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10-27-2009, 11:09 AM
AP Newswire

Oct 27, 10:27 AM EDT

Search for UK couple missing in Somali pirate area

Associated Press Writer

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- A British couple who set sail in a yacht from the island nation of Seychelles have likely been hijacked by Somali pirates in the waters off East Africa, a Seychelles coast guard official said Tuesday.

Paul and Rachel Chandler were heading from Seychelles to Tanzania in their yacht, the Lynn Rival, when a distress signal was sent early Friday, according to the U.K. Maritime and Coast Guard Agency.

They have not been heard from since, and searches by coast guards based in the Seychelles have failed to spot the boat.

"We are monitoring the situation and at the present moment there is no confirmation that the Lynn Rival has been taken by pirates, even if the probability of hijacking is high. We are pursuing all efforts with other international partners establish to the facts," said Lt. Col. Michael Rosette of the Seychelles coast guard.

Aircraft from Seychelles and the European Union searched for the couple over the weekend. EU and U.S. naval forces are assisting in the effort, a statement from Seychelles said.

A resident of Somalia's coastal Haradhere town, a hotspot for pirate activity, said he had spoken to a member of the pirate gang that claimed to have captured the boat.

Abdi Nor Osman said that eight pirates were aboard the yacht, which was towing two skiffs. The yacht was expected in Haradhere, in central Somalia, on Tuesday, he said. Osman said he was a member of the pirate gang, a claim supported by local residents.

Leah Mickleborough, the niece of Paul and Rachel Chandler, told BBC radio that the couple are very experienced sailors who would never deliberately put themselves in danger.

"When you hear of things like this you possibly expect the worst might have happened but you always hope that it hasn't," she said. "You never believe it's going to be one of those things that happens to your family."

Pirates have preyed on yachts before. In April, the French captain of the Tanit was killed during a rescue operation by French commandos. He had been held for six days along with his wife, child and two other adults. Pirates also seized the French luxury yacht Le Ponant in 2008, and the Indian Ocean Explorer and Serenity yachts earlier this year.

Joel Morgan, the minister responsible for anti-piracy operations in the Seychelles, said the island nation had sent an aircraft to find the yacht and tried to raise the couple on both radio and satellite phones.

Lt. Cmdr Daniel Auwermann at the European Union's base in London said that EU forces had combined forces with other warships in the region to search for the missing couple. He could not confirm the ship had been taken by pirates, he said.

Somali pirates have increased attacks in recent weeks, following a several-months long monsoon season that had made waters too rough for the pirates. The pirates are currently holding seven ships with around 150 crew members.


Associated Press writers Katharine Houreld in Nairobi, Kenya and Jennifer Quinn in London contributed to this report.

10-27-2009, 11:11 AM
I guess they didn't know pirates were in that part of the world huh? Or maybe they thought the pirates would not care if a couple of westerners in million dollar yacht came floating by.

10-27-2009, 11:13 AM
I guess they didn't know pirates were in that part of the world huh? Or maybe they thought the pirates would not care if a couple of westerners in million dollar yacht came floating by.

Always the same - some hippies go over there to "change" the world and then are all suprised if some thugs cannot resitst the tempatation to snatch them.

To be fair its extremly couragous to go over in these countries to help people.

10-27-2009, 11:52 AM
Always the same - some hippies go over there to "change" the world and then are all suprised if some thugs cannot resitst the tempatation to snatch them.

To be fair its extremly couragous to go over in these countries to help people.

Hell yea it's courageous no guns no back up, never catch me doing it I'm too much a wimp to go into a hot spot without a weapon.

10-27-2009, 02:44 PM
Hell yea it's courageous no guns no back up, never catch me doing it I'm too much a wimp to go into a hot spot without a weapon.

I would slash their throats with my razor sharp wit. Make them fall to their knees with steel blue eyes. Neither gun nor bomb would deter my resolve to traverse this world. For I am Scottish, I am made from girders.

Full disclosure, Im not a snot nosed Sweaty Ginger, RIGHT ROB!!!!!!!

10-27-2009, 03:21 PM
I used to talk to this one dude...all contact has been terminated, he said those pirates aren't that big of a deal..then within the HOUR he says "well since Iraq war ended (hasn't ended just been scaled down) and afghan coming to a close our boys should be home within the next 2-3 yrs"...lol i can put up with only so much bullshit in a short ammount of time

10-29-2009, 10:43 AM
Navy search ships have found the yacht belonging to two Brits seized by Somali pirates.

