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11-06-2009, 12:50 PM
Maureen Dowd, columnist for the NY Times, said Obama was not looking for a photo-op when shown at Dover recently in middle of night saluting a casket of a returning dead hero.

It was a shock*ingly inac*cu*rate state*ment that dis*cred*ited an accom*plished colum*nist. No mat*ter where you stand on The New York Times edi*to*ri*al*ist Maureen Dowd’s polit*i*cal bent, it’s hard to deny her reach and talent.

But in the reac*tionary defense of her anointed one — President Obama — on last weekend’s Times op-ed page, she strayed far from real*ity and embraced a mythol*ogy made soft by the facts.

Yes, the president’s Oct. 29 trip to Dover Air Force base in the dark of night to greet a C-17 car*ry*ing fallen Americans killed in Afghanistan was a vivid exam*ple of the real*ity of that war and should pause to those who call for increased com*mit*ment there. And it was hon*or*able of Obama to see for him*self the human cost of his deci*sions — as every com*man*der and chief should.

But to reflex*ively defend the photo op engi*neered to cre*ate news about the president’s “sober*ing reminder” by claim*ing that the man who got us into Afghanistan in the first place never faced them is just plain bunk.

I had the honor to speak with nearly a dozen fam*i*lies of Marines killed in Iraq and Afghanistan a few years ago as part of a project with the Military Times news*pa*pers. We wrote a wide-ranging inves*tiga*tive piece on the con*duct of the ser*vices dur*ing the killed-in-action noti*fi*ca*tion process and the sup*port they pro*vided along the way.

It was an intim*i*dat*ing assign*ment, but one I cher*ish to this day. For, unlike Dowd, who I doubt has ever spo*ken with the fam*ily of a fallen ser*vice*mem*ber, I was forced to con*front the world I obliquely reported from afar — to hear the qua*ver*ing voices of moth*ers whose sons had been oblit*er*ated by road*side bombs.

And you know who else did that very same thing dozens of times in his eight years as pres*i*dent? The same man Dowd falsely accuses of declin*ing to con*front the real*ity of his war dead.

In my con*ver*sa*tions with those who sac*ri*ficed a son, a hus*band, a brother, or a boyfriend, all were uni*ver*sally grate*ful for George W. Bush’s sin*cere — and pri*vate — con*ver*sa*tions with them either before or directly after an event or speech at a mil*i*tary base. As a rou*tine, Bush would meet behind closed doors with fam*ily mem*bers who’d lost loved ones as part of his stop at mil*i*tary installations.

These were not sim*ply pro-war, anti-war, pro-Bush or anti-Bush fam*i*lies — they were all of the above. Some were against the Iraq war; oth*ers were stead*fast, despite their unimag*in*able sac*ri*fice, for vic*tory there. But to a man and women, these griev*ing Americans appre*ci*ated the president’s heart*felt com*pas*sion and deep under*stand*ing of their sac*ri*fice — and of the weight of the deci*sion to send poten*tially more of America’s young to their deaths.

11-06-2009, 02:09 PM
Very interesting piece would llike to see the NY oped piece.

11-06-2009, 02:37 PM
here is what the bitch had to say


11-06-2009, 02:46 PM
Thanks, Holy shit how fucking retarded can she be. "W" as she called him was more private. Cheney visited Walter Reed almost everyday. They did all this without the media. What a cunt.

11-06-2009, 03:18 PM
She needs an ass-fucking with no ky jelly

11-06-2009, 03:34 PM
She needs an ass-fucking with no ky jelly

dont want my dick to fall off so shes all yours

11-06-2009, 03:43 PM
dont want my dick to fall off so shes all yours

I will give her the clap :o

11-06-2009, 03:46 PM

11-06-2009, 04:05 PM
What I really don't understand about this if it wasn't a photo op why did he allow the pictures to be published let alone taken. many a politician have shown their respects to families of soldiers who have given their lives or have been wounded but we don't see or hear about it unless you really go searching for it. I have been shocked to read about how many celebrities/politicians have gone overseas or been to military hospitals yet have not sought out or asked for any publicity, I only know because the American Legion Magazine, Military Times newspapers, or the like publish small excerpts about how the soldiers appreciated the visit/support. This was nothing but a bait and switch tactic to try and take peoples minds off of how he is dawdling making a decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan. Now all his supporters can spew out this sort of crap saying he's pro military, look he went to Dover in the middle of the night, when it was nothing but a well orchestrated political maneuver. My 2 cents anyway.