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View Full Version : Color image of the Gaschamber

02-08-2010, 09:44 AM
I have been (and still are) reading a lot about the third reich (naturaly since I am German) I have kind of taken a backstep of trying to read it all - there is just too much that was going on in that time frame.
So since a couple of years I am reading every German book (which are the best in my opinion) about the Concentration camps - there are many many good german books out there - first hand accounts and also very sientific books - I just stumbled appon this image and though I share this out.

Gas chamber not sure what Concentration camp but I am trying to find out.

Here is a small account from myself on what I have read – beware some of the below text is very harsh and hard to read:

When the 2000 or so less people were finished taking of their cloth and when finally everybody was in the chamber and the doors were locked a member of the SS (it was always a member of the SS never a prisoner) who arrived in a red cross vehicle with only a few cans of Cyclon B (they never stored them in the close proximity of the Gas chambers and places of kremation) would get on top of the building and open the can with a special too.
He would pour the cyclon B (which is creating a gas when getting in contact with air) into the holes on the roof - which in return fell down the pillars (there were small holes in them) and killed the people standing right beside these pillars straiht away) the gas would be most leathal on the ground and children and would die first - it did take very little time for the remaining people to understand what was going on and they tried to climb on top of each other to escape the gas - after approximately 15 min max everybody in the gas chamber was dead and the Sonderkommando (special commando) which contained mostly greek and other jews would starte the ventilation - a few minutes later - a few members of the special commando with gas masks would open the doors.
Since the gas was still trapped at some places on the ground via gas pockets these members would also be the first to enter the gas chamber.
When all the gas was gone they would start using water to wash down small pockets of gas - and the rest of the commando who was far away (even the slightest contact with the gas would make you cough for weeks) would start using hocks and leather straps to pull the dead people outside (by then most of the cloth shoes and other left behinds have been brought away to a place in the Concentration camp called Kanada) – the removal of the dead was very hard work since (as explained before) they dead were not lined up but in the state of panic tried to climb on top of each other – children the weak woman and the elder were always on the bottom and the strongest were on top.
Due to the pain and suffering most of the deceased also soiled themselves which made it very unpleasant to touch them with bare hands.
The removal took very long (a couple of hours) which is no surprise since at times 2000 or more were killed together, at the beginning removal was easier because the bodies were still warm but as time passes on it became increasingly hard to separate the bodies that in their last moment tried to hold on to their loved once it was so hard that at times they had to break limbs with a special tool.
The bodies were brought to the first floor via a lift to the Krematorium – prisoners would have to take their hair off (which was used as bomb timers) and Dentist prisoners were to take off the gold teeth , when that was done other prisoners had to put two dead beside each other and a third one in the opposite direction on a metal tray.
The metal tray which the bodies lied on was pushed in the flames and with a fork held into place so that the tray was pulled back the bodies fell into the fire – due to the high temperature it took around 20 min to burn three bodies.
All remaining bones were taken to a special place were other prisoners put them through a bone mill.
It is of importance to notice that surviving members of the special commando (they were each killed on average every six month and replaced with new prisoners) testified that they very rarely had to start a fire since they were burning nonstop.
The SS was afraid of the Special Commando since it was very well known to them that they lived on borrowed time – they also never interfered when members of the Sonder commando took cloth and food for themselves – only all other valuables like rings and watches and such things when found had to be dropped off immediately – at times members were caught stealing such items were either shot immediately or even burned alife.

I will write some more later…

02-08-2010, 01:38 PM
Maybe we have read some of the books, It seems familiar.
I've always been fascinated with this subject...

Have you been to a Vernichtungslager yet?

In KZ Dachau, You can see claw marks on gas chamber's walls and door from the victims. And the funny thing is "back in the day" around the mid 80's the Germans had signs posted in multiple languages stating the gas chambers and crematoriums were never used. Then why can you see claw marks in the chambers? and scorch marks and ashes in the crematorium. I doubt these signs are still up...because of Germany's reformed stance on the holocaust and making holocaust denial illegal.

I have pictures That I took of this....But I cant find em right now. I'll post them if I happen to locate them.

