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View Full Version : Man busted with 24,000+ child porn images.

03-27-2010, 02:49 AM

24,000+ images and he is only being charged with two fucking counts???

Someone needs to put a bullet in the back of this man's head.
Seems like sex offenders are increasing everywhere.....Just do a sex offender search for your area, You might be surprised at what you see.

I did a search for my area and I'm surrounded by these sorry pieces of shit.
The laws and punishment needs to change

These monsters cannot be rehabilitated. It is uncureable. They need to be put to death or given life sentences.

People that get busted for growing marijuana for their personal use get more prison time than these subhumans.
Sad shit.

03-27-2010, 03:02 AM
Send him to Iraq they will hung him for you.

03-27-2010, 03:06 AM
read the last comment on the link. before he did any real damage to kids?!?!?! WTF how the hell does that person think those pics were taken....not out of free will...those kids are fucked for life. They will never know if a person is looking at them because they are cute or want to rape them or recognise them from the photos. Whos to say those kids are alive after the fact that the pics were taken. Holy fucking fuck sticks that person is a real grade a fucking asshat.

03-27-2010, 03:13 AM
read the last comment on the link. before he did any real damage to kids?!?!?! WTF how the hell does that person think those pics were taken....not out of free will...those kids are fucked for life. They will never know if a person is looking at them because they are cute or want to rape them or recognise them from the photos. Whos to say those kids are alive after the fact that the pics were taken. Holy fucking fuck sticks that person is a real grade a fucking asshat.

I know right? I saw that comment and thought the exact thing you said. Some people are complete morons.

03-27-2010, 03:20 AM
were's Lorena Bobbitt these days .. she'll sort the problem out real quick :@

03-27-2010, 04:41 AM
unless u are trading - WTF do you need 24k pictures for anyways?

And no that would be too easy for the scum - he goes to prison and he has a much harder life.

03-27-2010, 06:13 AM
You know what's really scary? There are people in this country who are on their fourth or fifth DUI charge and receive more jail time than these scumbags. I'm not even talking about the one's who were simply possessing images, but one's who were actually brought up on molestation charges and received 1-3 months in jail if the victims were lucky.

Cases in point...


It's absolutely mind-boggling to me.

03-27-2010, 08:09 AM
Don't yell at me, however, they claim, with the right medication and counselling they are unlikely to re-offend and lead meaningful lives.
Yep no shit that is what we are up against. So Jail and release. "They" said these people are highly intelligent social people.
To add insult to injury rapist are also classed as generally social lady's men.::::::::::Enough I feel like vomiting