View Full Version : USAF Security Forces Tribute

03-10-2010, 01:04 PM


I salute my fallen Brothers

Security Forces hardly get any respect at all and most of our deeds go unheard of.
We may not be hardcore Marine grunts in the shit...But we take our duties to heart and have died for it.

Never forget Khobar Towers.....

03-10-2010, 10:53 PM
We serve because we care. We serve because we must. That is us. The grave doesn't desern between a Marine or an Air Force dead. In the end,,,,,,, We are what we do.

Semper Fi, Pzycho,,,,,,,, Always Do Well..........Live long, Brother, and remember your dead,,,,, I do. At least we don't forget,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,