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View Full Version : Video: how israelis are allerting to incoming bomb on gaza

07-19-2014, 12:02 PM
http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/upload/thumb/830_74893.jpg (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5662-how-israelis-are-allerting-to-incoming-bomb-on-gaza) again i dont see any hamas soldiers there......if that home used by hamas as shield so alert them is stupid act because on that way hamas can vacates that home and israel cant kill them.........if that home is just simple home that is targeted like hundreds of palistinians homes so as i said they are killing civilianhttp://www.apacheclips.com/boards/vbtube/images/play_thread.png (http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/5662-how-israelis-are-allerting-to-incoming-bomb-on-gaza)

07-19-2014, 06:14 PM
Brother I tell You...You are not going to convert anyone around here with this shit. Save a little face & at least try to be somewhat subtle about it & You might get a little more of point taken

07-19-2014, 07:13 PM
Newsflash: they already told people to fuck off there some time ago before they even started the ground offensive.

07-20-2014, 12:51 AM
@Seal you are from Iran and here on this site, everyone is from the US and its allied country and then some. This video tell you something 1, they had to have eyes on to hit that building.2. mortars have a range from 1-2 miles and it has to have eyes on for a a shot to be anywhere accurate 3.hamas has long been know to use civilians as cover for there operations. So if the Israeli's fired a warning shot to get them out of the building before whatever hits it is a good thing, wouldn't you agree and a Question for you.
Have you ever seen or heard Hamas giving a warning of any proximity,of where there are shooting there rockets or sending suicide bombers ?
I have been around along dam time and this shit between Palestine and Israel is nothing new to me.
Hamas attacks Israel and Israel hits back. Hamas hits and they kill innocent civilians they do not try to hit military targets or any kind of places where there military is, they only point the rockets toward city's and fire them not even knowing where they are going to land .They do that only when the confront the Israeli soldiers patrolling and they do it with rocks, The Hamas military groups are a bunch of chicken shit motherfuckers that will even use there own children to confront a well established military
So if you think Hamas is a brave group protecting there citizens, you are dead wrong they are only getting them killed by living amongest them and braingwashing them that lsrael is the enemy. When Hamas is its own people's enemy.
I bet if Hamas would stop there indiscrimnate killing of the Israeli's that all this would stop.
One more thing I like to add If there god alah would want war? In the name of the religion of peace? Also do you think that not just this war but other wars would be happening in the world or we would have terrorists if you doing it for some other messed up reason. Why do you think that these praisers of alah want war? Because they want things there way or no way at all and they cannot stand the idea of people be free or educated If you dont think what i have said is true, Check yourself into the next physch hospital you need it

07-20-2014, 08:57 AM
Weak.... if you see thier drone use and how they track these "Hamas" fighters then you would know that obviosuly it was connected in some strange way to "hamas"

07-20-2014, 10:09 AM
so if they are sure they are hamas soldiers so why alert them by calling..........its stupid.........or why alert them by small bomb.........if idf is sure about them should kill them immediately and dosent let them...........but they alert them.......why because idf dosent sure they are hamas soldiers.......and now think how many of their air strikes are accurate and are based on true information............they just bombs a house because maybe something there...........

07-20-2014, 10:30 AM
It is not for warning Hamas but for warning civillians...

07-20-2014, 12:30 PM
Seal666 - Your obvious bias about teh conflict for what ever reason. Here's an idea. You support, hide, illistrate traits of Hamas and they blow you or your property to meet budda, alah, jesus who ever you bow down to... Thats what going on here. They are actually showing a ton of restraint.

07-20-2014, 03:25 PM
Seal666 - explain and defend this...then understand that THIS is why shit happens...


07-21-2014, 02:56 AM
ohhhhhhhhh god please....how many time should i correct lies of liars.
the fucking name of this fuck terrorist group is jesh-al-mojahedin..
this is their fucking twitt page : https://twitter.com/MojahdinArmy

and this is upper video but by true info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH3a87_29Lo

now explain this nash...............

07-21-2014, 07:09 AM
When you hide your combatants and rockets within the general public, you are bound to get collateral damage. Isreal gives notice to try to limit the colateral damage as much as possible.
There was a video on here before of a grandpa helping a dozen kids pull the cord on a mortar...but I bet if there was an air strike on that mortar you'd cry foul because the kids were killed.
DON'T USE KIDS IN WAR! it's a simple concept.

07-21-2014, 11:24 AM
Ho Chi Min had the public strategy that if you can not destroy your enemy on the battlefield, destroy them in their own press. It worked. It also demonstrated the absolute disregard for innocents on the part of the liars, and the absolute ignorance of those believing the liars. Fight the ignorance with the repeated messages of truth and reality.