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05-20-2010, 09:52 PM
The fox is in the hen house, soon we will go hungry.

Amer Sultan
BBC - London

Smaller Muslim Parliament in Britain inherited from his father's seat

Mus raise nine times in the British parliament, for the first time in British history. " Nine members through the Quran swear allegiance to the Muslims for the Queen before they occupied their seats in the House of Commons.
http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/05/20/100520163517_muslim_mp_anees_sarwar_226x170_nocred it.jpg Worth a seat from his father, "democratically"

Youngest of them, Anas Sarwar's twenty-seven years.
Sarwar said the "BBC": "raised by the Koran and swore allegiance to the Queen of Britain."
It is considered his presence in parliament, "a clear indication of the willingness and ability of all Muslims to integrate into British society because they are part of it."
The young dentist, a member of the Labour party in Scotland, the most prominent example of a community's willingness to accommodate the Muslims and are also keen on that.
Family history
Sarwar belongs to a Muslim family name engraved in the history of British politics. When he talks congressional district of Glasgow Central from his father, changed the tone of his voice. It is proud of him and owed him because, he said, "helped me a lot and encouraged me to engage in politics and the Labour Party."
The father, Mohammed Sarwar, the first milestone in the history of Muslims in the United Kingdom when he became the first Muslim enters the House of Commons.
Sarwar father filled the seat representing the same circuit, which is currently represented by his son for two periods, between 1997 and 2005, then retired to devote himself for the family.

No problem I have to say I inherited the seat from my father, because I won by a democratic way
Anis Sarwar

Attention is pleased that the Son "is not a problem I have to say I inherited the seat from my father, because I won it in a way transparent, democratic and fair, and the votes of the people." But he acknowledges that the role of his father's inheritance was influential because it "has helped me as much too large to gain popularity and the confidence of voters".
Sarwar engaged in the Labour Party activist and not as a member, at an early age. And that meets the age requirement, he reaches sixteen, he joined the party and took the membership.
When I started the process of selecting candidates for the Labour Party in Scotland, 15 candidates competed, and was one of only four selected for the final liquidation. Sarwar and won the nomination in the support of 75 percent of the vote.
Despite the early political engagement, not seen Sarwar currently far from Parliament. The purpose of this young man, a father of a boy named Adam, to be "Vice-well, a servant of the people of his constituency, reflecting their interests and explain the issues and make Glasgow the best place one can live in it."
The lack of ambition to chair the prime minister has nothing to do, according to Sarwar, being a Muslim of Pakistani origin. He lives in the United Kingdom "as a British citizen and not as an immigrant."

Muslims in Britain moving in the right direction ... There is still a lot of work
Anis Sarwar

He also points out that "Muslims in Britain are walking in the right direction, there are still a lot of work to It_khasloa of their problems."
Sarwar preoccupied with improving the image of Muslims in Britain, who believes that "most of them are moderate and seeking to integrate into society, and believe, like other followers of other religions is justice."
The estimated number of Muslims in Britain about two million people, representing little more thirds percent of the population. The representation in the House of Commons, after the recent elections, nine, or less than 1.5 percent of the total parliament's 650 deputies. Sarwar, a ratio considered "insufficient and must be filed, and the road is open to that."
As his father, he hates Sarwar extremism. In the 2005 elections, won the seat after the father's bitter election battle with a candidate from the right-wing National Party.
Attention to affairs in the external
Awareness began Sarwar, a foreign policy in Kashmir XII. He visited Palestine and met with the late leader Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians know the case very closely.
http://wscdn.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/assets/images/2010/05/20/100520164103_muslim_mp_uk_anees_sarwar_226x170_noc redit.jpg Sarwar Miliband supports the nomination of the party

Repeated the visit in April (April), 2008, in order to the Gaza Strip, and returned to participate in the campaign in Scotland to increase awareness of the "suffering of the Palestinians and to mobilize support for their cause."
As the Palestinian cause, supported Sarwar right to self-determination of the population of the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan.
It is worth noting that in August (August) 2006, Sarwar father signed an open letter addressed to the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, that criticized the foreign policy of Britain.
Anas Sarwar believes that this policy has changed, particularly when David Miliband, the Foreign Ministry in the Labor government, which took power after the election in the Sixth of May (May) last year.
Says: "(Party) workers is more parties in order to support the peaceful settlement of Palestinian rights," which explains the support Anas Sarwar Miliband to stand for the party leadership.
In February (February 2009), chose newspaper "Sun" popular and widespread Anas Sarwar "the best young Scottish politician again." It is the justification used for the choice role in educating young people the importance of his constituency, political action and participation in management of community affairs, and rely on the category of youth in bringing about change sought by the British. It was something of the main slogans of the main British parties.
To this end, the foundations of the Y-Vote (Voice of Youth), to be a political platform for young people, using music and education to encourage young people to engage in the political

It is politically incorrect to mention them dying
or killing for his / their country.
Obviously, the answer is no, and this is pure tokenism,
and a betrayal of our fallen
Duel standards and appeasement. God bless our fallen,
they have my respect and the respect of millions in the UK