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03-14-2010, 10:21 PM
This thread is dedicated to all things the Pacific. I created this so we won't have multiple threads.

I loved Part 1. The birthday present was the highlight of the episode.

03-15-2010, 06:23 PM
after that river battle, the view and events that occured on the beach really put things into perspective.

03-15-2010, 08:44 PM
Today, the Alligator Creek sandbar...


03-17-2010, 05:54 PM
Today, I found out something very interesting.

So my dad started watching 'The Pacific' on Sunday and he called me up afterwards and asked me where the Basilone family was from. I told him his family settled in Buffalo by way of Naples. He said he knows a Basilone family. That was the end of the conversation on Sunday night.

Fast forward to today. My mom and dad went out to lunch to my dad's cousin's restaurant. My dad's cousin (considered my uncle Junior) walks up to my dad and asks him if he has watched 'The Pacific' on HBO. To make a long story short, it turns out that Basilone is a cousin on my dad's side. My uncle Junior use to go up to Buffalo back in the day and visit the Basilone family and some of the family eventually ended up moving to Pittsburgh (Mount Washington).

How cool is that? I was floored.

03-21-2010, 08:11 PM
Part 2 is on in an hour.

03-22-2010, 07:02 PM
Liked episode 2 just as much as the first, my only gripe with the series is that it doesnt have the same feel that Band of Brothers had, i dont feel connected to any of the characters, i barely even know any of their names.

03-24-2010, 11:05 AM
Liked episode 2 just as much as the first, my only gripe with the series is that it doesnt have the same feel that Band of Brothers had, i dont feel connected to any of the characters, i barely even know any of their names.

I definately see where you're coming from bloodshedood, but for now I'm taking the wait and see approach when it comes to character introduction. I recall people saying the exact same thing after the first couple episodes of 'Band of Brothers'.

At the same, I wouldn't be surprised if the main focus of the series remains on Sledge, Leckie and Basilone. Unlike 'Band of Brothers', this series is based on two memoirs instead of one book dealing with a whole company of men. It's not about a core group of soldiers trying to survive in the European theater, but the Pacific theater seen from three different perspectives.

It's only natural that many will compare 'The Pacific' with 'Band of Brothers', but the producers made it fairly clear from the beginning that they will be different in many ways. The telling of the story is apparently one of those ways.

03-24-2010, 12:37 PM
If I am out of line for posting this, please delete and let me know.

Here are links so you can watch The pacific if you missed it or do not have HBO.

Due to the new rule limiting links, you will have to add you own www and .com.

Part one

totallytv.( )/the-pacific/s01-e01-part-1-video_b00545b66.html Instead of the ( ) please put in net

Part two
megavideo.( )/?v=HWUVWJGW remember instead of the ( ) put in com

03-24-2010, 06:57 PM
I definately see where you're coming from bloodshedood, but for now I'm taking the wait and see approach when it comes to character introduction. I recall people saying the exact same thing after the first couple episodes of 'Band of Brothers'.

At the same, I wouldn't be surprised if the main focus of the series remains on Sledge, Leckie and Basilone. Unlike 'Band of Brothers', this series is based on two memoirs instead of one book dealing with a whole company of men. It's not about a core group of soldiers trying to survive in the European theater, but the Pacific theater seen from three different perspectives.

It's only natural that many will compare 'The Pacific' with 'Band of Brothers', but the producers made it fairly clear from the beginning that they will be different in many ways. The telling of the story is apparently one of those ways.

Didnt know all of that, explains alot! thanks man hahaha. Itsa good series dont get me wrong, but I like my war movies/shows with character connections from the start , BoB kindve made that easy with the first episode of training and all of that. Im hoping in the next Pacific, when they go back home for a little bit, some character developement will start(characters as in personalities, since they are based off of real people). If not, oh well, its still a damn good series so far cant wait for sunday!

03-29-2010, 09:14 AM
Much like with 'Band of Brothers', in episode three of 'The Pacific' I am starting to learn more about the main characters (Leckie in particular) and being introduced to new characters (Private First Class Sid Phillips). In the next episode it looks like we will be learning more about Eugene Sledge even though they have already touched on his background in episodes one and two.

Up next for Leckie and the 1st Marine Division... Cape Gloucester.

04-01-2010, 04:02 AM
is it just me, but i prefer Band of Brothers thus far over the pacific.