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View Full Version : i don't think nudity in AC profile pictures is appropriate

04-10-2010, 12:16 PM
That is all.

04-10-2010, 12:30 PM
I respect your opinion, but it is up to Stark.

04-10-2010, 01:45 PM
you're right i don't think its appropiate either, its a military site, want nudity and porn go to google and find it!

04-10-2010, 01:53 PM
Like JPs avatar?

04-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Like JPs avatar?

I believe that's what he's referring to.
I don't think it's appropriate for an avatar either. But that's just my opinion.

Ultimately it's up to Stark. Try sending him a PM deadmike.

04-10-2010, 08:19 PM
Like JPs avatar?


also people under 18 should not be allowed on the site, there should be a disclaimer...

04-10-2010, 11:09 PM
What do you have against naked woman? are you gay?

How can you say dead people killed by terrorists, is ok but a naked human body isn't?

I really hate how the religious people made nudity and sex into such a horrible thing in our country, we are supposed to be free. Please don't push your religious oppression on us.

04-10-2010, 11:14 PM
next he will want to take away all the guns

04-10-2010, 11:19 PM
I agree lets cover our women from head to toe, they can wear face masks as well.

04-10-2010, 11:44 PM
In Russia only man naked is allowed.

That's what you sound like.

Where are you from? lol.

And if you're talking about "our country", being the US, we were founded by Puritans and Religious sectarians seeking to escape an immoral and crumbling "progressive" Europe (hasn't changed much, huh?).

If this user wants a family friendly site associated with veterans and servicemembers, LEARN TO TOLERATE his views, asswipe. Don't have to agree with him.

04-11-2010, 12:17 AM
Respect the right to be nude!

04-11-2010, 03:10 AM
jp's avitar is more of a morality issue than an offensive one..
i would never display nude pic's of a girl i knew .. even if her identity was kept anonymous
@ stark .. i'm not being separated from my penis (avitar) .. YOU DIG...LOL :)
ps...atroxx attacking mike then attacking AC..seriously UNCOOL :(

04-11-2010, 03:58 AM
oh comon, I don't think I am "attacking" anyone, sorry If i hurt you're feelings :P.

04-11-2010, 05:51 AM
All in small dosage, I don't mind an avatar on the frontpage or the forum that shows a nake woman (as long as she isn't spreading her pussy) on the other hand an avatar showing intercourse of any kind isn't wanted.

Threads on the forum with naked woman or men should be labeled so that everybody knows what they in for when opening the threads.

All such posts should be posted in the Mess hall only- which is the offtopic forum which means its the only forum were non military topics are allowed.

04-11-2010, 11:17 AM
What do you have against naked woman? are you gay?

How can you say dead people killed by terrorists, is ok but a naked human body isn't?

I really hate how the religious people made nudity and sex into such a horrible thing in our country, we are supposed to be free. Please don't push your religious oppression on us.

Dude! You are waaay out there, making HUGE assumptions, leaps and bounds...

first mistake: assuming i have something against naked women.
second mistake: attacking me by calling me gay
third mistake: using a straw man argument trying to equate "dead people killed by terrorists" with a "naked human body"
fourth mistake: implying that I am pushing some religious agenda

Surely we all come to a discussion with our own prejudices and personal experiences. I should say that your post can speak volumes about your life experiences and the type of perspective you bring to a conversation.

I opened the topic to begin a dialog, not to bring on the attack helicopters.


Nudity in the forums is appropriate, we have a whole thread with naked chicks and guns, I love it.

I just don't think that creating an avatar with nudity in it is appropriate. You want I should take a picture of my cock and use that? You wanna see that? Go ahead and open the door.

There have to be some standards of modicum on AC, I am merely suggesting that I consider it inappropriate.

Did I say "offensive"? NOPE, I never said it was offensive.
Did I say it was "against religious teachings"? NOPE, I never mentioned religion.

You have a website which shows uncompromising military content, not uncompromising nudity.

I do think it is juvenile and I'm not sure who is supposed to be impressed by an apparent webcam screenshot, but I'm not one of them.

If you think AC is the place to show off that you can post a nude avatar, then, I think, that is a sad statement. I'm not sure what message is trying to be conveyed, as each person's avatar on AC projects the persona of the individual.

