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View Full Version : A problem in our era

02-15-2010, 03:00 AM
As everybody know, nowadays we see a lot of terror,killing,murder,bombing,suicide boomer all over the planet,,in Iraq,USA,some places in Europe, suicide boomer in London,Madrid,New york, Every single time,,Problem in the world,,What do you think that problem came from ? what is that source which tell and make the people worthless to this world, making them terrorists and let them focus on Killing,hate,dominate,take over and non producers for things and not ever creator for idea,freedom, freedom of speech and develop..
That problem came From Islam
the language of Islam
The language of Islam is a negative,dead language,replete with violence, anger, hatred,and racism. Man is the product of language, the outcome of the negative and positive language to which he is exposed in his or her lifetime, If his/her life dominated by negative language,he/she will emerge as a negative,reckless,and non-productive person, who rejects everything. on the other hand, if positive language dominated his life,he will emerge as a positive,happy,and productive person, This is why the negative language of Islam has failed, It has failed to produce people with a spontaneous and positive outlook, It has produced negative people. If we take a look at Islamic societies, we see what that negative man did. I don not view Islam as a religion according to my notion of religion, Islam is political doctrine, which imposes itself by force, any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it, is not a religion, because religion is not about killing ,it's something about love ,spirituality. it is a totalitarian doctrine that imposes itself by force. When i read, for example, that verse:" the adulterer and the Adulteress flog each of them with a hundred stripes, and do not let compassion for them move you". I do not discern any spirituality in this verse. When a certain faith manages to strip its believers of their last grain of compassion. It strips them of their spirituality as well. Jesus Christ is the symbol of peace. He did not carry a sword, chop off heads,of accuse anyone of heresy, But the problem in Islam is that if we were to act similarly to the Christians of the middle ages, and we were to model our lives after the life actions, and words of Muhammad, we would find ourselves in an even bigger mess that the one we are in, and we would end up with Osama bin laden and his ilk. Read about the life of Muhammad, what do you find there? Nothing, but his raids and his wives, in addition to his hadiths, some of which make you shudder. I shudder when I read the hadith: " A woman's paradise is under her husband's foot". The Islamic teachings have become dreadful in the skulls of the Muslims. we see no alternative but to open up these skulls and to clean the life threatening cancerous cells in these brains.

the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a religious conflict. This is a political conflict, and they should ask their leaders about what they have done to resolve this problem, but the problem is rooted in religion. One time, I read a short story in an Islamic book, according to which Muhammad was walking with some of his followers when they heard a commotion. They asked him: "What is this, messenger of Allah?" He said: "These are the Jews being tormented in the grave". Regardless of the conflicts Muhammad had with the Jews back then , this statement indicates that the graves of their ancestors were in Saudi Arabia. they are people of this region, as is evident from the Islamic books and the Koran itself. The problem with the Muslims, is that they do not distinguish between their prophet and their own noses, When you criticize Muhammad, his actions and his life,

and for sure there is someone of you will wonder that why is there some Muslims are not Terrorists and not even like terror,, The answer of this question is simple because the sources of Islam are teaching the person to be radical but the fans or followers of this conception doesn't mean that they will do the rules 100%, on the contrary there is some Muslims believe in Muhammad and his teach but they don't do it in action and in the real life that simply because there is some reasons, one of the biggest reasons is that doesn't work anymore in our era because everyone of us need the other to still survive by making Cooperation between the nations and the life had been more difficult to still survive , so the rules of Islam worked only in Muhammad's time because there weren't organizations who ask for justice and nations like USA make the Right thing always, and there were no Media to show and tell the other nations what the hell is going on ,that's why the invades in that ancient time a lot of countries like Iraq which it was for Assyrians and Syrian which was the Western part of the Assyrian empire and as you see the name still almost the same but the Assyrians nowadays drops out the letter A in front of any word in Assyrians and that's why it became Syria instead of Assyria and another example of Islamic invading "Egyptian" which it was for the Coptic whom are the real people of the country and the grandsons of the Pharaohs and the northern countries of the continent of Africa which all of them talked by their own language like the Algeria which they talked in Omaquezi,,and so on..

