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05-09-2010, 11:30 AM
Embassy of Belarus abroad have conducted a series of activities in connection with the 65-th anniversary of Victory

05/09/2010 13:11

May 9, Minsk / Alina Grishkevich - noted. Diplomatic missions of Belarus abroad, held a series of events to mark the 65 th anniversary of the Great Victory, BelTA was told in the Foreign Ministry and the embassies of Belarus.

In particular, the staff of the Belarusian embassy in France, laid flowers and paid tribute to fallen Soviet soldiers in the Paris cemetery of Pere-Lachaise. On the eve of Victory Day diplomats visited the memorial to the regiment "Normandy-Neman" in Le Bourget, where they laid flowers and paid tribute to those killed in the Second World War. At the initiative of the diplomatic missions of the CIS countries, accredited in France, was organized by laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Representatives of the Belarusian diplomatic mission also visited the military cemetery in g.Nuaye-Saint-Martin and laid flowers at the monuments to war dead.

With the assistance of the Belarusian embassy in West Germany in Berlin in the Russian House of Science and Culture opened exhibit entitled "Road to Victory". The exposition includes 50 works, prepared on the basis of archival photographs from the collections of the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War and the Belarusian State Archive of Cinema, photo and Phonodocuments. Along with the historic theme of the exposition shows the current state policy of the Republic of Belarus to perpetuate the memory of victims of war, support for veterans.

In Memorial of Dachau, near the Bavarian town of the same name, held events to mark the 65 th anniversary of the liberation of the former Nazi concentration camp. The participants were representatives of the Belarusian embassy in Germany, the Germans politicians, public figures, foreign diplomats, former prisoners. To the wall of memory at the monument to prisoners of concentration camps were laid wreaths at the International Committee of Dachau, Germany and the leadership of the federal state of Bavaria, social and religious organizations, diplomatic missions and consular posts, including the Belarusian embassy in Germany.

In the OSCE headquarters in Vienna, held a photo exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory. The exhibition was organized jointly by the delegations of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in the OSCE. It features photographs of the war years, on the liberation of the occupied cities of the Nazi invaders.

The representative of the Belarusian Embassy in the Czech Republic took part in a meeting with veterans of World War II, which was held at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture. Belarusian diplomats also attended the ceremonial event at the monument to Marshal Konev in Prague.

ChargĂ© d'Affaires of the Republic of Belarus in the Slovak Republic Vladimir Chekhlov was invited to a solemn meeting devoted to the anniversary of the Great Victory. It was organized by the Union of Russian in Bratislava and the Russian Centre in Bratislava Graduate School of Law with the participation of representatives of the diplomatic corps, public veterans' organizations. Earlier, representatives of the Embassy of Belarus in Slovakia at the invitation of the Union of the anti-fascist fighters, chairman of the Administration Zhilinskis region and mayor of Zilina participated in the celebrations that took place in Zilina. From the Belarusian embassy were laid wreaths at the monument to fallen Soviet soldiers-liberators and the memorial to the fallen soldiers of the 1 st Czechoslovak Corps in p.Stranyavy (Žilina region).

In Sweden, the embassies of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine also were organized commemorative event, during which the exposition opens photo posters devoted heroism of the Soviet people during the war, a festive concert.

Representatives of the Belarusian embassy in Latvia took part in the annual ceremony of the reburial of the remains of Soviet soldiers killed in Latvia during the Second World War, the fraternal cemetery in the village Ropazhi 30 km from Riga. Were reburied the remains of 119 Soviet soldiers found in Latvia local search group.

Astana hosted a reception on behalf of the heads of diplomatic missions of States - participants of CIS on the occasion of the 65 th anniversary of Victory Day and in honor of veterans. It was attended by representatives of veterans organizations, members of the Government of Kazakhstan, the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the deputies.

In Hanoi, also held celebrations, jointly organized by the embassies of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. At the event representatives of the Vietnamese leadership, the business community were shown a slide show on military themes, as well as films about the Great Patriotic War.

