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View Full Version : Video: Epic Fail WWII Style - Rare Battle For Berlin Footage

10-30-2014, 01:30 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/51_32744.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5942-Epic-Fail-WWII-Style-Rare-Battle-For-Berlin-Footage) At 33-36 seconds watch the russian troops run in front of an artillery gun and the gunner fires, either on purpose or accidentally but the outcome was the same, a probably dead russianhttp://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5942-Epic-Fail-WWII-Style-Rare-Battle-For-Berlin-Footage)

10-30-2014, 06:00 PM
The shit that reminds you, war sucks.

10-31-2014, 04:40 AM
The shit that reminds you, war sucks.

No that reminds you don't pick a fight with an artillery man and then walk in front of his gun. Thats the russian version of fragging. Anyway the fight probably started over who gets to rape the next german women, teen, or child. Too bad Patton died almost immediately after saying roughfly that the war isn't over until we defeat the russians and if not Russia will become as evil or more then the nazi's. R.I.P. General Patton

10-31-2014, 06:03 AM
Yeah, that too, Don. I've always thought that between MacArthur and Patton, that MacArthur was seen as overstepping his boundaries and being too vocal with his criticism of the boss. Patton i think, was just too blunt for comfort. Of course, he was right. It showed in the moves he made. We've seen lots of speculation and documentaries on the circumstances of his death, but I wonder if we will ever really know how much of the speculative conspiracy theories are correct. Which reminds me, I need to get another copy of "American Caesar".

12-29-2014, 11:02 PM
We will never forget.
My Mother was in Hamburg as your smart Grandfathers decided to butcher civillians in masses.
Operation Gomorrah.
After the Bombardment your "glorious" Grandfathers came with small planes to shoot down all the children your heroic Bombers missed.
They shot everything was moving Human animals, everything. They re not the heros you think they are. They are war criminals just like our SS.
What tey did was not heroic! It was barbaric. Im done with americans and british and especially the french cowards. All what i believed in is ripped to parts.
Go and get islamized!

12-29-2014, 11:15 PM

12-30-2014, 02:14 PM
Well you must be forgetting because the Nazis aka your mother who never tried to stop Hitler or join the resistance or save refugees fleeing the Nazis bombed Warsaw, Wieluri, Frampol, and Kamieniec in Poland killing thousands of Polish civilians in September 1939, they bombed 14 cities in France, including Lyons, between May 9 and 10, 1940 and their bombing of Rotterdam on May 14, 1940 resulted in the deaths of 30,000 Dutch civilians --- we have not even bothered to mention their attack on Belgrade ---all in direct violation of the Hague Convention concerning the targeting of civilians—British raids on German targets with civilians were in retaliation after the bombing of Scapa Flow in Britain on March 16, 1940 but mainly due to a supposed accidental bombing on London on August 24, 1940 –it was only after the German bombs fell on London did Churchill order the bombing of legitimate war targets in German cities. It wasn't until 2 or 3 years into the war that Churchill let Gen. Harris of Bomber Command off the leash to bomb any German city or town because people like your mother weren't demanding Hitler to end the war so now civilian morale was added to the war targets list. I guess your forgetting too that Hitler declared war on the USA and the world sees what happens when your dumb enough to do that. As for our little planes everyone had a gun cam that show everything they shot at and what do you know none of the tens of thousands of pics do you see children being strafed and animals yes a few fighter pilots practiced their aim on livestock but again livestock fed the Nazis so it was a legitimate target and horses pulling carts were used to move war material making them targets. My great grandfathers were smart they didn't stay in a country after a psycho like Hitler declared himself God they mainly were busy mopping up the japs but spared some of their time to take care of your beloved Hitler and if a Islamic caliphate does arise who do you think will be "Islamized" first Europe or the USA Hmmm they can walk to Europe but they've got to swim, fly, or come by boat to get here, good luck!

01-07-2015, 09:58 PM
I must have ESP or I'm psychic because a crazy nazi lover Thor66 went on a tirade about how our great grandfathers and grandfathers murdered children for fun in WWII and then said have fun getting "Islamized" and I shut him up quick but the funny ESP part is I said hey Thor66 Isis can walk to your country but they've gotta swim, fly, or take a fucking boat to get to mine we'll see who gets "Islamized" first. Good luck! Then boom Isis attacks France it really is tough being right all the time. Don't worry Thor66 Isis will still get to you in a minute !