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View Full Version : 8-Year Old Donates Lemonade Stand Money To A Veteran In Need

08-31-2014, 04:57 AM

Rachel Mennett hadn’t even met Nicholas Bailey before deciding to generously help him (http://www.live5news.com/story/26355106/shes-just-a-hero-8-yr-old-erects-lemonade-stand-to-raise-money-for-retired-army-veteran).

Bailey, who served two tours in Iraq, suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder and mobility issues. He’d been hoping to train his dog Abel to help him deal with his anxiety (http://www.live5news.com/story/26355106/shes-just-a-hero-8-yr-old-erects-lemonade-stand-to-raise-money-for-retired-army-veteran).

Then, Abel suffered a minor accident that spooked him thoroughly. Since then, the German shepherd’s behavior hasn’t returned to normal, and his rehabilitation program has a hefty $6,000 price tag.
So Bailey set up a website dedicated to funding the medical program.
Mennett, 8, heard Bailey’s story from her brother. Instead of forgetting about it, she set to work immediately.
Mennett built a lemonade stand at a pet store near her house in Summerville, SC, and told customers the veteran’s story.
Now, Bailey has over $1,000 more than he initially needed. He told WCSC that he was moved to tears by Mennett’s generosity.
Watch the video to see the young girl’s generosity at work.