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10-20-2009, 02:59 PM
Basic Introductory Course for Journalists

The FMOD Press and Information Office provides instruction at the German UN Training Centre in Hammelburg for journalists reporting from crisis areas.
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The Press and Information Office of the Federal Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Berufsgenossenschaft Druck und Papierverarbeitung (Printing and Paper Processing Trade Association), offers a five-day course for journalists on the subject of "Protection and Rules of Conduct in Crisis Areas" held four times annually (spring/autumn).

The course is conducted at the Bundeswehr UN Training Centre in Hammelburg. The Centre's principal task is training and preparing Bundeswehr personnel and military personnel of allied and friendly nations as well as civilians for UN-led missions. The focus is on pre-deployment training for task forces, instructors of service support forces and contingent-providing formations. Since 1999, the Centre has also conducted courses for journalists wishing to train for their assignments.

The one-week orientation course serves to prepare journalists for their work in crisis and war zones, including their coverage of security and defence policy issues. The emphasis during this course is placed on enhancing awareness of the manifold risks encountered in the areas of operation as well as practical training of how to act in specific dangerous situations.

http://www.bmvg.de/portal/a/bmvg/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd4k3cXcESYGZbub6kT CxoNQ8fV-P_NxUfW_9AP2C3IhyR0dFRQB8rgrV/delta/base64xml/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80SVVFLzZfRF80SDg!?yw_contentURL=%2F C1256F1200608B1B%2FW267AKDP903INFOEN%2Fcontent.jsp

10-20-2009, 02:59 PM
Going through the net and stumbled upon this. Kinda cool.

10-20-2009, 06:41 PM
This is good to see and know about.

Nice catch, two thumbs up, Nasty :thumbup: