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03-29-2010, 04:31 PM
Nine charged with bullying after teen commits suicide

Massachusetts prosecutor says teenage girl suffered months of stalking, harassment

Nine teens have been charged in the “unrelenting” bullying of a teenage girl from Ireland who killed herself after being raped and enduring months of torment by classmates in person and online, a prosecutor said Monday.
Northwestern District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel said 15-year-old Phoebe Prince was stalked and harassed nearly constantly from September until she killed herself Jan. 14. The freshman had recently moved to South Hadley in western Massachusetts from Ireland.
“The investigation revealed relentless activities directed toward Phoebe to make it impossible for her to stay at school. The bullying for her was intolerable,” Ms. Scheibel said.
Six teens — four girls and two boys — face charges including statutory rape, assault, violation of civil rights resulting in injury, criminal harassment, disturbance of a school assembly and stalking. Three younger girls face delinquency charges.
Ms. Scheibel said the harassment began in September. She said school officials knew about the bullying, but none will face criminal charges.
“The actions of these students were primarily conducted on school grounds during school hours and while school was in session,” the prosecutor said.
Ms. Scheibel refused to discuss the circumstances of the rape charges.
Ms. Prince's family has moved away from the area and could not immediately be located for comment. Ms. Scheibel spoke for them at a news conference to announce the charges.
“The Prince family has asked that the public refrain from vigilantism in favour of allowing the judicial system an opportunity to provide a measure of justice for Phoebe,” she said.
Some students accused of participating in the bullying have been disciplined by the school and will not be returning to classes.
Ms. Scheibel said the case is still under investigation, and there may be additional charges.
The Massachusetts Legislature cited Ms. Prince's death and the apparent suicide of 11-year-old Carl Walker-Hoover last year when members passed anti-bullying legislation earlier this month.

Anyone who bullies another person should be severely punished. As a child in grade school, I was bullied relentlessly. I know what it feels like, and still remember vividly the taunting, teasing, verbal and physical abuse. Why do the schools turn a blind eye? Why do parents of bullies not deal with it?

It is so sad to hear of cases like this, where the victim takes their own life as they don't see a way out, other than suicide.... Bullying is so wrong.... and shouldn't be tolerated, period.

3/29/2010 4:05:43 PM
I am THE OPPOSITE of a bully. I am NOT a bully. I stuttered as a kid and was bullied. But I'm not passive or passive-aggressive by nature so fought back. I've defended others from being bullied. But I know you can't go around being a victim if you can avoid it. Some kids and adults need to toughen-up plain and simple. It's a rough world and don't let anyone fool you otherwise. That doesn't mean you behave like an ahole or go around mean-spirited 24/7; it means you stop being a professional victim, sometimes hard for kids, but there are many adult professional victims.

I feel very bad for the girl and her family. Very sad she didn't reach out more because there are MANY who can and would have helped her.

To Canadianity: just to isolate them forever is not a solution, educating them is not what is sounds...we don't educate them to be bullies...we educate them to recognize and how to deal with them. This seems to work in the jails. I just wish they did it in schools too.

3/29/2010 3:59:49 PM
franco13: "Either remove them from the environment or educate and toughen them up...or you can do nothing and let them die... "

To remove them (at least temporary) for their own protection: that makes sens. But to educate them? At what? At being a bully themselves? Common!

We are civilized because we are rational and can control our animal instincts. Bullies should learn to do it.

I have added this article to show this happens every where. It is about time we stopped this from happening,Guys.

03-29-2010, 04:44 PM
I got bullied back in elementary, I fought back and sucked it up.

The ones that commit suicide are the weak ones.............

03-29-2010, 04:47 PM
I agree man. Bullying has been around for ages however it has increased ten-fold with social networking sites etc....and it almost leads to serious physical altercations, mass shootings and suicides.
I think a few states now has cyber-bullying laws in effect. I'm not sure which ones though.

I was bullied through half of 9th grade until I went nutty on a mother fucker and I was never messed with by anyone again. But not everyone is like me. Not to mention bullies nowadays run in packs.
It needs to be addressed bad.

