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03-28-2010, 02:15 PM



Sir Mike wants people to recognise all our soldiers not just those killed in action

Sunday March 28,2010

By Marco Giannangeli, Defence Correspondent

BRITISH citizens have a duty to treat their soldiers and former soldiers with respect, regardless of political views, says the former head of the Army.

General Sir Mike Jackson said he believed that everyone should be able to recognise the sacrifices made by members of the Armed Forces.

“You must leave aside whether or not you agree with the decision to deploy into this or that operation but I would find anyone that does not look at our armed services and say that they are full of good people who risk ­every­thing on our behalf is ignoring a moral dimension,” he said.
Sir Mike, Chief of the General Staff before he retired in 2006, made his comments as he launched ForceSelect (http://www.forceselect.com/main/index.html), a recruitment company aimed at helping former members of the Armed Forces to find civilian work.
The idea of former soldiers Hugh Andree and Lucy Wood, it will help place into employment the 24,000 personnel who leave the forces every year.
Its launch comes in the same week the Government announced the reintroduction of Manning Control Points, a method used to cut soldiers from the forces. It is thought the move may see an extra 500 soldiers, airmen or sailors eased out this year.
Critics fear this will further damage the morale of the Armed Forces which has more than 1,000 former members living on the streets, 50,000 unemployed and thousands who have served prison terms.
Government figures suggest 96 per cent of those who leave the services find work within six months but this is disputed by Hugh, a former infantryman who worked alongside Lucy, who served in the Royal Artillery.
He said: “The sad truth is that there is no accurate way currently of measuring exactly what’s happening to former soldiers.”
Recalling his experiences when leaving the Army, he said: “I had little support and, like most, I had no idea what skills I had learned on duty that I could transfer to the civilian workplace. There is a huge opportunity for employers to tap into the skills and experiences that service personnel can offer. They are reliable, hard-working and dedicated and we believe employers are missing a trick.” Former Warrant Officer Steve McPherson, 41, who left the Army last October after a 20-year career said: “I managed to get myself a three-month contract for when I left but then I was stuck. The problem is that most companies don’t know what we can do. That’s where ForceSelect fits in. It’s staffed by former ­service personnel and they ­provide that bridge.”
The company, which boasts former SAS soldier-turned- author Andy McNab as a director and investor, has secured contracts with delivery service UPS and supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. It expects to sign up 10,000 ex-service personnel by the end of the year.
Apart from its commercial side, it will also be a charitable foundation, for which Sir Mike will chair the board of Trustees.

The foundation aims to raise £500,000 this year, to be distributed among service charities, and offer former soldiers help. “
The concept is to have a network of people across the country who can help like this,” Sir Mike said.
“With ForceSelect, there is a way of helping people who have done something for their country which most people do not, to help them transform into productive working citizens.”
(http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Yet_Another_Dwarf_)THE DIFFERENCE .............

28.03.10, 6:33pm
...........is marked. Returning from the Falklands we were treated with respect. Our return was celebrated, and the politicians along with the public wewre proud of what we achieved and how we achieved it. Of course then we had a patriotic Tory government.

Now we have a socialist rag-bag givernment that carers nothing for our troops. They are "convenient" to fight labours grubby little political wars, but they receive no respect. Their is no patriotism, and being proud of our troops is frowned on by the politcally correct cretins who are terrified of upsetting the odd muslim or two.

There are many men in our forces today who are ready to leave. Asking why they should put their lives on the line for a country that doeant care about them.

Brown and his rag bag government are a disgrace. Not once, not one single time, have any of these self serving ignorant pieces of filth bothered to show their respect by meeting the bodies of fallen troops as they are repariated. THAT tells us all we need to know about these foul despicable apologies for men & women who call themselves a government.

• Posted by: Yet_Another_Dwarf_ (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Yet_Another_Dwarf_) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338764)

(http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Harnser)OUR SERVICEMEN DESERVE BETTER

28.03.10, 5:30pm
I wholeheartedly agree with General Sir MIke Jackson.
Throughout the history of the UK our solidiers have been badly treated, misused and abused by governments.
They, unlike the mealy mouthed politicians, have been prepared to put their lives on the line for thier country. They are paid a pittance for those risks. Then when they have served their time and their purpose they become an inconvenience for those very same politicains who were falling over themselves to be photographed with this brave people.
The patriotism these great people show is an example to us all and we should let the politicians know just what we think of the poor way our country rewards these heroes
• Posted by: Harnser (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Harnser) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338745)

(http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Tigas)TIME FOR CHANGE, AND GIVE A **** NOSE TO POLITICIAN FLANNELS

28.03.10, 12:52pm
@suddaf345 I looked at www.juryteam.org Whilst I don't necessarily agree with all you're saying there (I confess I don't understand about "casino" bankers and what they've got up to - and anyway the Pensions crisis is going to be worse for all of us thanks to Labour's **** up on the £) but I do like "army style punishments" for violent offenders, and your poll on the front page about Afghanistan gets my vote!! Do you have a candidate in coming general election in my area Cambridge?

Getting back to this article which is about our forces who risk everything for us - We need a PM who will support our military leaders, not seem to score political points against them. I read a couple of days ago that pen-pushers are keeping their jobs in favour of 500 troops. I wish we could put Gordon Bruno and his front bench on the Front Line for a week, and see how they cope. That'd be something serious for that TV show, Back to Shop Floor.
• Posted by: Tigas (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Tigas) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338670)

(http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/suddaf345)JURY TEAM- WHY ARE OUR TROOPS NOT PUBLICLY COMMENDED.

28.03.10, 12:37pm
@tigas The Jury Team http://www.juryteam.org/ works together for the people that the politicians forgot. That is just about everyone in the country apart from the small and elite political class. We intend to 'open up and clean up' politics. We will give back to people their pride in their country and its institutions. We will let them become the ultimate jury. I am in agreement in regards to our troops not being publicly commended for their brave sacrifices, another example of Labours lack of respect as you mention.
• Posted by: suddaf345 (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/suddaf345) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338665)

(http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Tigas)HONOUR OUR TROOPS! SUPPORT THEM ON THEIR RETURN TO CIVI LIFE

28.03.10, 12:18pm
Labour government doesn't support our troops when they're at war - which they are in Afghanistan. @Suddaf, interesting point.... who/what are the Jury Team ?

Lack of respect seems intrinsic to British society today. Returning veterans to the US are honoured and respected; they feel proud to walk Main St and are Americans thank and shake hands of their troops. In Britain our troops are told to blend in and 'not look too military in civilian areas'.

Why this difference? Are politicians afraid our troops will deserve the greater respect of the population than the "hands in the till" MPs!!!?

• Posted by: Tigas (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/Tigas) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338659)


28.03.10, 11:57am
The military covenant has been exploited by the Labour government for many years. Jury Team http://www.juryteam.org/ agree with Mike Jackson, troops should be wholly honoured for the enormous sacrifices they make for this country. The Brown camp has continually ignored the urgency of equipment deployment which is imperative for our troops who currently face extreme obstacles during combat due to the lack of resources. Therefore, why doesn’t the Labour government deploy the urgent operational equipment within a suitable time frame in order to reduce the number of fatalities? The level of casualties in the British armed forces is far higher pro rata than our American counterparts. The Jury Team believe that the number of our troops should be reduced to the NATO average, http://www.juryteam.org/p06-limiting-afghan-troops.php which consequently will allow the ones who are deployed to be properly equipped.

• Posted by: suddaf345 (http://www.express.co.uk/users/profile/suddaf345) • Report Comment (http://www.express.co.uk/comments/view/338652)

The price they have paid; nothing less will do