Diplomatic missions of Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, accredited in Canada, conducted a solemn ceremony to mark the anniversary of Victory. In the hall of Le Breton, the Canadian War Museum was organized by the exposition photo posters dedicated to the heroism of the Soviet people during the war. A group of Canadian veterans and veterans - those from the CIS countries were awarded commemorative medals "65 Years of Victory in Great Patriotic War." Among the awardees and the representative was of the Belarusian community, member of the partisan movement in Belarus B.A.Goldman.-0-
Immortal feat of Soviet people will always be revered in Belarus - Lukashenko

05/09/2010 15:35

May 9, will be developing. Noted. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on May 9 adopted Minsk garrison parade in commemoration of the 65 th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War, and looked sporting youth march. The celebration, held near the stela "Minsk - Hero City", collected a total of about 350 thousand Minsk residents and guests, BelTA was informed in the press service of the Belarusian leader.

For the first time during a military parade was declared a national minute of silence. At 60 seconds, all public and private Belarusian TV channels and radio stations interrupted broadcasts to commemorate the fallen in the war.

Then Alexander Lukashenko addressed the veterans, military personnel compatriots and foreign guests. The President stressed that the Day of Victory for the Belarusian people has paramount importance. "The people's memory will forever remain the dedication and courage of those who endured severe hardships and overcame the most brutal wars of the past century. The value of the victory for humanity are timeless. It has become a symbol of the triumph of life over death, of freedom over slavery, humanism against racism, embodied in Life just retribution of aggression and violence, to impose severe assessment of the mad ambitions and ideas of world domination ", - he said.

Belarus to the war suffered as no other country in the world. As a result of inhuman genocide, she lost a third of its population. It was destroyed the entire infrastructure, which resembled only the ashes of burned villages and the ruins of the once prosperous cities.

Alexander Lukashenko believes it is necessary to stop the revision of history and a distortion of the truth about the Second World War. "Many countries have taken part in the battle against the aggressor. But the historical truth is that a decisive role in the antifascist fight the Soviet Union played. It was he who became the force that changed the nature of the Second World War, predetermined its outcome decided the fate not only of our country but many other states and nations, in fact - the entire international community "- said President of Belarus.

Unfortunately, he continued, increasingly there are people who paid millions of lives the truth tend to substitute surrogates, should detract from the Great exploits of our soldiers and guerrillas, vilify patriots who fought for the liberation of their country. "Even worse, that such attempts were to grow into a political trend. Today we must do everything possible to stop the revision of history", - said Alexander Lukashenko.

"Then in the 41st, was not simply a clash of war and enormous potentials. It was a comprehensive battle of different political systems, which are the opposite of moral and spiritual value. And we were in her victory. On the protection of the Fatherland got all the people. That is why this war forever down in history as the Great Patriotic War ", - President said.

According to Alexander Lukashenko, an essential element for victory - lasting brotherhood of the Soviet people of various nationalities. May 9 - a common festival for Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, all countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. "And today in the parade in Minsk, Moscow and Kiev, shoulder to shoulder standing military fraternal Slavic countries. The memory of the heroic deed - is sacred. However, to avoid tragic mistakes of the past experience to do the right conclusions", - he said.

"We call upon all countries not to ignore the new challenges and dangerous trends that threaten our security" - said the Belarusian leader.

"Today's complex situation requires better to strengthen the defense of our country. To do this, we will take all necessary measures. The main focus - ensuring the necessary level of development of the Armed Forces" - the head of state.

According to him, remembering the lessons of the war, we realize that for us, nothing is more important than ensuring peace, prosperity and independence of the state. It is the objective of our policy. "A precious legacy - the freedom and independence - must not only pay, but also to protect the political and economic threats by any means", - said Alexander Lukashenko.

