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06-16-2010, 10:02 AM
Report: 90% of youth in Philly cannot serve

The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Jun 15, 2010 18:19:29 EDT

PHILADELPHIA — A nonprofit group says that up to 90 percent of young Philadelphians are ineligible for military service because of criminal records, obesity or lack of education.

Pennsylvania-based Mission: Readiness released its report Monday. It says 1 million Pennsylvanians are ineligible for the same reasons.

Mission: Readiness is made up of more than 150 retired generals and admirals. The group wants state and federal funding for pre-kindergarten programs that it says give children a solid foundation for academic and personal success.

The report says 145,000 Philadelphians ages 18 to 24 cannot meet the military’s medical, moral and mental standards.

Nationally, the Defense Department estimates that 75 percent of young adults are disqualified from military service.

06-16-2010, 06:38 PM
That is well sad and unfortunate.
They are loosing out on a fine career and life long friendships.
There at the right age if only something could be done,
and help them find there self respect.

06-16-2010, 07:21 PM
Most if not all were criminals.

06-16-2010, 08:02 PM
I'm telling you guys, this town has changed so much since I joined in 84. They closed all the projects, and gave rental vouchers to the people that lived in them. Now every neighborhood is inundated with crime. I have always lived in working class, what a lotof people would call rough neighborhoods, but it was nothing like it is now. Everyone is leaving the city for the suburbs, so they are getting just as bad.
Fuck it, Ive got security out the ass. This is the last house anyone is coming to.

06-16-2010, 08:08 PM
It's an injustice and America's shame.

06-16-2010, 09:22 PM
It's an injustice and America's shame.

Because no one in the black community has a leader that stands up and denounces this shit.

06-17-2010, 03:54 AM
Philadelphia: Fast on track to becoming America's next Detroit.

That's what socialist programs do to cities: The give concessions to a group of people that won't work anyways, and as that group multiplies, they regress further into poverty and ignorance.

Coupled with the "White flight" where white business owners with the actual funding to pay local taxes move to a more safe, sucessful part of the city, cities like Philly doom themselves.

06-17-2010, 11:06 AM
Philadelphia: Fast on track to becoming America's next Detroit.

That's what socialist programs do to cities: The give concessions to a group of people that won't work anyways, and as that group multiplies, they regress further into poverty and ignorance.

Coupled with the "White flight" where white business owners with the actual funding to pay local taxes move to a more safe, sucessful part of the city, cities like Philly doom themselves.

Agreed. Crazy how Detroit fell like it did.
Philly, never liked Philly....been robbed at gunpoint in Philly.

Where I live, the same shit is going on.
The projects flourish, while the businesses and tax-paying populace disappears.

I lived across the street from this shit hole in Bristol CT. It's called Davis Drive.....one of the projects in Bristol(home of ESPN)


06-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Just remember, you reward behavior you want to encourage, and punish behavior you want to discourage.

Think about that when you think of places like Detroit, Cleveland, Philly, Los Angeles, et cetera.

It's happening this way because someone wants it to happen this way.

06-20-2010, 02:53 PM
Just remember, you reward behavior you want to encourage, and punish behavior you want to discourage.

Think about that when you think of places like Detroit, Cleveland, Philly, Los Angeles, et cetera.

It's happening this way because someone wants it to happen this way.

This is why "Generational Welfare" (where 3rd and 4th generations of families are STILL on welfare) needs to end. Welfare and other social "freebies" also need to come with stipulations such as: Instant Drug Tests before receiving a check. You know that show "Sober House" where they make the people pee in cups and then they use an instant-tester to check for drugs? There you go. That would help.

Also, when people trash their own neighborhoods, let's NOT rebuild them. Take the Race Riots in LA. The "Homeyz" destroyed THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD AND THEN EXPECTED CALIFORNIA TO GIVE THEM A HANDOUT TO REBUILD IT!! Not not, but FUCK NO. You shit in your bed, you fucking sleep there, bluegums.

Welfare should be a case by case basis. My ancestors on one side were persecuted Amish farmers that didn't get a dole every two weeks for being a certain skin color. On the other side of my family, my ancestors were: Big surprise! Poor, illiterate Irish Micks fresh off the boat and starving from the Potato Famine in 1840's Ireland. They got some soup and bread and were told go west if you want some opportunity. The government was pretty much heartless back then and expected you to make it on your own, or within your community. The same policy needs to be adopted in this country, with exceptions given to people that have had truly hard times befall them, not out of their own choice. Single mothers from abusive relationships, or rape victims would be taken care of. Some gangbanger named Delkwon who's been in and out of prison and has chosen to sling crack shouldnt get a fuckin' dime.

rant over. sorry for the length.

06-20-2010, 03:20 PM
I truly believe that the government is to blame,
some funds spent now, will save cash 20 fold when these kids stray.
Good local leaders and a control cash injection will lift,
these young folk and will make them reasonable citizens.
These youngsters join the food chain of crime etc, and the cost will be high.
Maybe that’s been thought of already.
You right off the young and you disenchant a generation.
I know this because we are doing just that in the UK

06-22-2010, 11:06 PM
Like I said, it's happening because someone wants it to happen.

Q. Who profits from entire city populations that are dependent upon the State?

A. Whoever runs the State.

06-22-2010, 11:35 PM
@ Pzychosixx: I've been robbed in Philly at gunpoint too! And Knifepoint, and wolfpacked. Then I grew out of my teens... LOL
I hate this place, and would not be here, except my family is here, my business is here. If I hit the powerball, and could take everyone with me we would be gone. But for now its home.

@Axe-man: you are dead on. The "Great Society" was just another step in controlling the masses. Religion was loosing its grip, so that "opiate" had to be replaced with something else. Hey! How about REAL opiates?
I'm not a conspiracy "nut", but people with old money and power have common interests and goals, they don't have to meet in bomb shelters under country club hotels to come up with the ways to achieve the ways to further thier aims.

06-22-2010, 11:57 PM
Welfare needs to be done away with. Crime would be high for a while but it would drop again after the lazy bastards realize that food wont put itself on the table any more.

Completely different subject but poverty reminded me of this.

Newport R.I. projects knows as Chapel Terrace were part of a low income zoned area known as Tonimy Hill. Well Newport is an expensive city, its almost like a mini Hamptons....big ass mansions, yachts and further more its a cramped little island so real estate is a premium. Those projects got shittier and shittier until the land was good and cheap, then the projects are closed and middle class apartments are built over them.

These arent skyrise projects that dont take up alot of acreage, these are street after street of pj's.. They were originally Navy housing until the city bought them after the base downsized.