The MoD today confirmed the couple were not on board but said there was no reason to believe they had been harmed.

Rescue teams have been scouring the ocean around Somalia since retired civil engineer Paul Chandler, 59, and his wife Rachel, 55, were snatched.

The pirates have already said they had taken the pair and will demand a ransom.

Yesterday the brutal Somali gang warned that if any rescue attempt was made they would not hesitate in "burning the bones" of the couple.

They linked their fate to that of the 36 crew of the Spanish fishing boat Alakrana also seized by the mob that grabbed the Chandlers' yacht on Friday.

One pirate warned: "We have the Spanish ship and this new yacht and we warn naval forces that they must avoid any type of military action because if one is attacked we will punish those from the other vessel.

"We ask their families to pay what we ask for."

Pirate Mohamed Hussein told Sky News in broken English: "We are telling Britain that any bullet on our friends will be big cries for the families of the two old people we hold. We warn them of any attack on us, this is good advice for them, otherwise they will burn their two people's bones."

The European Union Naval Force Somalia - a British-led anti-piracy unit - had yesterday been considering taking action after locating a yacht believed to be the Chandlers' Lynn Rival heading for Haradheere in Somalia.

Commander John Harbour, leading the Force, had said: "We are still trying to identify the boat. Our hearts go out to the Chandlers' family but we mustn't forget there are 172 hostages currently held on seven vessels along the Somali coast. It's an ongoing war against piracy for us."

Despite demands for cash, the Chandlers, from Tonbridge, Kent, have little savings after selling up to fund their round the world trip.

Paul's sister Jill Marshment, 69, of Bredon, Gloucs, said: "I'm afraid it still is a bad dream. They are not a wealthy couple. They just wanted to take retirement and go in their boat to see more of the world.

"They won't be weeping. They'll be thinking 'What are we going to do?' "

10-29-2009, 10:53 AM
Somali pirates take British yacht couple ashore

Associated Press Writer
AP Photo

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- Somali pirates who hijacked a British couple's yacht brought them to a fishing village on shore Thursday, a fisherman said.

Two boats carrying eight pirates and a white couple arrived in the village of Ceel Huur in the early morning, said Dahir Dabadhahan. A convoy of around 30 other pirates in six luxury vehicles met the group in front of fishermen preparing their boats of the day, he said.

"The pirates opened fire into the air, waving us to move away," he said.

Ceel Huur is just north of a notorious pirate stronghold in the town of Haradhere.

Earlier Thursday, the British navy found the couple's empty yacht in international waters. Warships have been searching for Paul and Rachel Chandler since their yacht, the Lynn Rival, sent out a distress signal last Friday.

Relatives of the British couple, who were headed to Tanzania, have pleaded with their captors to end the family's "bad dream."

"If I was to give a message to the pirates, I'd say you've got the wrong people," said Jill Marshment, the sister of Paul Chandler, Britain's Press Association reported.

Also Thursday, pirates hijacked a Thai fishing vessel north of the Seychelles islands, the European Union Naval Force said.

The Thai Union 3 reported it was under attack by pirates in two skiffs 200 miles (320 kilometers) north of the Seychelles and 650 miles (1050 kilometers) off the Somali coast, according to a press release issued by the headquarters for the EU's Operation Atalanta.

A naval aircraft sent to the scene saw pirates aboard the vessel and two skiffs tied up behind it. The EU force said the ship is now heading toward Somalia.

The latest seizure means pirates are now holding a total of eight ships, four of which were seized in the past two weeks.

Somalia has not had a functioning government for 18 years. The multimillion dollar ransoms the pirates collect are a strong lure for young gunmen in a country where nearly half the population is dependent on aid.

The high-seas hijackings have persisted despite an international armada of warships deployed by the United States, the European Union, NATO, Japan, South Korea and China to patrol the region.


Associated Press Writers Katharine Houreld in Nairobi, Kenya and Jill Lawless in London contributed to this report.

10-29-2009, 10:59 AM
It is just sad that some people just have this, "It won't happen to me attitude".

I feel sorry for the families, not the idiots who don't listen.

10-29-2009, 11:04 AM
It is just sad that some people just have this, "It won't happen to me attitude".

I feel sorry for the families, not the idiots who don't listen.

everybody has that attitute - I mean nobody wants to die it still will happen but most people don't want to think it will happen to them.