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View Full Version : I Ask You: Skinheads vs Islamic Fundamentalists; Which is Worse?

04-17-2010, 10:58 AM
Here's an interesting question:

Faced with a hypothetical situation, and you were the mayor/governor/president/MP/local leader/etc.. of a(n) society/town/state/region/area, and HAD to choose one group of people to live with, would you rather live with; Skinhead White Supremacists or Radical Islamic Fundamentalists?

On one hand, the benefit of being white or of European ancestry gives you a place at the table of the Skinheads. Most Aryan Brotherhood gangs run from prison or administered from the outside tend to keep to themselves and don't set their ambitions too high. Most tend to be like small, radical, militia groups that just want a piece of land and to be left alone. They may influence votes or politics and wish to segregate society based on race, but they don't eradicate everybody that doesn't agree with their ideology, rather chases them out of town or just threatens them.

I don't agree with their ideology, but I would much rather live with white skinheads than radical Islamic 'Fundies'. Granted, I happen to be white, but even if I were black, it'd be better than being put to death for not converting to Islam. I think the intolerance of the Ayran Brotherhood is more bearable (even if it is still ugly) than the intolerance of Islamic 'Fundies'. The goal of pretty much every single radical Islamic group is a worldwide Caliphate (which means ALL "unbelievers" WILL convert to Islam or face the sword), run from Saudi Arabia or wherever they install their Caliph.

Controversial, but hypothetical questions in this thread. Let me know your choices.

Also, leave the PC Bullshit out of this thread. I don't want someone getting butthurt because they're too stupid to understand what "Hypothetical" means in context.

04-17-2010, 12:26 PM
Two wrongs don't make a right.
All extremists should be sterilised with a .45,
"If ", they refuse to agree to disagree and live in peace.
Mirth not murder, treat others as you want to be treated.
Sounds simplistic, but I feel it is the, just and proper course of action for a, "Civilised society".
Death has to be an alternative, for hateful Bigots and terrorists.

04-17-2010, 01:20 PM
I would have to go with what I anticipate in the long term. Yes both groups are distastful to me, but I would have to go with the Skinheads.

My anticipation is based on the hope that many of the skinheads are going through a phase, so eventually would settle down and be decent members of society, albeit with a past.

I cant say I would expect fundamentalists from moving very far from their beliefs.


04-17-2010, 01:49 PM
Sorry Charlie,
I don't want to appear argumentative, however, I have never met a skinhead, even in later years that are not prejudice or would kick you to death after a few pints. I grew up with an awful lot. They just get one track in thinking, blinkered and racist and bigoted. Their views go to the core of there thinking, there mind set if you will. Probably are thousands of reformed skinheads, but in my life time I have not met one

04-17-2010, 02:58 PM
Shit, I would it rather be the Skinheads than fucking Islamic extremists anyday.

Real Skinheads. Not the Prison Fags that smoke meth, deals meth and betray their race on a regular basis. Aryan Brotherhood is a joke. I hate white trash with a passion. That is one of the major problems associated with white supremacy. people tend to only see Prison Gangs and Street Thugs with no direction.

I'm talking about Real Skinheads, Real morals. Real organizations and leadership. and not street punks.....
Remember Skinheads are just soldiers of a bigger picture.

I was involved heavily with Skinheads at one point in my life. Had some good times and had some bad times.
I wouldn't agree with having "bullshit" skins as my group of choice.

I'll ad some more replies to this topic Bro, I'm just running out of time atm....

04-17-2010, 05:01 PM
So far GTF and Sixx agree with me.

@ian: I know both groups suck and all, but it's ust hypothetical if you HAD to live with one group, who would it be. Lesser of two Evils question. So..which group would you choose?

04-17-2010, 06:44 PM
We gotta list the pros and cons of both groups :D
And I cannot find any pros for Radical Islam.

Someone help me out hehe...

And Ian, there is a big difference between drunk juvenile street hoodlums claiming to be a skinhead and actual Skinheads that put in work. Skinheads come in a wide variety, from Trads to homo skins..... To me there is only one type of Skinhead I acknowledge. They come in short lived groups. Only a few legit remaining skinhead groups such as The Hammerskin Nation and the U.K.'s Combat 18 group....however C18 are a little too extreme for me.

I was an active White Power Skinhead for at least 9 years before I joined the military and put it all behind me. My views have changed drastically over the years along with my priorities. I am still an extremist....Just not a White Supremacist.

04-17-2010, 06:58 PM
Because both are anti social groups, and hate the society we live in.
I can only liken them to a bouncing betty mine. you are screwed within a 110 metres.
I'm of limited intellect, it is a load question. I can only say either are detrimental to my grandson health.
There fore an unrealistic real world question, sorry buddy, self preservation takes over

04-17-2010, 07:07 PM
anti social groups? hate the society we live in? Sounds about almost every American I encounter.

