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View Full Version : Getting a little tired of the reposts

11-17-2008, 02:02 PM
Folks there is no denying it,
I'm getting a little tired of clip reposts.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very greatfull for anybody supporting this fine community but I am going to sacrafice a new born kitten if I see "Hatji blows himself up with mortar" clip one more time.

So there are couple of things I can do to prefent reposts in the future

a) I can reactivate Admin clip permission, that way anything posted on the main page is going through a screening process (not a lot of fun and too much work for us)

b) I can organize a repost button were people can vote on it and if a certain ammount of votes are reached the post is killed automticly. This will obviously not happen tomorrow and needs to be coded etc. problem is of course that people could just vote for any clip... but maybe thats even not that bad idea.

Any aditional ideas are greatly appreachiated not that I am expecting a lot of replies, most of you guys are fucking lazy anyways ;)

Humbled Infidel
11-17-2008, 02:15 PM

It might be helpful if you have the video categories on the "home" page somewhere so people could check in a specific category to see if the video has been posted already.

There are new people joining daily and they've not seen all of the videos posted and it would be a pain and very time consuming to go through every video to see if it's already posted, so this could be helpful for them, and personally it would be helpful for me.

Off topic:

I really do like the play list we can make.

11-17-2008, 03:07 PM
Absolutely very good point I'm getting right on it....

12-07-2008, 10:43 PM
ive notice quite a few videos being uploaded by the same person & the video being the same. im staying with AC until i die, i'll donate once i get a job in 2009 still doing my training at the minute for a forklift license, if you lot ever need help or a comunication server to talk on let me know, i run a community & have a public comms for anyone who wishes to join & discuss whatever they like.