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View Full Version : Robot Wars!

08-15-2008, 03:54 AM

We've seen the same thing in both British and U.S. operations. Students, professors and institutions are breaking way in the latest technological front of robo-guerilla-warfare. One step ahead of the enemy, it's genious if you ask me. The creation of tiny and capable robots is the most effective way of cheaply gathering information


WAR is expensive and it is bloody. That is why America’s Department of Defence wants to replace a third of its armed vehicles and weaponry with robots by 2015. Such a change would save money, as robots are usually cheaper to replace than people. As important for the generals, it would make waging war less prey to the politics of body bags. Nobody mourns a robot


Think about it, how does the United States confront and destroy an enemy that possesses a gigantic population advantage. Simple really, by sending in millions and millions of armed robots. Some of these unmanned vehicles will be a godsend for reconnaisance, and extremely capable of killing the enemy from miles and miles away. What better way to find out what's infront of you and inside buildings than by sending scout remote control vehicles, not only capable of taking picture and video, but dealing a deathly blow.

Anyone recall the badass DARPA contest,http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/techwed_darpa_040225.html?


Check out this badass list of UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLES


