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View Full Version : Christians fear Islamic courts

06-14-2010, 09:27 PM
Kenyan church bombings, accusing the government of the Christian Walk

http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/06/13/100613194151_1_226x170_nocredit.jpg Christian fear of the establishment of Islamic courts

Kenyan church leaders accused the government standing behind the bombings that took place Sunday during a march on the capital Nairobi on Sunday, killing six people and wounding dozens.
The march was organized by Christian groups opposed to draft a new constitution for the country.
Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said, following an emergency cabinet meeting after the incident, said a team of senior police is investigating the incident.
It is believed that the majority of the members of the ruling government coalition in the country in favor of the new constitution, opposed by evangelical Christian organizations because it allows the establishment of Islamic courts, and can include an item, she said, allows abortion in pregnant women.
It is expected that Kenyans are voting on a new constitution in a referendum

Open season on Christians again !