04-17-2010, 07:27 PM
I would have to go with the skins. I have never heard of skinheads blowing up a marketplace full of women and children. If they get drunk and commit acts of violence they area arrested and do time. They don't do things to intentionally die.
The fact that I buzz my head with clippers everyday has NOTHING to do with my answer. I promise.

04-17-2010, 08:15 PM
I would have to go with the skins. I have never heard of skinheads blowing up a marketplace full of women and children

Except a few black churches that killed some kids down here in the South.

Skinhead's ideals are races don't mix and stay in their own country. Islamists' ideas are convert or die. I'd stay with Skinheads.

Also Joelee, obligatory Philly is racist comment. :P

04-17-2010, 08:17 PM
This is like asking me if I would rather have gonorrhea or syphilis.

04-17-2010, 09:30 PM
skinheads never flew airplanes into the twin towers or put IED'S in roadways or behead people yet

04-17-2010, 11:40 PM
skinheads never flew airplanes into the twin towers or put IED'S in roadways or behead people yet

Russian skinheads beheaded a Dagestani teen a few years ago

04-17-2010, 11:49 PM
Russian skinheads beheaded a Dagestani teen a few years ago

yeah, I saw that insurgent style video they shot.

Russian Skinheads are a different beast. I do not consider them real skinheads.

04-18-2010, 12:32 AM
yeah, I saw that insurgent style video they shot.

Russian Skinheads are a different beast. I do not consider them real skinheads.

How so? Their ideas and teachngs are pretty much the same to their American counterparts.

04-18-2010, 01:11 AM
How so? Their ideas and teachngs are pretty much the same to their American counterparts.

I'm trying my hardest not to offend anyone with my views. lol

"Russian Nationalist Socialists" are not like American or European Skinheads.
They are not counterparts. Just a tool for taking care of Russian immigrants and shit that stems from the inner conflicts of the former Soviet Union.
Russian skinheads are a serious problem and they need to be wiped out.

They do not care about racial pride and purity. It is just a front. a lie.

They use it as a fear factor.....The Skinhead image and the use of swastikas. Celebrating on Hitler's Birthday etc.

Sorry for accidently editing your post Tokenvi.....I hit edit post instead of reply, My bad...

You will never see American Skinheads behaving this way.


04-18-2010, 08:28 AM
Speaking of skinheads, apparently two of them got the shit kicked out of them during one of their little protest marches in Los Angeles. Too funny...

Before members of the white supremacist group had arrived, a bare-chested middle-aged man with Nazi insignias tattooed on his chest and back walked into a crowd of hundreds of counter-protesters gathered near 1st and Spring streets.

Surrounded, the man mockingly bobbed his head to the rhythm of demonstrators chanting "Nazi scum." About a dozen protesters suddenly began pelting the man with punches and kicks. He fell and was struck on the back with the wooden handle of a protester's sign, which snapped in two. Police eventually reached the man and pulled him from the melee, as blood poured from the back of his neck.

Another man was rushed by a mob on Spring Street. He was punched in the face and kicked for about 20 seconds before police made it to the scene. After that beating was broken up, the man began running south on Spring Street, only to be chased down by a protester and slugged in the face. He collapsed and his face slammed to the curb as protesters began pummeling him again.


04-18-2010, 08:45 AM
I was once a top member of a skinhead gang of arround 150,
when I left.
If went back now after 40 years,
I would still have a broken beer glass pushed into the face an get a hiding also.
Mick asked which one, well Skins I would survive because I understand there mind set.
But nither by choice Mick

04-18-2010, 09:04 AM
I'm trying my hardest not to offend anyone with my views. lol

"Russian Nationalist Socialists" are not like American or European Skinheads.
They are not counterparts. Just a tool for taking care of Russian immigrants and shit that stems from the inner conflicts of the former Soviet Union.
Russian skinheads are a serious problem and they need to be wiped out.

They do not care about racial pride and purity. It is just a front. a lie.

They use it as a fear factor.....The Skinhead image and the use of swastikas. Celebrating on Hitler's Birthday etc.

Sorry for accidently editing your post Tokenvi.....I hit edit post instead of reply, My bad...

You will never see American Skinheads behaving this way.


Thank you for the clarification.

04-18-2010, 03:46 PM
Speaking of skinheads, apparently two of them got the shit kicked out of them during one of their little protest marches in Los Angeles. Too funny...


Yeah, It was funny as hell when Reginald Denny got his head bashed in with a brick in '92
People will talk shit about Skinheads and other racially proud whites......But ignore the rampant racist and violent actions of a lot of Blacks and other non-whites in our country.

Why is that?