03-29-2010, 04:59 PM
I got bullied at 9th grade too. But as people get older they mature and forget all about that. I'm now friends with the person who used to bully me and we laugh it off because it was a long time ago. People who committ suicide? That's retarded and does not solve anything in life but make things worse, (upsets your family, yada yada). Rape and all that, I understand. It must suck, but name calling and stuff, people can fight back and if you don't then you need to man up because life ain't easy.

Edit: bullies go in packs now? just another reason to carry a concealed weapon of some sort. Bullies that run in packs can cause serious violence.

03-29-2010, 05:43 PM
I got bullied at 9th grade too. But as people get older they mature and forget all about that. I'm now friends with the person who used to bully me and we laugh it off because it was a long time ago. People who committ suicide? That's retarded and does not solve anything in life but make things worse, (upsets your family, yada yada). Rape and all that, I understand. It must suck, but name calling and stuff, people can fight back and if you don't then you need to man up because life ain't easy.

Edit: bullies go in packs now? just another reason to carry a concealed weapon of some sort. Bullies that run in packs can cause serious violence.

Oh I agree with you.....But bullying with the newer generation is not like the old days with just name calling, a couple punches thrown or robbing someone's lunch money. Bullying in todays world is out right criminal.

Never, and I mean Never is there a reason to commit suicide....especially over cyber-bullying. Only pussies and losers off themselves. I like to think of it as nature's way of weeding weakness out of our gene pool. If you are going to be a scrub and kill yourself you might as well take the bullies with you......Oh wait, that has been already done before in Columbine and various other schools world-wide. :)

03-29-2010, 05:58 PM
failed at uploading a vid....anyways it was a vid about a lady who layed on a train railroad to committ suicide. however, she layed vertical, in an area in which the wheels don't ride upon, so the train just passed while she was underneath it. Afterwards, she just got up and walked away.

She failed in life, and she also failed in her suicide attempt. Fail, fail fail.....

03-29-2010, 07:41 PM
See this stuff everyday in my school. We havent had a suicide yet but its still outve control. Main problem is what pzycho said, they run in packs. You fight back, your fighhting a gang by yourself (they are all "wangsters", at least in my community) and even afterwards your still getting slammed by them, for weeks months or even years for some kids. You pull out an object for defense, in school, you get in trouble they dont even if THEY started the fight. you pull out an object for defense outve school? well i havent seen that one yet so no comment. They dont have a sense of discipline or morals, just "gun-ho" druggies. Most of the "bullies" are smart as hell to but are mentally unstable and weak(fits of rage for no reason, cant accept advice) started bending themselves to fit in when they were younger. Its an ironic situation to be honest, the mentally unstable but popular kids bullying the nerds, unsosocial or sometimes the mentally "retarded" kids for being different and weak. Now i dont know if this EXACT thing happends everywhere I just know it happens where I live, just thought would share.

03-29-2010, 09:30 PM
I was bullied through half of 9th grade until I went nutty on a mother fucker and I was never messed with by anyone again. But not everyone is like me. Not to mention bullies nowadays run in packs.
It needs to be addressed bad.

Same thing happened to me. Got fucked with and chewed up for the better part of 9 months my freshman year then went BALLISTIC on a 6'3 black basketball player with a textbook the last week of school. I was left alone the next 3 years, lol :)

03-29-2010, 09:32 PM
Also, perhaps the school needs to remind people of Columbine, April 1999. I don't condone Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's actions, however, I think what they did made schools (and certainly a few bullies out there) take notice of bullying.

03-30-2010, 05:39 AM
We all view life in different ways,
We should take a lesson from our Armed forces and defend the weak, as they will grow stronger.
Then defend themselves.

04-02-2010, 02:27 PM
I was bullied for the first time in middle school and about the latter half of my freshman year. I was a passive pathetic piece of puke back in those days and I'm scared as fuck of going back into the dark corner in my mind. Nowadays I'm not bullied mostly because now I'm no longer the underdog and because people see something cool in me that I can't see. I would really like to know what people see in me, because I sure as hell wouldn't want to hang out with me if I was somebody different!