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View Full Version : So I had a shitty day

06-11-2010, 10:11 PM
Fixing a VW beetle for someone, got roped into fixing this thing. It had unibody damage but I fixed all that and got everything lined up. Guy gets me chinese parts, jesus fucking christ the headache they have caused. From about 12:30 - 8:30 today i have fought with a core support the lines up wrong and places the hood latch 2''s too far into the engine bay - chinese part, condenser that has a fitting mounted upside down - chinese part, fender and bumper that have SHIT seams due to being shitty molds - chinese part. Fixed electric fan mounts that were broken, and installed a new seat belt. And too top it all off the place I got my paint from mixed it wrong or just has shitty paint codes because the fender and bumper are the wrong shade and cant be blended.

blue-gray-gray doesnt work, I will probably have to paint the entire car. So as of now I am on my 7th red stripe.

06-11-2010, 10:16 PM
I feel your pain bro.

I cant do shit like that anymore.
I do not have the patience.

06-11-2010, 10:42 PM
I feel your pain bro.

I cant do shit like that anymore.
I do not have the patience.

I dont have the patience for it either man. I'm not making big bucks off of this. It was supposed to be a "spray and blend the fender and bumper, replace core support, radiator and condenser" type deal. Not unibody damage from hitting a culvert and pushing the left frame horn 3 1/2''s verticle, chinese parts not fitting fiasco.

I have patience for hot rods and thats it. The fun is working on them knowing they will make others jealous, not the actual driving them in my eyes. This torino probably wont hit the roads for another 2 years because it takes time.

/n1640365837_76680_9835.jpg (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v1970/248/51/1640365837/n1640365837_76680_9835.jpg)


You can shave in the reflection, Its dusty in those pics, paint is frozen arctic blue / planet color in case anyone here paints and might like to know what it looks like in sunlight or whatever

06-12-2010, 12:12 AM
Nice pics and nice car.

06-12-2010, 12:26 AM
If it is not a labour of love its hard labour and that makes it one long day.
Chill, the job wont take for ever. Just make sure the beers cold !