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View Full Version : The Wacky Texas 22nd District

03-04-2010, 09:58 PM
Republican Pete Olson won TX-22 back in 2008 and just won the GOP primary hoping to get re-elected in November. This was considered a competitive seat and given some of the historical wackiness in TX-22 it’s no wonder.

But it just got much wackier.

Earlier this week Kesha Rogers won the Democrat primary to face Olson in November.

Here is an excerpt from Ms. Rogers’ campaign website addressing her primary win:

Houston, March 3, 2010 – The victory in the 22nd Congressional District yesterday by LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers sent an unmistakable message to the White House, and its British imperial controllers: Your days are numbered.

The “straw that broke the country’s back” was President Obama’s announcement to cut NASA’s manned space program, thereby pissing on the legacy of President John F. Kennedy. Obama is determined to destroy the only true solution for the economy, a scientifically driven build up of infrastructure and technology across our nation. For this, Obama must resign now or be impeached!

You read that correctly folks. The Democrats in Texas 22 just voted for a LaRouche Loon and they voted for her in a big way. Rogers received 53 percent of the vote while her opponent, Doug Blatt - who had been endorsed by local Democratic groups - received 27 percent of the vote.

As I mentioned earlier the 22nd district has a long history of lunatics getting elected including Ron Paul and Tom Delay. There must be something in the water that makes people go bat shit crazy when they see a ballot.

The Houston Press naturally ran the story and rightly pointed out some of the ridiculous positions that Rogers is championing including impeachment and colonizing space.

The real fun begins when you read the comments to the article:

It’s a known fact that Her Majesty’s Secret Service (MI6), along with the American CIA or at least elements within it, are heavily involved in the illicit drug trade. The history of the British Empire in running dope is long and not disputed by any serious person - there were a number of wars fought over it.

Kesha Rogers was very clear with the voters on her platform - impeach Obama, save NASA from destruction by Obama, put the failed banks through bankruptcy reorganization, create a national credit system (as we had in the 19th century) and invest in high speed rail, rapid deployment of nuclear power plants, big new water projects, etc. She was clear and the voters endorsed this platform. And by the way,the British oligarchy and empire have been the enemies of this country ever since we overthrew them in the revolution. This is a very important message to the democratic leadership - people feel betrayed by Obama and they support a return to FDR’s policies.

Anyone who stands against Lyndon LaRouche and his youth movement stands against the human race.

File this under: Shit you can’t make up.