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06-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Netanyahu is considering a request for international help in the control of the siege on Gaza

Plus another ship on the way
http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/06/03/100603003203_sp_netanyahu_226.jpg Netanyahu seeks to ease criticism of Israel over Gaza blockade

According to an Israeli political source said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a request for international help in enforcing the arms embargo on the Gaza Strip to try to ease the criticism of the Israeli blockade on Gaza.
And Onqlt Reuters source close to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his security cabinet to discuss a plan that can whereby the United Nations inspection of goods crossing into Gaza during the pause in the Israeli port of Ashdod.
With Israel and would insist that a ban on arms shipments and goods such as steel and cement, which says that Hamas may be used for military purposes to the sector. Has not been
This was preceded by the second channel signal on Israeli television that "he may monitor the international naval force is heading to Gaza to prevent the entry of weapons and steel products used in construction."
Earlier, Israel has rejected international calls for an outside inquiry into the attack by Israeli forces on its fleet of freedom, which was heading to the Gaza Strip in an attempt to break the siege imposed by Israel. A spokesman for the Israeli government said the claim showed double standards toward his country.
Has ordered the Human Rights Council of the United Nations initiates fact-finding mission on the attack. But Israel says that this investigation is not necessary as long as Israeli army has begun its own investigation of the matter.
He said Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said Israel would hold its own investigation into the incident. The United States was Israel's main ally, has clearly indicated that it would accept an Israeli achievement.
U.S. position

For his part, said George Mitchell, U.S. special envoy for peace in the Middle East The latest Israeli attack on ships of freedom may undermine the chances of success of peace negotiations.
The Mitchell during his remarks at Palestine Investment Conference in Bethlehem, said the attack came as the U.S. administration is continuing mediation role between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, and expressed the hope that Mitchell does not spoil the atmosphere of these negotiations.
Mitchell also expressed regret for the United States casualties in the attack on the Israeli fleet of freedom, pointing out that Washington supported the UN Security Council statement on this issue and is working to ensure that the needs of the Palestinians in Gaza will be met in full.
As announced by the U.S. State Department Thursday that the U.S. would investigate the killing of a U.S. citizen in the Israeli attack on its fleet of freedom, which was heading to the Gaza Strip, noting that the investigation is not criminal "at the current stage."
He said State Department spokesman Philip Crowley "take a close look at the killing of a U.S. citizen, as we do anywhere else in the world at any time." Crowley declined to identify those who would investigate the incident.
He said: "We have officials at several levels here and in Israel," adding that they were in contact with Israeli officials and the family of the victim, a young boy of nine years of age born in Troy, New York. Asked whether the FBI will participate in the investigation, said, "Not at this stage."
Increasingly critical

Take a close look at the killing of a U.S. citizen, as we do anywhere else in the world at any time
Philip Crowley, a spokesman for the U.S. State

Since landing carried out by Israeli commandos on a ship "fleet of freedom" and resulted in the deaths of 9 people and injured dozens of activists in solidarity with Gaza, Israel faces growing international criticism for excessive use of force.
The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on Israel to put an end to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip immediately and conduct a detailed investigation and wide landing in Israel and the resulting victims.
On the other hand, South Africa joined the countries that recalled their ambassadors from Israel in protest against the attack on the fleet of freedom. Deputy Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ibrahim said the move aims to show his country's condemnation of Israeli aggression, but said the recall of the ambassador will be on a temporary basis for consultation, and will not be withdrawn permanently

New to ship off Gaza

http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/06/03/100603131516_turkey_mourn_386x217_nocredit.jpg Israel's commando killed in action took place in Turkey's funeral.

Israeli restrictions on Palestinian areas began to break into another ship set sail for Gaza on Thursday.
'Racheal Corey called the 11 passengers on board are. They can access to Gaza until Saturday or Sunday.
Israel noted that before taking relief supplies to a fleet of ships Gaja Going Commando action Nakzam similar attempt was made. The nine workers were killed.
Israel's concern

Israel has said that relief materials confiscated from these ships will not let Gaza. He worries that the material will be stuff like that which is used for Hamas militant activities.
Meanwhile, workers on board were killed in Israeli operation in Turkey is the funeral. Eight of nine people killed were Turkish citizens.
Ftiah Msrjizr of Istanbul near their coffins were kept. There are thousands of people collect. The coffins were covered with flags of Turkey and Flastine.
Relief supplies to Gaza to try to take the organization that Israel had assigned him nine bodies are missing, while his 10 workers.
Israel in the matter of an external investigation agency has rejected international demands.

Fleet of ships were confiscated from the relief will go to Gaza.

The ship fleet existed before Israel released Flastine supporters. A four hundred pro Flastine three Hawaii ships arrived in Turkey.
Turkey's Deputy Prime Bulant Arinka these Palestinian and Israeli supporters welcomed the "piracy" charged.
Ghzoaratalb that nearly seven hundred and four hundred Turkish citizens, including Israeli blockade on Gaza Flastine pro-worker were trying to turn out 10 thousand tons of relief material and there wanted to convey.
Israeli commandos killed in action the bodies of nine people in these air ships arrived in Turkey.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netonyahu said on Monday Israel's assault on the marine fleet had no choice. The international community 'Pankhand' is accused of.
Try self-defense
Flastine after reaching the Turkish supporters that the self-defense against armed Israeli commandos were attempted. He accused Israel of "brutal hordes.
Meanwhile, the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council after the vote as an independent international probe the matter is decided.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon started economic blockade on the strip from Israel immediately remove Gaja said. While America has also eased the economic blockade Israel's benefit.
Help content for Gaza are taking sea fleet after the violence is increasing pressure on Israel to remove the blockade

Who is standing by Israel side now, surely they have supporters ?

06-04-2010, 06:22 AM
South Africa too?