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View Full Version : Thinking of joining the Canadian Forces

01-26-2010, 07:40 PM
Now I know these forums consist mostly of the US army, and various other installments, but I'd to ask widely across everyone. Possibly even people are from the Canadian Forces on here, can answer some questions. Here goes..

I'm thinking of joining the Canadian Forces, a mothers worst nightmare, mine as well. The thought of dying is well, stomach quenching. Though right now, I sit here, all day doing nothing with my life. It sounds stupid, join the Forces just for something to do? Right.. Here is where my proposal comes in, I enjoy weaponry. I enjoy shooting rifles, I paintball the odd times on the weekends. I LOVE IT. I love the thrill, I love seeing my enemy get out because I splattered a ball on their head. I'm looking to gain some physical strength, as well as build a group of friends while training and over there. I don't want to think that I may be hit by an IED, but it happens. Every day over there is a life or death situation. I try to understand that even here, in Canada, anyone can die. From anything. I'm only 18, may I add.. Young I know, and a fragile life that would be lost. Thinking of my childhood being wasted on some shitty bomb, my mother and step-dad's time raising me as the boy I am now, all gone to waste.

I try not to think of it that way, I try to think of it as doing something that I would love and enjoy. Something that I loved doing, I would die for. I'd rather die being in a enjoyable situation, than become blind by staring at a computer screen, like I am doing now. I can't get a job, I've tried dozens of areas. I've tried getting into the reserves, turns out they are in limited people zones. I've nearly tried everything to query my boredom, I've found nothing. The thought of war is thrilling to me.

I hope to gain some answers, if you didn't read those paragraphs I don't blame you.

01-26-2010, 09:13 PM
I know exactly where you are coming from. I thought my Mother was going to break my legs when I told her I wanted to be a United States Marine.

I myself used to think of all the consequences of joining the Military, such as dieing. Now I could care less, it's part of the job. If I was worried about dieing then I wouldn't have even considered it as a possible career path. To me the benefits outweigh the consequences. I would much rather die a Marine than a nasty civilian. I mean really, it's all up to you and what you want to do with your life. I am sure there are fields within the Canadian Forces that don't involve combat.

I personally want to be Infantry. I think some people are born, spiritually, to fulfill that need. I think I am one of them. I wouldn't do it for the college money or the enlistment bonus. Do it because you want to or because you need to. You might end up realizing you love it or hate it. All I can really tell you is if you want it, go for it. If you don't, find something else to do.

That is just my personal opinion, love it or hate it.

01-26-2010, 10:57 PM
If you want to sign up because you're bored, the military is the last place you want to be. Oh sure, you might get in some hairy mess some time in the future, but there will be a shitload of boredom and make-work and pointless activities before that time comes, and there will be plenty more of that afterward (if you live). Join to better yourself. Join to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Join to serve and join to learn how to lead.

Don't join because you're bored and can't get a job. You will hate it.

01-27-2010, 01:34 AM
Theres a difference between joing because your bored and being bored after you have joined. Dont join the Military for something to do. Dont join the Military because you want to fight (sounds strange). Join because you have something to offer and something to learn.

01-27-2010, 11:24 AM
I know exactly where you are coming from. I thought my Mother was going to break my legs when I told her I wanted to be a United States Marine.

I myself used to think of all the consequences of joining the Military, such as dieing. Now I could care less, it's part of the job. If I was worried about dieing then I wouldn't have even considered it as a possible career path. To me the benefits outweigh the consequences. I would much rather die a Marine than a nasty civilian. I mean really, it's all up to you and what you want to do with your life. I am sure there are fields within the Canadian Forces that don't involve combat.

I personally want to be Infantry. I think some people are born, spiritually, to fulfill that need. I think I am one of them. I wouldn't do it for the college money or the enlistment bonus. Do it because you want to or because you need to. You might end up realizing you love it or hate it. All I can really tell you is if you want it, go for it. If you don't, find something else to do.

That is just my personal opinion, love it or hate it.

I imagine there is something else inside of the Canadian Forces that doesn't involve getting hit by a IED. I know it's part of that kind of job, I understand that, just I don't think my mother would even want to consider signing up. I asked her and she flipped out saying I was going to come home in a casket. Which may be true.. but it's all part of a job, anyone can die in a job placement.

