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View Full Version : Deep Concern

04-10-2010, 02:04 PM
I am really concerned about Sarah Palin trying to reprent the TEA PARTY movement. I realize that the TEA PARTY seems to have no leadership. But she is not the one to do it.
Palin came out to represent McCain a couple of weeks ago for the 2010 Arizona Senate race, I know she owes McCain a favor. However, McCain is the furthest thing from the true Conservative values the U.S. needs. And this demonstrates that Palin is loyal to the "good ol' boy" form of polotics rather than Conservative representation of the U.S. CONSTITUTION. McCain's Republican opponent is a guy named J.D. Hayworth and IS a true conservative.
I am not from Arizona, but I see this as very revealing.

04-10-2010, 11:26 PM
the tea party is made up of separate groups of regular peope,its not a political party,they don't need a national leader,,Sarah Palin owes John McCain her start in national politics ,don't be scared of regular people just politicians

04-11-2010, 08:23 PM
I am from Az and so far I see no true conservative running in the race. Buzz Mill is an ex Marine who is touting a no holds bar type of leadership. I emailed his campaign office in hopes of at least a letter(not generated or generic)that outlines his strategy for "reform". 2 months went by and not a peep from him. I sent an email to his office stating that I will not vote for him because his apparent lack of concern for my request. I finally got a response(a generic generated party line email)which turned me off of him completely so.....we have JD Haworth(who only served one term and did not get re-elected)...McCain a life long senator who is more of a spendacrat than a fiscal responsible conservative....Buzz Mills who claims to be fiscal responsible but refuses to even have a staffer answer a simple email..I am in quite a conundrum here folks

04-12-2010, 12:09 AM
Oh look, a concern troll! I was wondering when/if we'd get one.

Move along folks, nothing to see here...

04-12-2010, 01:24 AM
i think we just have to pick the least of the worst,just to get the POS folks that .1.have been in too long and 2. who are screwing us over and not representing us