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View Full Version : Fury At PM For Failing Our Boys

02-04-2010, 04:52 AM
ParliamentT rounded on Gordon Brown yesterday after yet more allegations by defence bosses that he had failed Our Boys.

Amid bitter scenes, David Cameron demanded that the Prime Minister "admit to the mistakes" he made on troop funding.

The row broke out after the MoD's former top mandarin told the Iraq Inquiry that Mr Brown's cuts had "caused long-term damage".

In the third day of damaging revelations, Sir Kevin Tebbit said a £1billion cash axe forced him to slash troop numbers, helicopters and other badly needed kit.

As Chancellor, Mr Brown insisted on a "guillotine" on defence money in December 2003 - just nine months after the Iraq war began.

In a withering attack in Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron raged: "Isn't it time you admitted to the mistakes you made when you were Chancellor?"

The Tory leader went on: "Isn't the evidence mounting that the Prime Minister ignored the welfare of our Armed Forces until the moment it became politically convenient?"

Furious backbenchers and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg joined the assault.

But Mr Brown said: "Not only did we prepare the Army, Navy and Air Forces with proper funding, we funded every urgent operational requirement that was made."

Meanwhile, Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth was forced to admit the Forces face cuts as he launched a review yesterday - after the PM told aides to talk up extra cash for the Afghan front line.


02-04-2010, 08:53 AM
Like I've said before: It's time for you guys to join the US Military. You'd be an independent/separate branch of our military: ARMY/Marines/Navy/Air Force/British Force. You'd function exactly the same, but you'd be given more money, and better equipment to supply your missions, the only difference is you'd receive operations/marching orders from US commanders. This plan could work, you guys. :)