If you want to sign up because you're bored, the military is the last place you want to be. Oh sure, you might get in some hairy mess some time in the future, but there will be a shitload of boredom and make-work and pointless activities before that time comes, and there will be plenty more of that afterward (if you live). Join to better yourself. Join to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Join to serve and join to learn how to lead.

Don't join because you're bored and can't get a job. You will hate it.

I understand where you're coming from, let me reassure you that I am not joining based on boredom solely. I do want to join to better myself, get a pyshical strength that I need, something to be proud of, to serve for. I know I won't hate it, I watch nearly every clip on here. I love the thought of combat, but hate the thought of arriving there just to get myself blown up.

Theres a difference between joing because your bored and being bored after you have joined. Dont join the Military for something to do. Dont join the Military because you want to fight (sounds strange). Join because you have something to offer and something to learn.

I want to become a police officer, if I do make it out(even if I do sign up), I'd like to learn some knowledge possibly through being in the Forces that'd better myself later on in my life.

01-27-2010, 12:42 PM
You have to ask yourself why you want to join the military....It can be a serious life changing experience good or bad. If you want military experience get into a non-combat job in the Canadian Forces.
War is not glamorous at all....Unless you are a hardcore General like Patton. And if you love killing and seeing death, Then to be honest...the military is not for you......You'll find yourself in serious trouble.
Friends come and go in the military as well, So that wouldn't be a good reason to join either.

You cant worry about how your mother feels.....I know this might sound harsh, But you are a grown man and choose your path. We all die regardless of what profession you choose, tomorrow you could die in a automobile accident...And then what? You get the same results. Just like being shot in the line of duty as a police officer or a soldier hit with an IED.

01-05-2012, 01:09 AM
1) Reading your thoughts, my advice is for you to go back to school first then think about this question when you are finished. You have plenty of years to join when you are finished.
2) You don't sound ready yet, worrying about what your Mother thinks... it's your life! If you want to join and don't because of her, you will be resentful for the rest of your life.

01-05-2012, 02:29 AM
As a Vet I will tell you why I joined back in the 70's we did not have computer screens to stare at we did not have video games to play all we had was school and I was to cocky for my own britches
I was arrogant I did think that school did not have anything to offer me I could not get a job because i quit school in my senior year and no one wanted to hire me with out my high school diploma and I needed a attitude adjustment I was rude and nasty to everyone I meet
But I did have the smarts I tested and could take anything I wished but then i pulled another stupid move I joined the reserves Why so I could be close to my friends and party
This is the advice I will give you get your education go to collage and if you really want to join after that go into aviation even if it means relocating to the US I really dont know if you would have a better chance at aviation in the US then canada The reason I say that is our military is much bigger and If you have the education you just might be able to get into aviation
Let me say somthing about the military the frist time I almost shit my pants wasnt when we where on the ranges shooting weapons be it M-16 gernade launchers law rockets Ma duce the first time I almost shit my pants was at know range all vets will know what I am talking about it is the range where you lower and raise target when you hear them first cracks and wizz 's over head let me know if it anything like paint ball
and about the bordem Everything in the military is Hurry up and wait when you march 8 miles straight pouring rain and freezing with a 90 pound ruck on your back let me know if you enjoy
I am not discouriging you from joining that is your choice but there are better things out there get your education then if you want join but do somthing you like and dont forget this Police officers get shot to

A Vet

01-05-2012, 10:21 PM
Now I know these forums consist mostly of the US army, and various other installments, but I'd to ask widely across everyone. Possibly even people are from the Canadian Forces on here, can answer some questions. Here goes..

I'm thinking of joining the Canadian Forces, a mothers worst nightmare, mine as well. The thought of dying is well, stomach quenching. Though right now, I sit here, all day doing nothing with my life. It sounds stupid, join the Forces just for something to do? Right.. Here is where my proposal comes in, I enjoy weaponry. I enjoy shooting rifles, I paintball the odd times on the weekends. I LOVE IT. I love the thrill, I love seeing my enemy get out because I splattered a ball on their head. I'm looking to gain some physical strength, as well as build a group of friends while training and over there. I don't want to think that I may be hit by an IED, but it happens. Every day over there is a life or death situation. I try to understand that even here, in Canada, anyone can die. From anything. I'm only 18, may I add.. Young I know, and a fragile life that would be lost. Thinking of my childhood being wasted on some shitty bomb, my mother and step-dad's time raising me as the boy I am now, all gone to waste.

