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View Full Version : Danish soldier killed in Afghanistan

10-25-2009, 08:21 AM
A Danish soldier has been killed during a patrol in southern Afghanistan, according to reports reaching here from Copenhagen on Friday.

"A soldier of the Danish Royal Lifeguards has been killed in Afghanistan during a foot patrol in a bazaar area in the Green Zone close to the Sandford Camp near Rahim Qalay in the Gereshk Valley," reported the Danish online newspaper Politiken.

The soldi More..er of the Royal Lifeguard Mechanized Infantry Company was dead upon arrival at the field hospital at Camp Bastion, said the Politiken.

"This is a harsh blow to all of us, but particularly for his family. It is with the greatest compassion that we think of them at this difficult time," Brigadier General Peter Harry Lund was quoted by the Politiken as saying.

10-25-2009, 09:43 AM

10-25-2009, 10:49 AM
Rest in peace.