He stressed that the immortal feat of Soviet people will always be revered in Belarus. "The greatest gratitude to you, dear veterans, for having given us life. You can be sure that in Belarus the immortal feat of Soviet people, will be revered forever" - he said, referring to the veterans.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that all the plans of the state aimed at achieving the main goal - creation of conditions for a dignified life of Belarusian people. "We do not need a stranger, their prosperity we create ourselves. Only difficulty, persistent, daily and efficient, we will do native Belarus powerful and prosperous state", - said he.

"We must believe in our strength, to strengthen national unity and cohesion. Only in this way achieved a victory - said the head of state. - This is a manifestation of the highest morale, and the unconquered self-respecting people. Optimism and consolidation of forces - the key to success. This motto generation winners will always be in demand. " He wished everyone good health, peace, happiness and prosperity.

The President today visited the Holy Spirit Cathedral, where the tradition has put a candle in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic voyny.-0-
The future of Belarus in the hands of the young generation - a veteran

05/09/2010 17:31

May 9, Gomel / Natalia Titushkina - noted. The future of Belarus in the hands of the younger generation. From young people depends to an independent Belarus remained civilized, fast-growing, to anyone not worship the state. Such an opinion in an interview with BelTA voiced veteran Nikolai Neklesa.

He noted that the victory in World War II saved the world culture and civilization. The Soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters, workers logistics have done everything to a big country revived. "Our generation, unfortunately, is running out. But there is still time to look into the eyes of peers, who forged their own hands a victory to shake their hands, to hear their voices. All in the hands of youth", - says the veteran.

He told me that his great-grandchildren Nick and Dennis prepared a present - chronicle of his life. He has designed it in a weighty album with photos and maps of hostilities, with a narrative of the largest operations in which participated, with information about his six medals. Among them - the Order of the Red Star, Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War II degree. He remained for five years without a father, he knows that the boys should be brought up on the male examples.

Nikolai was born in Neklesa Kirovogradchine. Encouraged to take livestock expert, in 1939 he entered the Kiev School of Artillery. June 6, 1941 Nick was promoted to lieutenant and was assigned as a platoon commander howitzer artillery regiment of the 68 th Infantry Division, which later became the Red Banner. On the outbreak of war found in Termez. As deputy commander of the anti-tank battalion, 37 Infantry Brigade, which formed near Samarkand, entered into fights on the defense of Moscow. He fought for Staraya Russa, on Stalingrad. Liberated Belgorod, Kharkov, Poltava region, the Vitebsk - Lepel, Beshenkovichi, Chashniki. He took part in the fighting in the territory of the Baltic States.

With his wife Maria Kostyrkinoy (actress Sumy Theater) Nicholas Neklesa met during the war. She was radiotelefonistkoy, actively participated in the initiative wherever served. Together, they raised two docherey.-0-
http://www.belta.by/modules/photostory/_img/001158_902011.jpg (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1158)

На фото: Парад военной техники в Минске

The celebration of Victory Day in Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko at the Minsk garrison parade

Mogilev celebrate the 65 th anniversary of the Victory began with a parade

The solemn procession in Mogilev

Military parade in honor of 65 anniversary of Victory was held May 9 in Minsk

Military parade in Minsk

For the first time in the Belarusian capital of marching soldiers and Ukraine

At the ceremony in Vitebsk

Parade of military equipment in Minsk

At Minsk parade veterans were guests of honor

By tradition in Mogilev war veterans, as well as the marchers students gave flowers


Retro: Victory Day in Belarus (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1150)

http://www.belta.by/modules/photostory/_img/s_001142_213476.jpg (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1142) 05/04/2010

The exhibition "Mass Media in Belarus" (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1142)

http://www.belta.by/modules/photostory/_img/s_001140_639747.jpg (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1140) 01/05/2010

Lukashenko, in Gorky Park (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1140)

http://www.belta.by/modules/photostory/_img/s_001138_242431.jpg (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1138) 01/05/2010

"Miss Belarus-2010" (http://www.belta.by/ru/news/photostory?phstid=1138)

AN alternative view and some new-ish hardware