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05-06-2010, 06:58 PM
Gunman disguised in burka and sunglasses robs cash courier


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/05/06/article-1273588-0973A6BF000005DC-710_233x423.jpg Cover-up: The gunman wore a burka to disguise himself while robbing a courier (file picture)

A gunman dressed in a head-to-toe black burqa and sunglasses robbed a cash courier in a shopping centre car park.
The courier had just withdrawn a large amount of money from a bank yesterday when he spotted two men following him, Australian police said.
He returned to his vehicle which was parked in the car park when one of the men approached him and told him his tyre was going flat.

The man became suspicious and drove from the scene, changing his tyre in a nearby street before driving to a shopping centre.

Whilst he was parking his vehicle in the car park, he was approached by a man wearing a full burka and dark glasses.

The man pointed a pistol at him and demanded he hand over the money.
The victim handed over a bag containing a large amount of cash, and the man then ran off.

The 35-year-old victim works as a cash courier for jewellery businesses and was working on a job in Sydney at around 3pm when he was robbed, New South Wales state police said.
The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It covers the entire face and body, leaving just a mesh screen to see through.
In Australia, some Muslims wear head scarves, but burkas are almost never worn.

[URL="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1271848/Woman-Italy-fined-430-wearing-burqa.html"]'I'll have to keep her indoors now': Muslim husband's shocking response (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html)
as wife is first to be fined £430 for wearing a burka

The burka has become something of a controversial garment over recent years, with some suggesting it poses a security risk, as the wearer cannot be identified.
Last month, Belgium became the first European country to impose a full ban on wearing a burka.
Its parliament approved a draft law which states women can be jailed for hiding their faces in public.

The bill - which must be rubber-stamped by the Belgian senate - is set to become law by July.

France is poised to follow Belgium, with President Nicolas Sarkozy leading the charge to ban the burka. He has described the garment as 'contrary to the dignity of women'.

Since 1975, a national anti-terrorism law in Italy has forbidden the wearing of any mask or clothing that makes it impossible to identify the person underneath.

However, the law permits exceptions for 'justified cause', which has often been interpreted by courts as including religious reasons.
A woman in Italy became the first person in the country to be fined £430 for wearing a burka in a public place - the post office - earlier this week.

Not exactly in the proud tradition of Ned Kelly and the other bushrangers. Another reason to ban this ridiculous garment from civilized countries.
- elmartino, Narbonne, France, 06/5/2010 11:59
Click to rate (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) Rating 1431

See!!!! What did I say a few days ago? These burkhas are an aid to criminal activities. The new Home Secretary will ban them immediately. They MUST BE BANNED.
- Richard, London, 06/5/2010 11:55
Click to rate (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) Rating 1595

Maybe now we can ban them.
There has been a male terrorist who escaped from this country in a burkha, now the males know they can use them as a disguise to rob people.

They aren't religious, and if hoodies cannot wear a hood on their head why are people ALLOWED to wear burkhas.
With a hood you can see if it's male or female, with a burkha you only see eyes.
- bonnythescouser, liverpool, 06/5/2010 11:55
Click to rate (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) Rating 1485

and he has moobs. . .

You aren't allowed to wear balaclavas in shops, and i don't think your even allowed to wear them in public places? correct me if im wrong.

But i do not see why this FULL outfit is allowed, it is nothing to do with anti-religion, or discrimination, it is safety, communication, emotions.

If you aren't prepared to show respect to other countries by keeping your full garments uncovering your face, then stay in your own country.

I have no problem with headscarfs, black dresses, but the full frontal of the face to be covered is very intimidating.

Noone would like it if normal people walked around with a postbox on them.
- stacey, wales, 06/5/2010 11:51
Click to rate (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) Rating 1067

Does anything have to be said?
Click to rate (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#) Rating 937

There you see???


So before any politically correct numpties decide to stick up for these robbers, think about how you would feel if a man ( or woman ) would wear this ridiculous rag to break into your home...just think about it. This is a terrible security breach and it has to be banned NOW.
- Just Jules, Uk, 06/5/2010 11:42

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#ixzz0nBzO3S21 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1273588/Gunman-dressed-burka-sunglasses-robs-cash-courier.html#ixzz0nBzO3S21)
It was only a question of time before this happened. The name is in the garment Birk-a