I try not to think of it that way, I try to think of it as doing something that I would love and enjoy. Something that I loved doing, I would die for. I'd rather die being in a enjoyable situation, than become blind by staring at a computer screen, like I am doing now. I can't get a job, I've tried dozens of areas. I've tried getting into the reserves, turns out they are in limited people zones. I've nearly tried everything to query my boredom, I've found nothing. The thought of war is thrilling to me.

I hope to gain some answers, if you didn't read those paragraphs I don't blame you.

Phew, I don't know what to say bud. I share some of your thoughts, about not being able to bear the thought of putting your family through grief if you suddenly left this earth. I'm 19 years old, active US Army.

If you go through with this, you are going to commit several years of your life to the military, and if you don't like or hate it (which I'll be honest to say I do hate most of the time) you'll have to wait it out. I was 17 when I signed up and I had all these great expectations that the Army was going to be awesome and I'd be doing cool shit, plus it'd get me out of my dead end town, give me something important to do with my life and I wouldn't be a lazy jobless bum.

Boy was I wrong on so many levels. I was younger than I am now, more foolish and trigger happy about making decisions without thinking them through properly and taking actually time to think about them. Once I got to my first duty station last year, I thought about and figured out HEY THIS SHIT SUCKS AND ISN'T WHAT WAS PORTRAYED TO BE!!!! I'M NOT REENLISTING!!! I'M GETTING THE FUCK OUT!!! I felt pretty stupid that I had all these high hopes and expectations. But hey that's life isn't it? Every decision you make in life has a calculated risk. Only difference is that some people take the time to think about these risks and others (like my 17 year old self a few years ago) don't.

You sound kind of like me with what you want to get out of Canadian Forces: new friends, strength, confidence, want, to become a man. Well I'm quoting a very well respected guy in my view in my unit. About a week after I came to my unit, it was late in the day and people were all waiting with thumbs up their asses to get released. To shorten it up, I was in a sea of sharks that wanted to see the new swinging dick get fucked up. I couldn't begin to tell you the fear and stress going through my head when I was doing low crawls, bear crawls, and all sorts of other shit up and down a hall way just for being a new dick. Then I got pulled aside, and a team leader in my platoon ridiculed me in front of everybody and asked why I joined the Army. I said I wanted to become a man. What he said has stuck with me forever and has changed my way of thinking: "The Army doesn't teach you how to be a man. The Army teaches you how to shoot and move, you should have already been a man before you joined."

So basically, take a long look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself, if you really have what it takes, and if this what you should be doing or not. Long answer for long question. Don't just do it to have "fun" (I haven't really experienced anything fun about the "suck" except a few moments here and there) But if you have doubts about yourself and you don't want to die and cause your family grief just do what I said above. THINK FUTURE POSSIBLE PRIVATE!!!!

01-05-2012, 10:26 PM
As a Vet I will tell you why I joined back in the 70's we did not have computer screens to stare at we did not have video games to play all we had was school and I was to cocky for my own britches
I was arrogant I did think that school did not have anything to offer me I could not get a job because i quit school in my senior year and no one wanted to hire me with out my high school diploma and I needed a attitude adjustment I was rude and nasty to everyone I meet
But I did have the smarts I tested and could take anything I wished but then i pulled another stupid move I joined the reserves Why so I could be close to my friends and party
This is the advice I will give you get your education go to collage and if you really want to join after that go into aviation even if it means relocating to the US I really dont know if you would have a better chance at aviation in the US then canada The reason I say that is our military is much bigger and If you have the education you just might be able to get into aviation
Let me say somthing about the military the frist time I almost shit my pants wasnt when we where on the ranges shooting weapons be it M-16 gernade launchers law rockets Ma duce the first time I almost shit my pants was at know range all vets will know what I am talking about it is the range where you lower and raise target when you hear them first cracks and wizz 's over head let me know if it anything like paint ball
and about the bordem Everything in the military is Hurry up and wait when you march 8 miles straight pouring rain and freezing with a 90 pound ruck on your back let me know if you enjoy
I am not discouriging you from joining that is your choice but there are better things out there get your education then if you want join but do somthing you like and dont forget this Police officers get shot to

A Vet

Well said Serpa. I should've done the college thing first. But I was too foolish to realize "hey I'm good at social studies and history and I really like it. I should do that for a job." After joining the Army then did I realize that. After I'm ETS, I marching straight to college to get a Masters in Education (Social Studies).