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View Full Version : Video: Phony Navy SEAL Memorial Day Weekend Collage

09-03-2014, 05:36 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/275_83219.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5778-Phony-Navy-SEAL-Memorial-Day-Weekend-Collage) Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley's Memorial Day Weekend collage of a pile of WORLD CLASS PHONY SEALS and their Phony SEAL resume claims. One was a clown who claimed being a Sniper trained by Brandon Webb and Chris Kyle and that SHANE PATTON was in his BUD/S Training Class "223." Shane graduated Class 239 and was unfortunately Killed in Action and it turns out the clown making these claims was a Electronics Technician assigned to SEAL Team THREE in a support role.http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5778-Phony-Navy-SEAL-Memorial-Day-Weekend-Collage)

09-04-2014, 06:29 AM
Why would someone who has served, try to be something else? I was an MP, I saw a lot of shit in Saigon, but as I wasn't Infantry, no CB...So what..I saw shit, I created shit , I know what I did and I don't need to pretend to be something other than what I was.........a mate of mine was a cook, he has a combat badge, because at one time he was pulled out of the kitchen and onto the line...you know what, he doesn't pretend that we was a special forces-ranger-seal-commando-black ops operative. He actually says, I was a cook, and he was a bloody good one too.

09-04-2014, 08:03 AM
LMFAO... "It was a training accident"

09-04-2014, 10:59 AM
I've not watched the clip, but why does he need to do this. If he was assigned to support the SEALs, I assume he was pretty fucking good at his job. Techies are vital to a mission, be it a combat patrol or hostage rescue. Just because he didn't tear anyone's throat out doesn't mean he has to do this. Still, at least he's been outed. Silly sod. PS - An MP in Saigon?! Respect.

09-04-2014, 10:47 PM
You know, guys, maybe these imposters are kinda like the little kids, busted on video with cake and icing all over their faces, vehemently denying to their parents that they got into the cake. Or the kid (me), who wrote an excuse for P.E. class, signed by mom. (She gave that to me a few years ago when she brought some old pictures and awards. Unbelieveable in its crudeness-and I really thought I was pulling it off). The big difference of course, is that as we grew up, we outgrew the small yet incredibly imaginative mind of the child. They obviously didn't. It is astounding to see the shit folks try to pull off with their "uniforms", that you and I could pick up on instantly, even going half blind and with cataracts. And they carry it through right up to doing TV spots with the local station, creating businesses built on their supposed snake eater experience. And of course, some are just career pathological liars. If not playing phony vet, it's just gonna be something else. I'm proud of what me and my family did, Army and Navy, we have 50yrs active duty between dad, brother and me. Yeah, I've been places, seen shit, even on a Navy ammo ship. Because where the fleet went, we went. Don't need to bullshit about it. The rest of us simply grew out of the phony excuses a long time ago. I'm glad groups like Stolen Valor and Senior Chief Shipley are doing what they do. Keep it up, Senior Chief!

09-07-2014, 07:33 AM
Fuck em all senior... f-e-a!