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View Full Version : Pulstar Sparkplugs - Answer?

04-25-2010, 08:28 PM
I think I figured it out. Tell me what you think.

A while back, over 60,000 miles ago really, I installed a set of Pulstar sparkplugs in my 2006, 4.7 V8 Tundra, Clyde The Ride.

They were okay until one broke, so I replaced them with the factory sparkplugs until a replacement could be had.

Funny thing; immediately after changing back to stock, there was a noticeable drop off in pep, pick-up and smoothness, interesting as I had not noticed an improvement when I installed the Pulstar sparkplugs. Probably a computer adjustment thing, I reckon.

Eventually I re-installed Pulstars and have used them since. Recently I removed the Pulstars, and they looked so good I re-gapped and re-installed them.

I drive around for a living as a courier, to the tune of 150 to 300 miles a day. Usually, I fuel up daily so I know pretty fast if something is happening to affect gas mileage, good or bad. But the Pulstar sparkplugs made absolutely no difference in mileage which has flummoxed me because they are supposed to cause a more powerful plasma-induced burn and the theory is that the more power from a given amount of fuel the less throttle necessary for the same performance, ergo better gas mileage.

I kept thinking back to the dynamometer test the boys on "Trucks" did on their TV show and, sure enough, there was more power, right there on the read-out. I wondered about the vehicle they used, pre-computer and carbureted. Maybe it was my trucks computer responsible for my lack of improved mileage?

When one spends $40.00 or more for gasoline every day, ways to cut expenses are at the forefront, especially knowing that the current administration plans making gas more expensive. Barak Obama said he thought gas over $4.00 a gallon was a good idea, and I have every intention taking him at his word.

So, I've been looking at ways to cut expenses;

. A Natural Gas conversion is out of the question because the truck would not pass state Smog Inspection without an approved modification and by golly there aren't any approved kits.

. I've been looking at HHO, Hydrogen Gas Generators. Bewildering. But....AHA! I read that a piece of equipment necessary is a device to fool the vehicles computer.....because HHO causes a fast, powerful burn that makes more power out of the same amount of gas, makes the combustion leaner so to speak and the computer senses this as a lean condition and adds fuel to compensate thus defeating the whole purpose of more power from less fuel from better combustion.
Just like Pulstar sparkplugs!

So, if my logic is as impeccable as I believe it is......where do I find whatever the device is, to fool my trucks computer into allowing the leaner and more powerful burn?

04-25-2010, 08:46 PM
When I use to help my Dad at his body shop, they used a special computer to plug it in to the car's chip. I'm sure there are some cables you can buy that will let you hack it with a normal laptop. The main problem you are going to have is finding a program that lets you tinker with the truck's settings.