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06-11-2010, 05:16 PM
Rough justice, victims are punished
Swollen and bloodied ... Stephen Mason suffered 40 blows in the unprovoked attack outside a club
NewsTeam International

Fiends' friend

JUDGE Marten Coates has a history of passing lenient sentences.
In 2006 he was shamed on a list of judges giving criminals unduly light punishments, released by the then Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722COATS-170_826371a.jpg Lenient ... Judge Coates

Judge Coates was criticised for freeing a man who admitted indecent assault on his two young nieces as a teenager just because the pre-sentence report was unavailable.
Last year the judge jailed Birmingham paedophile pub landlord Ralph Newnes, 60, for only 15 months.
The pervert admitted 27 child sex offences involving girls as young as 12, yet Judge Coates claimed his sentencing powers were limited given changes in the law since the time of the crimes in the early Eighties.
In April, Judge Coates spared mum-of-five Tracy Wright jail, even though the 30-year-old, of Castle Bromwich, admitted producing cannabis and cruelty by neglecting her kids' safety.
She got just six- months suspended for two years.


Judge refused to jail the thug who left me with brain damage ... because he’s a doctor

FURIOUS victims, cops and even a judge have blasted soft sentences after thugs cheated justice in THREE shocking cases.

In one a DOCTOR viciously attacked a man outside a bar and left him lying unconscious – but escaped a jail sentence.

In another a 16-year-old yob on bail for one attack nearly killed another teenager in an assault – but will be free in just two months.

And, finally, a female cop was scarred for life by a drunken brute who then walked FREE from court.

Here, DAVID LOWE, ROBIN PERRIE and JOHN COLES reveal the awful consequences of these brutal acts.


THICK and fast, the blows rained down on Stephen Mason’s head.
Yelling in pain, he fell to the pavement — but the two boozed-up attackers showed no mercy and continued punching and stamping on his face.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF17HEAD-380_826290a.jpg Beaten unconscious ... Stephen Mason's battered face
NewsTeam International

Even when Stephen passed out, it didn’t halt the brutal, unprovoked assault outside a club in Nuneaton, Warwicks.
Twelve hours later, battered Stephen awoke in hospital a changed man.
Photos show his head swollen and bloodied from more than 40 blows, a deep cut by one of his black eyes.
He also suffered a serious brain injury and still struggles today with memory loss, slow speech and mood swings. Unbelievably, one of the two men responsible was a doctor.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722BB-682_826360a.jpg Horrific injuries ... Stephen after the brutes stamped on his head
NewsTeam International

Nik Mann, 29, from Birmingham, eventually pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years.
But he walked free from Warwick Crown Court in 2007 with just 200 hours of community service after Judge Marten Coates said jail would burden the State and deprive the community of Mann’s skills. He was also ordered to pay Stephen £2,000 compensation.
The General Medical Council also let Mann off lightly. Suspended for 12 months, it allowed him to return to work in April this year.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722D-380_826289a.jpg Brave face ... Stephen today with his girlfriend Rachel
NewsTeam International

It was devastating news for Stephen, who will struggle with the effects of the 2006 attack for the rest of his life.
The 32-year-old, from Nuneaton, said: ?When Nik Mann became a doctor he took an oath never to deliberately harm another person.
?I can’t understand how someone in such a caring profession could do what he did to me.
?Two taxi drivers thought I was going to die as they watched Mann and his accomplice repeatedly stamp on my head.

?The judge used his profession as an excuse for his lenient sentence. But a doctor knows how easy it is for someone to die from a head injury, so he would have known the consequences of jumping on my head. For that reason his sentence should have been more severe.
?I’ve no doubt justice would have been served if he had a normal bloke’s job like a plumber or a builder. That’s what’s so appalling.?