Muslims tried always to got a chance to spread the Islamic evolution to the world and nowadays there got a good chance after being the world more safer and everyone except the rules of freedom, but still the Muslims and the Islamic hate the Freedom and freedom of speech and any type of freedom because the Rules in the Koran are against the freedom, they want to control over the women,and any another type of human,they don't believe in Socialist,They want to monopolize the provision,lead the Koran,,the Hadiths and the books of Syra,(القران,الحديث,كتب السيرة) it's all about saying if you see a stranger which is non Muslims convert him or kill him and sometimes let him give you money to still survive,,that's why some of the non Muslims got killed and some converted and some of them could hold their religion but by giving money and after all they took their land,their fortune and every single thing in them even the females were treated like animals ,,some of them for fun ,,some for marriage and another for slavery..

that's why the some of the right Muslims or the Muslims who are doing the rules of Islamic teaching in a intensity level believe that they have the right to take these countries, and take advantage of their economy ,money ,welfare, girls, that because Muhammad gave them the right ,the most special weapon in Islam are the woman's uterus.. Why is it? Because Muhammad said that to produce as much as possible Muslims generations with negative teaching that would help to hold control all over the world ,,that's why you see the fertility rate in the Arabians countries are to high ,to make sure that they will have control, on the contrary ,we see the western counties are open and have the conception of freedom and give a chance to multiculturalism to be succeed,bu that won't be because the biggest part of Immigrants which are Muslims are believing that they have the right to do on the non-Muslims ,

So if you want to fix the Problem, You should tell and teach the people the right teaching and stop the Fucking Islamic scholars spreading hatred and racism against Non-Muslims whatever they were Christians,Jews,atheist,or even buddies,or the a single infidel

That I'm giving it to you from my bottom in my heart,,If you don't like ,,it's to damn bad,,You should do something about it
If you like freedom
If you like freedom of speech
if you like freedom of religion
IF you believe in peace
If you love the other people,,do that for their sake,,

What the hell is going on the world,,everyday,every time,,in News ,,there are suicide boomer,,of Muslims Screaming for blood of Christian of Jewish or any one they hate,, Which kind of Religion is this ?

As you told you ,,be aware and understand because if you wanna peace in the world,you should struggle for it,,Freedom won't come free,,
there is a lot of bitches of dumb idiots are coming behind you to let you down by suing some fucking crackerjacks ,,

My Last word is Freedom won't come free

thanks guys,,read the text and share me with your opionen ,,any question just tell me ,,
have a great day,

02-15-2010, 03:15 AM
You just said a mouthful and then some. I am not as religious as I use to be...I am a christian but I have become jaded. I can see the great cancerous tumors growing here in American society that go by the name of religious and social tolerance. We are now catering to the minority. This is the road to ruin if our constitution is not up held and hate speach spoken by ANYONE is immediatly punished.

02-15-2010, 08:11 AM
This is all very true, but Abriham had 2 sons, and we can't do much about that.

02-15-2010, 12:01 PM
lol :D

02-15-2010, 10:09 PM
lol :D

Funny to you,,,,,,,,, Not to Sarah.

02-16-2010, 05:02 PM
what is the funny thing in that god damn serious problem,Sir?

02-16-2010, 10:38 PM
what is the funny thing in that god damn serious problem,Sir?

Iffin you wanna be serious,,,,,, Put God in caps. Otherwise don't pizz me off. I just made you a friend. New mods are like virgins,,,,,,, they just haven't met me yet.

02-27-2010, 08:04 PM
This may seem off-topic at first, but I am a HUGE 2nd Amendment advocate. And to do this, I must support and defend the U.S. Constitution; specifically the Bill of Rights. The way the Founding Fathers wrote it, they are all individual rights which means that NO person, entity or body of government shall restrict or regulate them. Period. But they do.
If a citizen of the United States wants to exercise his rights, ANY right, then I must allow him as long as he is within the boundaries of law. If I disagree, then I shall argue.
To me, there are exceptions. For instance, if someone wants to burn my flag, he may do so. But on my street, he would be killed. I am sworn to defend that flag and I would do so.
See? If you support the Constitution, you must try, TRY, to support it in it's entirety. We can't pick and choose which Amendments we like.
That's my 2 cents.
NO MAN can tell ME what my rights are. We should already know.