If you want some Zyklon B, I know a place. I stumbled up a stockpile of full canisters along with a shit load of WWII era giftgas signs while doing some Urban Exploration in an old factory in Weinheim a long time ago....It's possible that they are still there, They were concealed pretty good.

02-08-2010, 01:38 PM

02-08-2010, 01:41 PM
Have you been to a Vernichtungslager yet?

In KZ Dachau, You can see claw marks on gas chamber's walls and door from the victims. And the funny thing is "back in the day" around the mid 80's the Germans had signs post in multiple languages stating the gas chambers and crematoriums were never used. Then why can you see claw marks in the chambers? and scorch marks and ashes in the crematorium. I doubt these signs are still up...because of Germany's reformed stance on holocaust denial in the 90's

I have pictures That I took of this....But I cant find em right now. I'll post them if I happen to locate them.

If you want some Zyklon B, I know a place. I tumbled up a stockpile of full canisters along with a shit load of WWII era giftgas signs while doing some Urban Exploration in an old factory in Weinheim a long time ago....It's possible that they are stil there, They were concealed pretty good.

yeah I have been in most of the "vernichtungslater" that you are allowed to visit - even some in poland that are just rubble.
You should have taken the canister you could have solde them to the Stormfront guys lol they would have paid thousands for that.

If you can show some of your images.

02-08-2010, 02:16 PM
Doesn't that gas have a self life?

02-08-2010, 02:34 PM
Doesn't that gas have a self life?

Yeah the shelf life of Zyklon B is extremely short....Probably the just substrate(granules that carried the chemical) is the only thing left behind. But Collecters would pay a shitload of money for it. I actually brought some friends along to retrieve some canisters...However some leftist-anarchists were having a party or something on the upper floors of the factory and we couldn't get in safely.(we were skinheads at the time..and they were our mortal enemies)...Outnumbered we left and never went back.
http://marodes.de/galerien/muehle This is where it's at.....On the very bottom of the pace.

Well damn, It's most likely not there anymore....Just saw this video and it looks burnt out now. Kinda sad really, I love urban exploration and it breaks my heart to see these awesome structures destroyed like that.


Also I found a link talking about the signs posted at Dachau.

I'm tearing up my house trying to find my old pictures.....My wife is going to kill me when she gets home.

02-08-2010, 02:37 PM
okay that what I thought just was not sure about it....as long as you use the intruder broke in and I was defending myself excuse you might get away with it.

02-08-2010, 02:47 PM
I'm tearing up my house trying to find my old pictures.....My wife is going to kill me when she gets home.

There are times when a husband has to say - fuck the wife :D

Anyways I really hope you find the pictures would be awesome and very interesting.

Some of the best books (and I have about close to 60 books of that paticular subject english as well but mostly german) is called Der SS staat.

02-08-2010, 03:01 PM
just did a quick search on the author of The SS State. Kogon was a socialist catholic. Hmm very interesting. Glad to see he helped the prisoners in the concentration camps and opposed the Nationalist Socialist Party. Wonder what Europe would be like if instead of putting him in prison the Gestapo just killed him on the street.

02-08-2010, 03:04 PM
just did a quick search on the author of The SS State. Kogon was a socialist catholic. Hmm very interesting. Glad to see he helped the prisoners in the concentration camps and opposed the Nationalist Socialist Party. Wonder what Europe would be like if instead of putting him in prison the Gestapo just killed him on the street.

If you can read german - its very very good in a horrific way - but the german book wir weinen traenendlos somehow made me think more - they are interviews with Sonderkomandos which despite all the odds survived.

02-08-2010, 03:09 PM
If you can read german - its very very good in a horrific way - but the german book wir weinen traenendlos somehow made me think more - they are interviews with Sonderkomandos which despite all the odds survived.

Can't read German all that well but I do understand bits and phrases of it. How the Special Commandos were not killed after the fall of the Nazi party is a big wonder to me. You would think that those that survived the camps would tell everyone who listened who they were and what they did.

02-08-2010, 03:12 PM
we cry ???

02-08-2010, 03:13 PM
oh dude !!!!

02-08-2010, 03:20 PM
Holy Shit....man that kid has problems. The movie would have been better without the over dramatic music....the wind blowing by itself without the sound of anything else is eerie enough.