITISH Muslims.

Fifteen fanatics staged a sickening protest - sanctioned by police - as 200 Royal Anglian troops marched in a welcome home parade.

They wielded banners branding the soldiers butchers, war criminals, murderers, terrorists - and baby killers.

They brandished placards showing obscene photos of mutilated children. And they yelled: "Anglian soldiers go to hell."

Support soldiers from the Royal Anglian regiment at homecoming parades in Watford at 12.30pm today and Lincoln at 12.15pm tomorrow

The demo triggered fury among thousands of well-wishers who turned out to salute the troops in Luton, Beds.

Two people were arrested in the heated demos.

Fury ... police confront outraged man as he shouts at protesters

One an 18-year-old man was today charged with racially aggravated harassment.
The second aged in his 40s, was handed a fixed penalty notice.
And as they were challenged by angry onlookers, cops formed a protective ring around them.

The soldiers, from the Anglians' 2nd Battalion, recently returned from a tough six-month tour in Basra, southern Iraq, where they trained local forces.

Abuse ... fanatics yell at soldiers as they parade through streets

Last night the treatment meted out to them by the extremists was denounced by a host of political leaders including Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Defence Secretary John Hutton.

Mr Hutton said: "I condemn the tiny minority who used this opportunity to make utterly ridiculous and insulting comments to these brave men and women."

Mr Brown said: "The whole country is proud of our brave servicemen and women who serve their country with great distinction and courage.

"It is therefore disappointing a tiny minority tried but ultimately failed to disrupt today's event." Shadow Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox called the demo "disgraceful, appalling and offensive".
He added today that while there was a right to freedom of speech "there is not a right to disruption".
Muslim MP and Justice Minister Shahid Malik said: "All decent people will be sickened by the antics of this group of extremists. The idea that these soldiers are 'baby killers' is profoundly repugnant."

http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-e4m3Yko6bFYVc.gif?labels=NewsAndReference,Entertai nmentNews http://cache.adviva.net/creative/blank.gif?ts=20100618182345&cmxid=2101.020008597100878759xmc

The protest was staged by members of a group called Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. It is thought to have been formed by former members of banned organisation Al-Muhajiroun.

They hurled abuse as the battalion, which has lost two young privates in action in Iraq, passed Luton town hall.

One of those arrested was a man who climbed on to a shopping centre roof to throw a packet of bacon at the fanatics.

Another local, who gave up his lunch break to hail the troops, said: "These Muslims were lucky they didn't get lynched.

"To hear people scream 'baby killers' at our soldiers was appalling. On one hand they profess to hate everything about Britain and on the other they're only too happy to live here and benefit from the protection of our police."

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00751/SNN1101A-682_751690a.jpg Condemned ... protesters hijack homecoming parade

The protesters remained defiant last night. One of them, Abu Omar, said: "Those soldiers were in Iraq murdering and mutilating innocent people. They had blood on their hands."

Mr Omar, 30, who said he was born in Luton and is a carer for the disabled, added: "They have come into a town with a large Muslim population to promote an illegal war. It is a disgrace.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00751/SNN1109BB-682_751558a.jpg Hate Britain ... mob stages vile demo

"We are supposed to congratulate and support terrorists who are no better than Hitler."

But a member of Luton Central Mosque branded the fanatics "idiots". He said: "They represent a small number of people from the Muslim community. Police should have moved them along."

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00751/SNN1108B-682_751559a.jpg Onlookers ... a group of burka-wearing Muslim women, one taking photographs, at the parade

Supt Andy Martin defended the decision to allow the demo. He said: "We've been involved in the planning of this event. We were on hand to ensure members of the public who wished to watch could do so safely while anyone wanting to exercise their right to lawful protest could also be accommodated."

The Army said the battalion - known as The Poachers - were "deeply touched" by those who turned out to applaud them. As the demo went on, fallen L/Cpl Stephen Kingscott of 1st Battalion, The Rifles, was given a funeral with full military honours in his home city of Plymouth, Devon.

Stephen, 22, was shot dead on patrol in Afghanistan. His parents Michael and Wendy said: "He will always be in our thoughts."

<LI sizset="64" sizcache="5">
DO YOU know any of the protesters? Call The Sun on 020 7782 4104, text 63000 or email exclusive@the-sun.co.uk (%20exclusive@the-sun.co.uk)

t.newtondunn@the-sun.co.uk (%20t.newtondunn@the-sun.co.uk)


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/2312015/Hate-for-heroes-British-troops-back-from-Iraq-endure-abuse-at-an-anti-war-demo-by-British-Muslims-at-a-parade-in-Luton.html#ixzz0rE6gpTps

One of many hot beds of Muslims in the country that the government should be sorting out.
These Muslims are educated, protected and given Millions of pounds annually.
Shut up or ship out.
Don't bite thew hand that feeds you, savvy ! !

06-18-2010, 01:54 PM
Lol grab a cans of spam open them up and let them fly on to those fuck wads. Just my opinion.

06-18-2010, 02:03 PM
Can I suggest the UK borrow a tactic the US used in the 1800s against the Native Americans? It certainly was effective.