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View Full Version : Video: Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK MELVIN KENT FLECK

09-03-2014, 05:28 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/485_91326.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5777-Phony-Navy-SEAL-of-the-WEEK-MELVIN-KENT-FLECK) - To be The Actual SEAL Team Leader of the Mission to Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan

- During said mission, he sustained severe injury. He claims he fell from the helicopter during Team extraction when it collided with compound wall. Since it was a "Stealth Helicopter," he claims his body contains "stealth" shrapnel fragments. These stealth fragments are supposed to be so sophisticated, they defy conventional medical detection, that he must be treated at Classified VIP Hospitals around the world, such as in Germany and an underground VIP facility at Wright Paterson Air Force Base

- Claims the Administration is punitively withholding millions, & possibly billions, in compensation due him, and his team members, because they did not support the Incumbent in the last election

- He claims to report directly to former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and speaks with her frequently as an Advisor.

The explanations are always outlandish, often containing instances of supposed sabotage. They are also clandestine, and therefore, non-verifiable.

Melvin Fleck claims a recently promotion to Admiral. He further claims a great desire for immediate retirement from military service. However, he is so "vitally needed" by our gov't for further planning of Black Ops Missions, his wishes are being ignored by those in Command.

Melvin can be reached at 937-789-5203 or 937-789-5204. Tell him Don Shipley says HELLO...

I WILL see Melvin back in Prison... I'll make sure of that...http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5777-Phony-Navy-SEAL-of-the-WEEK-MELVIN-KENT-FLECK)

Skivvy Stacker
09-03-2014, 11:51 PM
That shrapnel must be made of the same stuff the CIA found at Roswell, NM in 1950 after the hub bub died down over the 1947 crash of the "weather balloon" that farmer found that had cut open his cows.

09-05-2014, 04:07 PM
Good on ya Shipley -- bet he's always busy with all the hoards of "pseudo-seals" out there!

09-06-2014, 11:27 AM
So, those numbers listed-they aren't for a psych hospital, are they? He sounds like one of ours.

09-06-2014, 09:17 PM
God speed Sir ( Don Shipley ) I hope this punk gets put away where he will actually have foreign objects inserted and exerted regularly into his cough...asshole...cough body for real, excuse me I must be catching a cold :evilgrin:AC'ers lets help Don out by calling this criminal and let him hear what some of AC's vets think about this sub human committing crimes like the Stolen Valor Act and see if he'd like a face to face meeting with one of us before the prisoners get their turn and for his sake he better pray Don doesn't find him ever because I have a feeling Don won't leave much left of this trash but a wet spot on the pavement