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View Full Version : Video: Was SEAL Team 6 set up so they would be killed or was it just a horrible event ? R.I.P.

12-09-2014, 07:49 AM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/924_31245.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/6023-Was-SEAL-Team-6-set-up-so-they-would-be-killed-or-was-it-just-a-horrible-event-RIP) Was SEAL Team 6 set up so they would be killed was it just a horrible even? R.I.P.http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/6023-Was-SEAL-Team-6-set-up-so-they-would-be-killed-or-was-it-just-a-horrible-event-RIP)

12-09-2014, 10:00 AM
To my knowledge this is the only battle lost or at least a battle that ended with so many dead Patriots while an AC-130 was on station providing direct covering fire and direct artillery fire ( with their 105 mm artillery piece ). Even worse they had two fully armed AH-64 Apaches over head as well but the ROE's say don't shoot unless you've already been shot basically and even then I wouldn't be shocked if the ROE's said after that you still can't shoot your attackers. The AC-130 land Apaches must of been physically sick as they almost begged to kill these terrorists before and after the helicopter was shot down but commanders ordered do not engage, so these plots can either do the right thing and help anyway, be Court Marshaled and probably sent to federal prison for murder or manslaughter of terrorist or do as their told because they probably are all married and most of the married guys have kids and their family comes first and being in prison would destroy their families so I understand why they obeyed an order that to me is treasonous . This to me is unacceptable, taking their secret MH-47 helicopters and their stealth black hawks they used in killing UBL which they train on almost exclusively and then making them, for that mission only, break their tactics that all SOF's in the world train over and over for of attacking from multiple directions at once including doing this tactic with helicopters where each chopper holds 5-8 guys. They never or rarely ever put the whole attack force in one helicopter you just don't put all of your elite of the elite in one vehicle, plane, or helicopter ( even kids know you don't put all your eggs in one basket ) for obvious reasons and our SOF's have used that tactic since helicopters were powerful enough around late 50's to early 60's to carry a good amount of troops and supplies. What a horrible tragedy that probably could of been prevented. R.I.P. :USA:

12-09-2014, 12:03 PM
I have one concern about this theory...

I assume this was the rescue mission of Marcus Luttrell during Op Red Wing.

If this is the case, and there were Apaches and an AC-130 on over watch, why didn't Luttrell see or hear them? He saw the Chinook fly by. Is he in on the cover up?

This is a very compelling theory, but I don't completely buy into it... not yet anyway.

12-09-2014, 10:34 PM
Gutro - This wasn't the lone survivor tragedy with Mr. Luttrell. This happened about a year or more after killing UBL. I don't believe in conspiracy theories unless I see real evidence not just hear say but this was making a little bit of sense although the only thing I don't get is why did the commanders do all these weird things mentioned in the video that caused the highest or one of the highest single day death toll for the SF's .

12-10-2014, 03:03 PM
Using a Chinook for ST06 is the best camouflage a SF team can use.... The chance that there was a suicide bomber aboard is bigger than it being hit by a RPG.
And who is to say they are not pronounced dead so that they can operate with new papers in other missions in the new theater ea Pacific...

I would look in that corner, if you want to go conspiracy-theory...

But then again, the simplest reason is often true. Apaches and Spectre couldnt shoot because of dangerclose, or ROE. And they ran out of luck with the statistics. It was time a big accident happened, it was the balance in the universe that ST06 was the victim. Or perhaps these are the boys who fly into hot zones? And as soon as something happens (that we hear off) we think its the government?

Its just human nature that we think nothing so simple or stupid can happen to good men.

Its just sad that these heroes died the way they did. I salute you o great warriors...

12-10-2014, 10:23 PM
What does the Obama administration gain by killing off 30 of it's deadliest warfighters? I think it's more likely that it was incompetence due in part to our leaders. Do not underestimate how completely incompetent this guy is. And remember, his first priority is never America or Americans, it's always something other than that.

12-10-2014, 10:29 PM
I'm confused. Is he saying that his son was alive and conscious after the crash and fighting the enemy? This is so fucking sad. Poor guy.

12-11-2014, 03:06 AM
What a load of BS this video is, Im sorry for this man's loss but in warfare mistakes happen and considering this was probably a top secret mission alot of the facts won't be released.

I will try to refute a few points made here,

1,Using an old CH47 instead of the MH17 they normally used: It is essentially the same aircraft with just upgraded avionics and Flir,It would not have made any difference if actually hit by a RPG, everyone who has served knows the best gear is not always available for every mission.

2, All traveling on the same helo instead of a small team per helo : This is quite common depending on mission requirements, Small landing zone/fastroping area,time critical mission and an aircraft malfunction cutting helo's available,( if I remember rightly 20 or so died in 1 chinook trying to rescue the OP redwing team).

