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View Full Version : any truth to this army unit being readied for deployment inside the u.s. ?

04-14-2010, 11:27 PM
this sounds fake and made-up,,any truth to this,it seems more like the tinfoil hat guys


04-15-2010, 12:38 AM
According to CNN the size will be around the 4700 ..... not smaller than the 80000 quoted in the examiner.

Looks like a reasonably sized force that can be used in the case of disasters or terrorist attacks.

04-15-2010, 12:48 AM
What's the big deal? The National Guard has ALWAYS assisted in civil matters, and who gives a shit if they now have one specific brigade specially trained for domestic issues?

Talk about Paranoia!!!

"OMG1!!1!!! DEY R M0BILYZ1NG TR00P5 AGENST U5!1!!!"

04-15-2010, 01:12 AM
every MP in the Army,Marines, AF, Navy all have been trained to handle those types of situations.

04-15-2010, 09:27 AM
yes the national guard does this job,,i was always told use of u.s. military on u.s. soil violates the ''posse commutates act'',,

04-15-2010, 02:16 PM
The US military has gotten around the posse comitatus act many, many, many, many times. HR5122 is a prime example.....it lets the military enforce laws in major public emergencies for example Katrina. that is when it was made into law by the way. Another way the armed forces were getting around it was they were assisting local law enforcement for example the border call up of the national guard. The military is sworn to uphold the constitution and obey LAWFUL orders given by superiors. If a soldier feels that what they are doing violates the constitution or is not lawful is their moral and legal obligation to report and resist said orders.

04-15-2010, 09:44 PM
OK,heres question #2 ,, you took an oath to protect this country against all enemy's both foreign and domestic,,how are our domestic enemy's ?

04-15-2010, 11:07 PM
I think this is bogus. The picture doesn't even seem legit because if you look at the banner in the back it looks more like transliterated Russian than English.

04-16-2010, 01:04 AM
OK,heres question #2 ,, you took an oath to protect this country against all enemy's both foreign and domestic,,how are our domestic enemy's ?

Who? are our domestic enemies....those that pose a realistic armed threat to the duly elected government.

04-16-2010, 10:14 AM
Do we even have the manpower to enforce martial law in all fifty states? I always wondered that.

04-16-2010, 10:37 AM
Do we even have the manpower to enforce martial law in all fifty states? I always wondered that.

If the US tore itself apart (into splinter factions split along religious/ethnic/social/moral lines) kinda like A'stan, there's NO WAY there'd be enough troops to enforce one set of laws in the fifty sttes. Take West Virginia for example. You know how many troops it would take to root out "Insurgent" groups of "Mountain Folk" way up there? (this is all in a hypothetical context, btw)

04-16-2010, 10:44 AM
OK,heres question #2 ,, you took an oath to protect this country against all enemy's both foreign and domestic,,how are our domestic enemy's ?

If you are asking "who" and not "how", here are just a few...


That's not counting the number of American-born Muslims who would love nothing more than to see another 9/11 occur.

04-16-2010, 10:55 AM
If you are asking "who" and not "how", here are just a few...


That's not counting the number of American-born Muslims who would love nothing more than to see another 9/11 occur.

Even though they are labeled "domestic enemies" by the government

I wouldn't consider lone wolves and random groups of 2-3 nutjobs domestic enemies.
More like criminals to me.

04-16-2010, 11:02 AM
I wouldn't consider lone wolves and random groups of 2-3 nutjobs domestic enemies.
More like criminals to me.

In my opinion, if they are randomly killing innocent civilians in order to strike terror into our government and civilian population, I would consider them domestic terrorists.

When a backward scumbag who failed at just about everything in life decides to pack a van full of explosives and drives it into a federal building, murdering 168 men, women and children, I would consider that an act of domestic terrorism.

I guess that's just me.

04-16-2010, 01:02 PM
In my opinion, if they are randomly killing innocent civilians in order to strike terror into our government and civilian population, I would consider them domestic terrorists.

When a backward scumbag who failed at just about everything in life decides to pack a van full of explosives and drives it into a federal building, murdering 168 men, women and children, I would consider that an act of domestic terrorism.

I guess that's just me.
I'm not saying you are wrong...just stating how I feel about the term "Domestic Enemies/Domestic Terrorists" The term is used too loosely nowadays.....
http://quizilla.teennick.com/tests/4833864 <------take this quiz.

These people are lone wolves. They have no leadership or any overall plans for anything.
They are just criminal wackos using the "government" as a reason to justifly their twisted need to kill.

Were the Beltway Snipers domestic enemies? No, But if that car they were using to snipe from sported a bumper sticker stating "destroy your government" they would be considered domestic enemies.

I see no organization in our domestic threats. Just random criminals.
Eric Robert Rudolph is hailed a hero in the anti-abortion arena. But in the end he was just a criminal, a criminal that accomplished nothing for his cause. He is a terrorist, But I do not consider him a domestic terrorist.