This is not just limited to Black on White Crime.....But Black on Hispanic crime ...Black on Asian crime...etc

But it's cool when a Proud white or a Proud Hispanic gathering legally to voice their opinions gets beat down in the streets.

Hell yeah!!!! too funny.

04-18-2010, 04:07 PM
People will talk shit about Skinheads and other racially proud whites......But ignore the rampant racist and violent actions of a lot of Blacks and other non-whites in our country.

Well, thankfully I'm not one of them.

Although, I still get a chuckle when two skinheads get the shit kicked out of them. Much as I would if the black individuals involved in the innocent beating of Reginald Denny had the shit kicked out of them.

See that, I'm an equal opportunist...LOL.

04-18-2010, 04:21 PM
Well, thankfully I'm not one of them.

Although, I still get a chuckle when two skinheads get the shit kicked out of them. Much as I would if the black individuals involved in the innocent beating of Reginald Denny had the shit kicked out of them.

See that, I'm an equal opportunist...LOL.

Hehehe, I'm an equal opportunist as well :D

But anyway....only a few of the "L.A. Four" got what they deserved......

"The L.A. Four was a nickname given to the first four men charged with the attack on Denny: Damian Williams, Henry Watson, Antoine Miller and Gary Williams. Two additional men, Anthony Brown and Lance Parker were also charged with the attack on Denny but not until after the "L.A. Four" nickname had spread. The six men were redubbed the "L.A. Four+".

Friends raised funds for the legal defense of the L.A. Four+ by selling "Button Pins".

Damian "Football" Williams, probably the best-known of the assailants, was a 19-year-old with a criminal record including arrests for auto theft and robbery but had no convictions. A football star in high school, he dreamed of becoming a professional football player and briefly played in a semipro league. When he was 16, he dropped out of the Christian school. He joined a gang called the "Eight Tray Gangster Crips". Williams became the most recognized participant of L.A. riots due to the live news broadcast of his attack on Denny and because of his memorable nickname which was repeated frequently in news media. Although the Denny beating received great publicity, Williams and his companions also assaulted and beat several Asian and Latino motorists who were passing through the area. Williams was charged with attempted murder as well as assault and mayhem. After the riots the Mexican Mafia had a "hit" out on Williams, the contract to kill him was picked up by the now infamous and then little known MS-13. In 1993, Williams was convicted of mayhem and misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to 10 years. In 1997, Williams was released for good behavior, but in 2003, he received a 46-year sentence at Pelican Bay State Prison for the 2000 murder of Grover Tinner, a drug dealer.

Antoine "Twan" Miller was a 19-year-old who lived with the Williams family. Miller's mother was a drug addict; and as a child, Miller was sent to live with his grandmother. When he was 12, his grandmother killed his grandfather and was convicted of this murder, leaving Miller homeless. Williams' mother, well-known around the neighborhood as kind and caring, took Miller into her home. Miller's only previous arrest was for joyriding. At the age of 31, Miller was shot in a Hollywood nightclub on February 1, 2004 and died from his wounds soon after.

Henry Keith "Kiki" Watson was a 27-year-old former U.S. Marine and an ex-convict who had served time for robbery. After his release from prison, he married, had children and was working two jobs. According to Williams, Watson was known around the neighborhood as a "gentleman". After he was freed from jail in 1993, he appeared on the Phil Donahue show and apologized to Denny for the attacks. Later, he would serve three years in prison for a narcotics conviction. Fifteen years after the attacks, Watson said during an interview "Nobody specifically sought out Reginald Denny to cause him any harm. We got caught up in the moment, just like everyone else." As of 2007, Watson still lives in Los Angeles and operates his own limousine service.

Gary Williams (unrelated to Damian Williams) was a crack addict who was routinely seen at a local gas station as a beggar.

Anthony Brown was also a member of Eight Tray Gangster Crips.

Lance Parker was a 26-year-old process server who had no previous criminal record."


04-18-2010, 04:49 PM
Yeah, It was funny as hell when Reginald Denny got his head bashed in with a brick in '92
People will talk shit about Skinheads and other racially proud whites......But ignore the rampant racist and violent actions of a lot of Blacks and other non-whites in our country.

Why is that?

Because the PC police say it's ok. Look at Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, and Charlie Rangle. All three are race baiting mother fuckers who do nothing but make false racial claims. They point out all the bad the white man has done. Yet, they never own up to massive amount of crime blacks commit in this country.

"I'm black and I'm proud." says the black man. "I'm hispanic and I'm proud." says the latino man. "I'm white and I'm proud." says the white man. Now the black man and latino man call the white man a racist.

I hate this pussy country.

04-18-2010, 06:34 PM
Because the PC police say it's ok. Look at Rev. Al, Jesse Jackson, and Charlie Rangle. All three are race baiting mother fuckers who do nothing but make false racial claims. They point out all the bad the white man has done. Yet, they never own up to massive amount of crime blacks commit in this country.