For example, Hoglover has an A-10.

I guess we should believe that JP is a boob.

04-11-2010, 11:27 AM
In Russia only man naked is allowed.

That's what you sound like.

Where are you from? lol.

And if you're talking about "our country", being the US, we were founded by Puritans and Religious sectarians seeking to escape an immoral and crumbling "progressive" Europe (hasn't changed much, huh?).

If this user wants a family friendly site associated with veterans and servicemembers, LEARN TO TOLERATE his views, asswipe. Don't have to agree with him.

Thanks for your support.

04-11-2010, 11:36 AM
BTW - all of you haters who can't even talk about something without blowing up!


My AC avatar speaks volumes about my tolerance for people who have nothing constructive to add: SHUT THE FUCK UP until you are mature enough to add something meaningful to the discussion.

04-11-2010, 11:46 AM
mike I like you but I only see one person melting down

04-11-2010, 01:02 PM
I dont wish to view excessive porn,
However I back Starks call, one leader one voice.

04-11-2010, 01:06 PM
Stark already addressed everyone, Let's not keep stirring the pot. Name calling already has begun as well.
Come on guys. deadmike.....I'm sorry the avatar upsets you. I do not care for it at all either.. But It's just a tittie(I can ignore it). I scroll fast when I hear my wife coming close so I do not get accused of surfing a porn site.....That is the only issue I have. (I can adapt). Stark is a fair person, He addressed the issue. Unfortunately it is hard to please everyone.

If it were a goatse avatar, It would be another story.....I would hope lol. yuck :D

Just to be sure, there is only one thing which offends me: LACK OF INTEGRITY

Your reply is well thought out, respectful and moderate (hehe).

I just wanted to discuss it.

INAPPROPRIATE: incompatible, out or keeping, unfitting

There is no left, right, conservative, liberal, progressive, recessive, religious, blasphemous, belittling, defrocking, denegrating, or anything which is emotionally provocative associated with my choice of words to start this conversation. That is all brought to the table by the individual reader.

I just don't see it as appropriate for AC. Everyone is free to express themselves as they see fit and portray whatever image they want, I just don't think nudity in an avatar works on AC, but maybe now we will start seeing others show their support for more nudity and we will see a huge 'swell' of support for the concept with others showing off nudity in their avatars.

04-11-2010, 01:12 PM
mike I like you but I only see one person melting down

I like you too. [wink wink]

haha, you started it!

I don't think I had a meltdown, as opposed to using 'overwhelming force' of words in my replies.

Then again, I can't see my own ears...

04-11-2010, 01:14 PM
Dude, you've got some anger issues to deal with and, apparently, some personal demons to deal with.

My statement was simple enough, everyone else proscribing motives to my posting are showing their own repression and demons and, perhaps, life issues which remain unresolved.

You sound like a liberal who can't stay on topic and is constantly changing the topic to something they want to argue about.

Go ahead, try to pin a liberal down to stay on topic.

It's similar to being opposed to Obama's policies and then being accused of simply being a veiled racist.

It's also very liberal tactic to accuse me of being intolerant, yet you can't even tolerate having an open discussion on the topic without resorting to accusations and reading into it your own prejudices and resorting to name calling.

Are you really that void in intellectual discourse that you have to escalate to ad hominem attacks?

Your post should say "I don't have anything real to add other than calling you a name which I know will really drive home my point, even though I don't have a point, except on the top of my head."

And, as far as I know, contrary to your apparent habits, wiping ass is a good thing.

I wasn't addressing you.

You're a moron.


04-11-2010, 01:22 PM
I wasn't addressing you.

You're a moron.


My bad. I didn't see in your message anything quoted to which you were replying...

Not a moron, just mistaken.

04-11-2010, 01:28 PM
What do you have against naked woman? are you gay?

How can you say dead people killed by terrorists, is ok but a naked human body isn't?

I really hate how the religious people made nudity and sex into such a horrible thing in our country, we are supposed to be free. Please don't push your religious oppression on us

This is the post I was originally responding to

I was agreeing with you (as I don't believe nudity is appropriate in avatars either), but you failed to comprehend that.


