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View Full Version : Greetings from Germany

03-19-2010, 01:26 AM
Hey to the community and my friends here. Some from you know me from the video-side. Sorry that I'm never here in the forum but my english is so broken and it's heavy for me to write in a other language. So real name is Timo and I live in germany. My hometown there is Essen. My interest are weapons, millitary, war, games and internet. I've learned postman but to this time I didn't find a job. I become social help and make a job for 1,25 Euro a hour. With this few bucks I can live and had internet. I will donate the side but only with 5 dollar a month. More I cannot give, sorry. This month it's to late I'm almost blank. What I would say too: This side is great, awesome pics and clips. And I've learned many about weapons, war and millitary. In the future I make an language course in english. But I've some problems here they must be fixed before. I hope for us all that AC not goes offline and that the side is fast online again. Thank you to stark and all the other mods they hold the side clean from trolls and other troublemakers.
All members can contact me if they want especially which can speak german too. I've skype we can speak together or only writing. What you want.If you have any questions than wrote these in this thread.

Wish the most members a good day or night.


03-19-2010, 02:21 AM
Hallo Pickup,
Your Englisch ist ein wenig rau, aber es ist in Ordnung. Hier ist ein Link, den Sie gehen können, wenn Sie auf Geben Sie einen Kommentar in Deutsch übersetzen wollen, dann ins Englische.


03-19-2010, 07:02 AM
Willkommen auf der Website Bruder Mein Englisch ist so fucked up sowie lol

03-19-2010, 11:41 AM
Thank you both for the link. I;ve have always another tab open with a dictonary for words or some little sentence. But mostly I try to write all without looking. This should be my english skills a little better from time to time. Ah ja I become sozial help from the state and I can only 5 dollars donate at month. Sorry but the rest I must living from. But for few minutes I've done this. This side is so great there I must donate. Only please set the limit by paying for this side not higher as 5 dollars per month. Please


03-19-2010, 12:12 PM
good to have you on the board as well

03-19-2010, 06:48 PM
Welcome aboard. Timo !

Don´t worry about your english skills ! Its very good !

03-19-2010, 08:08 PM
Hey Pickup,
Good to see you in the forums.Like I told you before,don't worry about your English. We all know what you mean.

03-20-2010, 03:32 AM
I would only say thank you to all for the friendly intake on this board. Hey Mel what I ever ask you. What is that for a flag with the star on it? I was trying to find such a flag in the net but nothing found.

Have a good night guys and sleeping well I go to breakfast. :D

03-20-2010, 10:42 AM
Hey Pickup,
It's an idea Bobdina came up with.It's called "Sons in Service" flag.It was used in WW1 and WW2 to show you had family members in active service.

03-20-2010, 01:16 PM
Ohh I you have a son in sevice.What is he doing and what it his rank? If I may asking you? When he is over ther I wish your son the best and that he comes home safe and healthy. You must be proud of your son. And that's is a good idea from Bobdina. So is ever a theme what we not see or hear very ofenten. I mean here in germany.

03-21-2010, 07:29 AM
hey buddy. good to meet ppl from same country...with same interests. and dont worry about your written english.
ts absolutely ok...all of the AC's will understand i guess. i think ill fail in grammar, too 8)
welcome neighbour! =)


03-21-2010, 08:07 PM
Hey Pickup, we have talked on the other side, but here is a formal welcome. I have enjoyed your comments, and have no problem understanding what you are saying. Stick with it, i hear it gets easier with use. Again welcome, Joe

03-21-2010, 08:58 PM
Hey Pickup. Your English skills have improved greatly. Don't worry about messing up a word or two. English is hard to write even for a native speaker.

03-22-2010, 02:06 AM
I can only say again thanks for the apprecation. I know my gramma it's mostly worst. But I#m every day here and I think it were better and better.

Thanks to all for the welcome. I hope I learn more about weapons, equipment, tactics...

Hey zerO have you skype?

03-23-2010, 08:27 AM
hey timo, you're doing fine with the english i think everyone gets your point mate

03-25-2010, 04:39 PM
Welcome to AC pickup!!!
Sorry for the late welcome....

03-26-2010, 01:52 AM
Welcome to AC pickup!!!
Sorry for the late welcome....

Sorry? For what. Come on I'm happy when someone write me.

03-30-2010, 11:49 PM
To all my friends on AC. Please visit my profile on the homepage where the clips are. There are important informations for my friends. Sorry last day here for some weeks but please read it on my profile on AC home.

03-31-2010, 12:41 PM
hey man, good to read this treath.
im from germany too and my english is not better than yours.

i think, thats not the point here.
and other points are not only the weapons, military, killing, or ... whatelse

FREDOOM is the goal.

this site supports the battle against terror and islamic fuckers.
in europe, we nearly have the same probs with people, who dont respect our way of live.

german soldiers are all over the world too, to make things better and they fight for our freedom.


P.S.: t-shirt's to europe?