3,AC130 and AH64's not allowed to engage before mission: I imagine they were for top cover to support a snatch operation,no point killing the guy youre there to snatch before you even have feet on the ground. Afterwards I guess they werent allowed as they still didnt want the target killed but captured.

4, Cremation and blackbox missing:
They were in enemy territory, the helo could have burned for hours depending on fuel aboard so Im guessing they were already cremated. Sometimes even retrieving bodies from enemy held terrritory is impossible let alone worrying about a black box that would prove nothing more considering the whole mission was caught on the AC130's and Ah64's flir recordings.

Im not saying I know all the answers as I was not there, I just dont see why this man is blaming Obama etc unless trying to score political points or just looking for someone to blame. His son was a hero in my eyes....A hero who knew and accepted the risks and sadly didnt beat the odds. RIP Hero's

12-11-2014, 06:02 AM
I agree with you guys I think this was a horrible event caused by multiple mistakes and not by a cabal of evil illuminati members. I do think though most of the mistakes could of been avoided and hopefully they are now making sure those same mistakes never happen again. Regarding their MH-47 if it was used it might of affected the outcome of them being shot down or not because it has advanced radars, sensors, and other state of the art technology a normal CH-47 doesn't have but the past is the past and there's nothing we can do about it now. If this videos facts are true ( who knows) the three things that makes me mad are 1. why did the commanders not allow the covering AC-130 and AH-64 apaches to take out the threats to the helo even if you want the HVT inside the compound alive and you want surprise so he can't destroy things or put a suicide vest on you could still take out those threats right at the moment or a few seconds before the moment they could detect the approaching helo because either way the HVT will be alerted either by the helo or the helo and noise of his bodyguards being killed combined and why didn't they just alter the helo's course or landing site or decide to call off the attack while keeping 24/7 surveillance on the HVT and attack later 2. This kind of goes with 1. but anyway why didn't the commanders again allow the support AC-130 and AH-64's to attack the people who attacked the helo because again now the HVT is alerted anyway so why not take them out 3. Even if the helo burned for hours the only people who should have the say on how a persons body should be treated after death is the individual or their next of kin. That's what the guy is saying about his son, that they showed him pictures of the crash site and the body of his son still intact with his gun and gear still on his body. So why his son and other families sons were cremated without even asking how would they want their son's body treated makes me upset. It's not WWII where if you were killed on a ship they burried you at sea because they didn't have the time or means between battles to preserve bodies and transfer them back home while surrounded by the enemy and needing every ship to win the war and the same was true on land where during battles they burried you their and hopefully after the war they'd send you home for permanent burial but in this type of conflicts we're in now makes cremation immediately before talking to their next of kin uncalled for and unless their sons signed that they wanted to be cremated I can understand why he's so angry on that point.

12-11-2014, 10:30 AM
For the average Soldier and Marine, the best gear is not always available for a simple reason... the SF fighters of all branches were using them. In an impromptu conversation/ training session on Camp Pendleton, a SEAL who had just "killed" us in a wargame explained that to me. He told us as he shared what he could to make us better, that one of the biggest reasons SEALS were so lethal was because they had everything a man could need to destroy their enemy. That, and they were bad-asses.

12-11-2014, 02:12 PM
i live near a training area so those Chinooks fly over here sometimes.
Really i never hear anything so loud as they are,you can hear them coming 5 min before you really see it .
SF in this,is like a yellow schoolbus loaded with idf soldiers driving around in gaza.
How can you be so stupid to do this,any kid will know this will end bad.

12-11-2014, 11:13 PM
Another reason why top cover might not have been allowed to smoke those guys could have been that it was a rescue mission and if they suspected the hostage was inside the building that the bad guys were on top of. Just another thought (but could be way off mark).

12-12-2014, 04:47 AM
I pretty sure it was a HVT ( High Value Target ) Taliban commander they were trying to get but I'm not sure if the mission was to capture him alive or the more common mission parameters of kill or capture

12-12-2014, 08:46 AM
In war the best plans fly out the window as soon as the first bullet flies. The army is manned with good people (and some bad).

There was most likely a good reason to cremate them. Perhaps researching the crashsite for answers took some time, perhaps the taliban came back at night and set the bodies on fire. We'll never know. If they didnt have the capacity for retrieval at once (remember black hawk down) they would have waited. But leaving these bodies out in the desert for a few days will wanna make you cremate them.

The father is pissed and helpless, he will focus on the one thing he would have had some influence on. And even that was taken away from him. He should focus on the live his son had, the hero he was. But that's easy for me to say...

12-14-2014, 10:19 AM
I uploaded the vid because I wanted to see what active duty servicemen and servicewomen and vets think of the vid made by a conspiracy nut who thinks we kill our military members (murder them) for whatever crazy reason he believes. This vid gets your blood pumping and there's nothing like getting your blood pumping to know your still alive. :USA: R.I.P. :USA:

12-18-2014, 05:52 AM
Stupid neo-con propaganda.