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722G-180_826357a.jpg Boozed up attacker ... evil Nik Mann walked free from court
News Team International

Stephen, a paramedic with the West Midlands Ambulance Service, was in high spirits when he arrived at a bar for a colleague’s stag do.
Mann was on the do, along with Jake Roe, a 23-year-old soldier from Polesworth, Warwicks, who later joined in the attack and was also sentenced to 200 hours community service. He had to pay £1,000 compensation to Stephen.
Stephen said: ?All I can remember is arriving at 8.45pm and, after that, nothing. There was an allegation they attacked me for fighting with Mann’s fiancee, who was also Roe’s sister, but the police found no evidence for it.
?When I came round in hospital I knew I was in a bad way. My thoughts were blurred and I couldn’t move my face.
?It had been badly scraped by kicks and gravel on the footpath so the huge scabs kept opening up and bleeding. I was engaged and looking forward to getting married four months later.
?I’d been with my fiancée for six years and we planned to emigrate to New Zealand once I’d finished training. But the sudden change to my personality was a huge stress and we split within six weeks.
?Our plans for a new life abroad fell apart. I lost everything. It was a lot to cope with and although I was never suicidal, I did find myself in a very dark place.?
Stephen’s frontal lobe, which controls problem solving, memory and language, was damaged in the attack and he needed four months off work for vital treatment.
He said: ?I suffered difficulty with remembering information and also lack of confidence. I also freaked out if people came up behind me or tried to touch my face.
?A consultant I saw taught me how to cope with these feelings and changes. I was ecstatic when I could eventually return to work.?
Roe, who also admitted GBH, described in court kicking Stephen’s head ?like a football?.

Summing up, Judge Marten Coates admitted the offence ?crossed the threshold of custody? but added: ?If they receive a prison sentence, immediate or suspended, they will both lose their occupations which they have worked hard to achieve, jobs which are of benefit to the community.?
He also claimed jailing Mann would make him an unnecessary burden on the State.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722PC-380_826359a.jpg Scarred for life ... WPC Gemma Maggs was punched in the face

Stephen says: ?I couldn’t believe my ears.
"My parents walked out of court devastated.
?They had to watch as Mann and Roe gave each other high fives and celebrated avoiding prison.
"There was no respect or remorse.
"I felt sick to the pit of my stomach.?
Stephen is now getting his life back together. He is dating mental health worker Rachel Kingman, 35, and hopes to qualify fully as a paramedic next month.
He said: ?I’ll be glad to leave the attack in the past — but I’ve lost faith in British justice for good.


POLICEWOMAN Gemma Maggs, pictured left, was scarred for life after thug Ryan Thomas punched her in the face.
He had downed NINE pints of strong Stella Artois lager when he started hurling racist abuse and became aggressive towards his wife on a night out last month.

PC Stephen Powell was punched by dad-of-two Thomas, so 27-year-old WPC Maggs bravely stepped in.
She was also attacked and suffered a nasty wound to her face.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00826/SNF1722E-380_826372a.jpg Grin of a yob ... Ryan Thomas who attacked WPC Maggs

Thomas, 30, from Bristol, who has a previous conviction for assaulting a woman, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.
But he left Bristol Magistrates' Court this week with a grin after he was given an 18-week jail term, suspended for a year.
He was also ordered to do 80 hours of unpaid work and pay £500 compensation.

On the same day in the same court a vandal was ordered to do the same amount of community work but had to pay almost £1,400 in fines and costs - for painting graffiti on a train.
The policewoman's mum, Patricia, 51, said: "If the justice system is not set up to punish those who assault police, what hope is there?"
Paul Green, chairman of the Police Federation for Avon and Somerset, added: "Anyone who punches someone in the face and leaves them scarred for life deserves a custodial sentence, irrespective of whether the victim is a police officer or not."

Read more: [URL]http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/real_life/2484987/How-can-we-fix-broken-Britain-with-these-soft-sentencing-scandals.html#ixzz0qa64DAop (http://www.fansown.co.uk/predictor.php)