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11-27-2009, 03:52 AM
Today, on Right Wing Hate Radio, there was a great deal of discussion about the recent release of hacked emails from "Global Warming-Climate Change" scientists about their covering-up things that didn't fit into the template being used to promote and forward the agenda.
Drudge is one place with links to the story: http://www.drudgereport.com/

Got me thinking about Al Gore and the nice living he has from selling "Carbon Offsets" to people who want to feel better about their part in destroying the planet, while they continue their horrible American lifestyle, and how the money is allegedly spent to plant trees somewhere where they don't have anybody with a "Carbon Footprint" or something like that.

Trees. Got me to thinking about the story of the building of Robert Schuler's Crystal Cathedral, how each pane of glass and literally everything else was sold to finance construction. If he could do that to build his church, why couldn't someone with a forest do a similar thing with trees?

How about an ad where you were to say that you had a forest with 'X' number of trees, if they were sold to make lumber, each would sell for so-many dollars and if it was sold for pulp the tree would fetch so-many dollars. Then offer not to cut the tree down for that amount. People could sponsor a tree, or a part of a tree and it would not be cut down as long as it was sponsored.....thus saving the adult tree that holds all that carbon and will continue consuming that evil pollutant CO2. (We know it is because the Supreme Court declared Carbon Di-Oxide a pollutant)

Anyway, you could be paid not to cut-down trees you can't harvest now anyway.