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View Full Version : Video: Syria Bio Weapon Deployed by Anti Assad forces

09-28-2014, 12:23 AM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/294_4329.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5849-Syria-Bio-Weapon-Deployed-by-Anti-Assad-forces) Do these bastards really need help? Why not help out Assad? The middle east is not like USA or Europe or Russia. I think the word is less evolved? In order for everybody to live peacefully there has to be some ruthless asshole at the helm. If the government here collapsed I bet cutting someones head off might cross peoples minds but I wouldn't say it would be at the top of their list. The lack of the snackbar leads me to believe these are foreigners to Syria.http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5849-Syria-Bio-Weapon-Deployed-by-Anti-Assad-forces)

09-28-2014, 06:45 AM
And were exactly do you see Bio Weapons?

09-28-2014, 08:30 AM
This could be a functioning super mortar type weapon. I would like protection from whatever substance would be in the warhead if I was firing a bioweapon. I think the snackbars were edited out by the music. The second round fired has a guy running back to what I assume is a bunker while in a snackbar posture and giving snackbar gestures. LOL

09-28-2014, 08:37 AM
The projectile is a chemical weapon warhead look up images of chemical weapon warheads.

10-08-2014, 07:28 AM
No, this is simply a home made mortar. Its a propane canister they pack with explosive they salvage from barrel bombs. The fins are welded on to stabilize and you can see the guy screwing the fuse on. No chemical or bio weapons here.