Anti-Abortion extremists that kill....are more organized than your run-of-the-mill anti-government wacko.

04-16-2010, 01:31 PM
You are not a terrorist. In fact, it is highly likely that you are a socialist, communist, or Democrat. You strongly support the state over, well, everything. You likely do not believe in any individual rights. You scare me.

You scored 20.00% of the possible points for this test.

LOL, I think my posts speak for themselves. Funny "quiz".

04-16-2010, 03:39 PM
LOL, I think my posts speak for themselves. Funny "quiz".

OK I took the same Quiz and got the same answer I think this quiz is rigged cause I sure as hell aint a socialist, communist or democrap!! And I didnt mis-spell it!

04-16-2010, 04:52 PM
If they declared martial law, wouldn't one of the first things they would do, is to call back ALL former military personel?

04-16-2010, 04:59 PM
OK I took the same Quiz and got the same answer I think this quiz is rigged cause I sure as hell aint a socialist, communist or democrap!! And I didnt mis-spell it!

Apparently and according to that quiz, I basically have to join a cult or militia in order to not be considered a "socialist, communist, or Democrat". That seems to be one of the requirements in order to get a 'higher' score on the quiz.

And they have the balls to consider me the "scary" one? That's amusing.

04-16-2010, 06:43 PM
I took the quiz, twice, with opposite answers and got the same result. Rigged.

04-16-2010, 07:29 PM
Apparently and according to that quiz, I basically have to join a cult or militia in order to not be considered a "socialist, communist, or Democrat". That seems to be one of the requirements in order to get a 'higher' score on the quiz.

And they have the balls to consider me the "scary" one? That's amusing.


04-16-2010, 07:56 PM
So it's a bullshit quiz. Interesting.

Anyways, I tend to put those who happen to be born in our country and choose to put fear into our government and kill innocent civilians in the exact same group as I do the terrorists across seas. Their objectives are the same and those objectives are to instill fear, terror and murder.

Bottomline, I really don't care if they are a bunch of backward "Lone Losers" from Indiana/Kansas who had ties to local militias or a Muslim terrorist cell from Saudi Arabia. Their goals are the same in my book and they should be weeded out and destroyed in the same manner.

I do know one thing for damn sure. If my daughter, son, sister, brother, father or mother were inside the OKC federal building on that fateful day and those pieces of human trash incinerated one of family members with a van full of explosives after a well thought out plan, I would expect those scumbags to be considered domestic terrorists/enemies. I wouldn't care if it involved three hick failures from the USA or three Muslim nut's named Ahmed, Samir and Saddam.

04-16-2010, 08:35 PM
So it's a bullshit quiz. Interesting.

Anyways, I tend to put those who happen to be born in our country and choose to put fear into our government and kill innocent civilians in the exact same group as I do the terrorists across seas. Their objectives are the same and those objectives are to instill fear, terror and murder.

Bottomline, I really don't care if they are a bunch of backward "Lone Losers" from Indiana/Kansas who had ties to local militias or a Muslim terrorist cell from Saudi Arabia. Their goals are the same in my book and they should be weeded out and destroyed in the same manner.

I do know one thing for damn sure. If my daughter, son, sister, brother, father or mother were inside the OKC federal building on that fateful day and those pieces of human trash incinerated one of family members with a van full of explosives after a well thought out plan, I would expect those scumbags to be considered domestic terrorists/enemies. I wouldn't care if it involved three hick failures from the USA or three guy's named Ahmed, Samir and Saddam.

My thoughts exactly.

04-16-2010, 11:00 PM
Do we even have the manpower to enforce martial law in all fifty states? I always wondered that.

how would our government even go about declaring martial law ?,let alone enforcing it would be nearly impossible,,and wouldn't some states just tell the gov to ''go screw themselves''

04-16-2010, 11:09 PM
Of course the quiz is a joke....designed by someone who is a clown.

At the end of the day, Terrorists are terrorists. But who are the real terrorists?

The term domestic terrorist is used too loosely.
Especially with the Patriot Act. Anyone on the governments shit list can be considered a domestic threat.

What I'm talking about goes deeper than some assclown dubbed the Unabomber.

I'm talking about how the government strips our constitution away. Making it easier to get rid of those who oppose them.
political dissent is not terrorism. Activism is not terrorism...

04-16-2010, 11:19 PM
how would our government even go about declaring martial law ?,let alone enforcing it would be nearly impossible,,and wouldn't some states just tell the gov to ''go screw themselves''

probably something like this:
Martial Law declared
The president will initiate Executive Orders 10990-11921 and any new ones Obama created to ensure the survival and control of the Government.
The president addresses the public via television and radio.
National Guard comes in.
curfews enforced and control established.

Not sure on how it would all come together.

What type of event would cause the entire United States to fall under martial law? It would have to be some serious shit.

04-17-2010, 12:28 AM
Took the quiz and got a 35%

05-01-2010, 11:33 PM
I honestly don't know.. who they would single out as a terrorist..