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View Full Version : Saudi says to Israeli's we will turn a blind eye, just don't miss

06-12-2010, 01:22 AM
Last Updated: Saturday, June 12th / , 2010, 03:04 GMT

Times: Saudi Arabia will open its airspace to the Israeli air force to strike Iran

http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/05/14/100514002334_11_106x60_nocredit.jpg Haidar al-Battat

http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2008/11/081111jetgetty.jpg Allowed to talk about to strike Iran via Saudi Arabia

Unique to The Times newspaper Saturday edition published a report titled: Saudi Arabia to open its airspace to Israel to attack Iranian nuclear sites.
The paper says that Saudi Arabia had already started to train to stop and disable the air defenses to permit the passage of Israeli warplanes flew over to bomb Iranian nuclear sites.
And attributed to the newspaper, which says it is unique to the deployment of the news, to the defense experts in the Gulf region as saying that Riyadh, in the same week imposed new sanctions on Iran, has agreed to open air space is limited and narrow in its airspace in the north of the country in order to reduce the distance required by Israeli warplanes to reach their targets in the depth of Iran's case it is decided to proceed with the implementation of the air strike potential.
The paper says that in order to facilitate the passage of these aircraft, the Riyadh military exercises to ensure the cessation of the work of its air defenses and missile systems, and to return these defenses to work immediately after the passage of Israeli aircraft.
The newspaper quoted a U.S. source who specializes in the defense saying that the Saudis gave their approval for the Israelis, and told them that which lies in party, and it was approved by the U.S. State Department and coordination with them.
The Times also quoted sources inside Saudi Arabia, saying it has become fashionable to say within the community interested in the affairs of the country's defense that there is an existing agreement on the subject if Israel decides to hit the implementation of the air against a possible Iranian sites.

I think everyone agrees we need more time, and those Israelis, too, and we must continue to work this way.
Robert Gates, U.S. Defense Secretary

One source said that despite the tension between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but they agree on hatred and hatred of the regime in Iran, and there is fear participants from Tehran's nuclear ambitions, and this is known and not secret, "and we Sndahm pass, and turn a blind eye."
Gates ruled out

But the striking appearance of a report in the Daily Telegraph entitled Another Iran, saying that Robert Gates, U.S. Defense Secretary ruled out military action against Tehran.
The paper says that the Americans added new doubts on the prospects for military action against Iran, despite Washington's recognition of the possibility of Iran producing enough nuclear fuel for a nuclear weapon within a year to three years.
Are attributed to Gates, the newspaper said the United States and Israel are both do not need to rush to military action against Iran, even with fears of economic sanctions may not be enough to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions.
The minister said after meeting U.S. combined with his counterparts in NATO in Brussels: "I think everyone agrees we need more time, and those Israelis, too, and we must continue to work like this."
Gates added: "Most people believe that the Iranians will not be able to obtain a nuclear weapon a year ago or two years, and intelligence estimates put the period between one and three years."
Iranian opposition

On the issue of Iraq but from the standpoint of domestic politics out of the report of the Guardian newspaper attributed to the leader of Zahra Rahnfred Green Movement of Iran, which is part of the Iranian opposition demand for democratic reforms since the elections last year, saying that the opposition had not been defeated did not crash until after the request of her supporters to stop their protests against government repression.

Graphic designer who lives in the state of New Jersey, use the arts and skills learned to open the online TV channel which shows footage of the task that Iran witnessed confrontations between the opposition and the security forces during the turbulent period that followed the election results.
The Guardian newspaper

Says Rahanfred (64 years), the wife of opposition leader Hossein Mousavi, academic and sculptor prestigious, active in women's rights, exclusive interviews to the newspaper, was prepared to face the gallows in their struggle for freedom, but also stress that the reform movement led by her husband not a revolution, and they want to respect the constitution of Iran.
In the same newspaper another address on Iran, saying: TV channel for one man turned a knife in the side of the Iranian regime, and to talk about Chehrkhiz Mahdi, who according to the newspaper that he embarrassed the government to broadcast a video showing the violent repression of Iranian dissidents.
The paper says that the Mahdi (28 years) was not interested in politics until the arrest of his father in the presidential election and the subsequent protests and unrest.
But the graphic designer who lives in the state of New Jersey, use the arts and skills learned to open the online TV channel which shows footage of the task that Iran witnessed confrontations between the opposition and the security forces during the turbulent period that followed the election results.
"They came with intent to kill"

From Iran to Gaza, the Guardian published a report on the new footage of the attack by special forces unit and an Israeli naval vessels of freedom to Gaza, which killed nine militants were on board such vessels.

Bodies of the various intelligence and security in Britain has become very concerned about the activities Awlaqi and its impact, to the point they were taken this concern to the ministers concerned. Awlaqi and it is in one of their most important and most dangerous terrorists in the world.
The Daily Telegraph

The paper says that the new tape, high quality, the camera had picked up the U.S. television journalist Lara me in the ship "Mafi Marmara", which had been the worst Israeli attack on the fleet of humanitarian aid.
Israel had tried to confiscate video tapes taken during the attacks, but American journalist was able to smuggle a full hour of footage in the tape, which hid it between the folds of her underwear.
She said that the press treated the injured passengers of the Israeli soldiers, who described the attack that he was aiming at gaining control of the ship, and they came with intent to kill.
Awlaqi .. Again

And Iran and Gaza to Al Qaeda, where it says The Daily Telegraph said Anwar Awlaqi, one of the leaders and ideologues of al-Qaeda in Yemen, the trend of targeting young Muslims in Britain to persuade them to launch terrorist attacks inside their country.
The paper says that the British security authorities fear that a new generation of Islamists in Britain came to the upbringing at the hands of extremist Awlaqi in order to carry out terrorist attacks of the same model that carried out in the city of Mumbai (Bombay) to Hindi.
The paper says that the bodies of the various intelligence and security in Britain has become very concerned about the activities Awlaqi and its impact, to the point where they were taken this concern to the ministers concerned. Awlaqi and it is in one of their most important and most dangerous terrorists in the world

It looks like the clocks ticking or brinkmanship ?
Either way thing are getting interesting in the region