Calm down.

04-11-2010, 01:33 PM
This is the post I was originally responding to

I was agreeing with you (as I don't believe nudity is appropriate in avatars either), but you failed to comprehend that.


Calm down.

My sincerest apologies for my confusion...

Did I mention that I had a hard blow to my head (see 'what do you look like' thread)? hehe

04-11-2010, 02:04 PM
Where is this lack of integrity? I'm not sure I'm following you.

I was just saying, in absolute terms, that the only thing that offends me is a lack of integrity.

I was not saying that was demonstrated, in any way, here in this topic or with the avatar.

I'm not pushing the issue, merely responding to the thread. It will die of it's own accord. Nor have I said I challenge Beloved Dear Leader Stark, I am just trying to clarify my words and position.

04-11-2010, 04:24 PM
Very entertaining thread good to see some passion every once and a wile.My take on the "boobies" issue is I don't like porn no matter what but I really don't see the avatar as porn but on the other hand I'll scroll past it if my wife walks in the room.She thinks I'm morbid enough viewing dead Taliban he he.

04-11-2010, 09:56 PM
Hmm, I like titties AND dead terrys, maybe nudity in the avatar offends some people's sensibilities, but then again this site isn't exactly g-rated. Now the issue of it not being military content, she's enlisted isn't she? I agree with Stark though, intercourse would just be wrong. Anyways cheers all!

04-11-2010, 11:14 PM
That avatar that mujscum had with the dildos gave me the creeps. Thats all I got.
Oh yeah, I like tits. Out.

04-12-2010, 01:01 AM
Me too. Tits and ass are definitely nice to glimpse at (or drool over) every now and then. It contributes to our "Box of Chocolate" family tradition. It exemplifies our tolerance for variety and good will. What I mean is, Stark and the Mods are surely not gonna let it get out of hand.

04-12-2010, 07:59 AM
Very entertaining thread good to see some passion every once and a wile.My take on the "boobies" issue is I don't like porn no matter what but I really don't see the avatar as porn but on the other hand I'll scroll past it if my wife walks in the room.She thinks I'm morbid enough viewing dead Taliban he he.


I call you out on that one - there is not a single man on this planet (straight and or gay) who does't like porn - I mean come on!!!!

04-12-2010, 08:01 AM
Of course not - sure we cannot read every post and every new thread but overall we have a good overview what is posted.

04-12-2010, 12:12 PM
Just my two cents...

First, I looked over the board before I decided to join, so I knew ahead of time what to expect. I didn't join the site expecting to see fully clad nuns, rainbows and terrorists holding hands in love and peace.

Second and this is just the way I go about it. It's not my site, so who am I to tell the owner how to run his own site? He can choose to manage it however he pleases in my opinion. Again, I knew what to expect before I joined.

Finally, long live beautiful women, dead terrorists, grilled meat, cold beer, football and hockey. I know, it has nothing to do with this thread, but long live them anyways.

04-12-2010, 06:59 PM
This ain't exactly a family friendly site to start with. There's a lot of personality's here,your gonna have to give and take a little bit. Long live NASCAR, drunken rednecks,and Martinsville hotdogs.:D

04-12-2010, 07:54 PM
Sure is some big ass cry babys here.

04-12-2010, 08:32 PM

04-12-2010, 08:36 PM
Here's my new avatar, a nude A-10.

04-12-2010, 09:00 PM
Here's my new avatar, a nude A-10.

The humanity! My virgin eyes!

04-12-2010, 10:36 PM
OOOoooo....Hoglover you sick bastard.My wife saw that...Now she thinks I'm a perv. :evilgrin0039:

04-13-2010, 12:20 AM
BTW - all of you haters who can't even talk about something without blowing up!


My AC avatar speaks volumes about my tolerance for people who have nothing constructive to add: SHUT THE FUCK UP until you are mature enough to add something meaningful to the discussion.

Maybe some ass-bag will find "How About A Nice Cup Of Shut The Fuck Up" to be offensive. Just saying. There are whiners everywhere. " I thought this was a military site..." kind of thing. Every day in the Marine Corps, for 8 years, practically all day long in all situations, I thought about pussy. So I think they are linked (military & the females of our species).