"I'm black and I'm proud." says the black man. "I'm hispanic and I'm proud." says the latino man. "I'm white and I'm proud." says the white man. Now the black man and latino man call the white man a racist.

I hate this pussy country.


The thing that burns me up....
Growing up I lived in a multicultural area.....every fucking race imaginable. The only racist shit I saw was shit directed towards white people. On a daily basis. But if you speak out against it you become the racist. I've even seen it in the military.

Things change when you get older and you are able to meet up with like minded individuals that is tired of getting shit on. You are still labled a racist...but you are labeled an extremist as well and persecuted.

Racism in America will never die down when you have pieces of shit like Al Sharpton and Co. hyping shit up all the time.

I mind my own business. I only want my family and myself to be able to live peacefully without having to live in fear.....yet I find myself somehow accosted on a regular basis because I'm white.

I just want to live in peace.

04-18-2010, 09:55 PM
Thank you all for the input. I myself have grown sick and tired of "Historical Guilt" (or more commonly known as White Guilt), and the double standard it has created in our country. I don't sanction violence towards any minority group, but I would gladly sanction the use of "strong-arming" by the Aryan Broterhood against gangbangers if it meant a safer neighborhood for all living there. (just so long as the Skins would agree NOT to take up drug dealing). If I had to lie down with Skins to prevent radical Muslims from pushing into my area, I would go ahead and deal with it. You trade one evil for another, but it's a far lesser evil.

04-18-2010, 11:39 PM
Thank you all for the input. I myself have grown sick and tired of "Historical Guilt" (or more commonly known as White Guilt), and the double standard it has created in our country. I don't sanction violence towards any minority group, but I would gladly sanction the use of "strong-arming" by the Aryan Broterhood against gangbangers if it meant a safer neighborhood for all living there. (just so long as the Skins would agree NOT to take up drug dealing). If I had to lie down with Skins to prevent radical Muslims from pushing into my area, I would go ahead and deal with it. You trade one evil for another, but it's a far lesser evil.

Yeah Historical Guilt is lame as hell. When people fight for their rights against Affirmitive action bullshit, shit like this happens---->

I do not promote violence against anyone at all. I do not want to be bothered by anyone at all.
But when I leave my house it hits me in the face. What are my options? Where do I go to live in peace?

Keep in mind Aryan Brotherhood deals meth and uses drugs and are most likely convicted felons or murderers. I'm not sure I would feel safe around them though
True Skinheads do not fuck with illegal drugs at all. Not even weed.

Also some American White Power Skins are Pro-Islam believe it or not. I'm not sure if it's because of Hitler's view on the middle east or because they kill Zionists

05-01-2010, 11:19 PM
why not gather them in one area, enclosed, and let them kill each other... them whom ever survives kill them

05-02-2010, 01:33 AM
why not gather them in one area, enclosed, and let them kill each other... them whom ever survives kill them

Because that wasn't the point of the thread. The point was to make a choice, if you absoutely, hypothetically had to make it.

05-02-2010, 01:47 AM
why not gather them in one area, enclosed, and let them kill each other... them whom ever survives kill them

I like the way you think. :)

05-05-2010, 02:00 PM
Do what rome did, put em in a ring togeather make them fight for entertainment lol

05-08-2010, 11:54 AM
Which is worse? In my view, the radical Islamist. I don't remember any skinhead bombings during my lifetime, although the Klan certainly did a few, mostly before my time. At least in the USA, not too much is heard from white supremacist groups these days. There is plenty of anti-white racism around, though; I guess it's PC to be racist against whites.

I've met Arabs who would probably be happy to kill me. OTOH, I've discussed my anti-racist views with some white racists and didn't feel threatened. I would definitely not say anything anti-Islam to a group of radical Islamists unless I was assured of superior firepower.

I'm not a racist, but I could probably function better surrounded by skinheads than surrounded by radical Islamists.

05-13-2010, 01:55 PM
I would have to say that i could live with skinheads before jihad cocksuckers. I'm white and I shave my head. Not because I'm a skinhead but because I was blessed with a receding hairline when I turned 17 and the Homer Simpson hairdoo isnt an option. So I would probably live pretty peacefully because I would blend in and most people probably assume I'm a skinhead as is.

On a side note my neighbors are muzzies, about 10 of them. Down the street there is a whole neighborhood of just them and I dont trust a single one of them. Almost like complexes in a way, probably about 50 or so living off the road behind the tree line. I pass the place every day and it doesnt make me comfortable at all....my weapons are all loaded and my .45 stays on my hip. If they want to try their crazy shit they need look elsewhere first because there is nothing at my doorstep except 72 virgins